blob: 1a0ad566bcfded7a501bd5953ce51f96b385d992 [file] [log] [blame]
* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* Create a prototype object with a setter property. */
var protoSetterCount;
var proto = ({ set x(v) { protoSetterCount++; } });
/* Put a watchpoint on that setter. */
var protoWatchCount;'x', function() { protoWatchCount++; });
/* Make an object with the above as its prototype. */
function C() { }
C.prototype = proto;
var o = new C();
* Set a watchpoint on the property in the inheriting object. We have
* defined this to mean "duplicate the property, setter and all, in the
* inheriting object." I don't think debugging observation mechanisms
* should mutate the program being run, but that's what we've got.
var oWatchCount;'x', function() { oWatchCount++; });
* Assign to the property. This should trip the watchpoint on the inheriting object and
* the setter.
protoSetterCount = protoWatchCount = oWatchCount = 0;
o.x = 1;
assertEq(protoWatchCount, 0);
assertEq(oWatchCount, 1);
assertEq(protoSetterCount, 1);
reportCompare(true, true);