blob: 69192e6caecb7221adeb1ca31dea5b1c2d39a296 [file] [log] [blame]
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
var gTestfile = 'stringify-replacer-array-hijinks.js';
var BUGNUMBER = 648471;
var summary =
"Better/more correct handling for replacer arrays with getter array index " +
print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);
var bigOdd = Math.pow(2, 50) + 1;
function two()
return Math.random() < 0.5 ? 2 : "2";
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [1, 1]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [1, "1"]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [1, bigOdd % two()]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, ["1", 1]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, ["1", "1"]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, ["1", bigOdd % two()]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [bigOdd % two(), 1]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [bigOdd % two(), "1"]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [bigOdd % two(), bigOdd % two()]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [1, new String(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [1, new Number(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, ["1", new Number(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, ["1", new String(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [bigOdd % two(), new Number(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [bigOdd % two(), new String(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [new String(1), new String(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [new String(1), new Number(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [new Number(1), new String(1)]), '{"1":1}');
assertEq(JSON.stringify({ 1: 1 }, [new Number(1), new Number(1)]), '{"1":1}');
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(true, true);
print("Tests complete");