blob: ab3efae32289ef1eeb59cfbe6312b9a97c595ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Call the trap with the handler as the this value, the target as the first
* argument, the name of the property as the second argument, and the receiver
* as the third argument
var target = {};
for (var key of ['foo', Symbol.iterator]) {
handler = {};
for (let p of [new Proxy(target, handler), Proxy.revocable(target, handler).proxy]) {
handler.get =
function (target1, name, receiver) {
assertEq(this, handler);
assertEq(target1, target);
assertEq(name, key);
assertEq(receiver, p);
called = true;
var called = false;
assertEq(p[key], undefined);
assertEq(called, true);