blob: 6495a96fd9acb0701be354d4edc9d4837646d43b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
// Test corner cases involving Reflect methods' propertyKey arguments.
// keys - Array of propertyKey values to be tested.
// Each element of this array is a record with these properties:
// * value: a value that will be passed as a property key
// to the various Reflect methods;
// * expected: (optional) the string or symbol that ToPropertyKey(value)
// should return. If this is omitted, ToPropertyKey(value) === value.
var keys = [
{value: null, expected: "null"},
{value: undefined, expected: "undefined"},
{value: true, expected: "true"},
{value: 42, expected: "42"},
{value: "string"},
{value: ""},
{value: "string with \0"},
{value: new String("ok"), expected: "ok"},
{value: Symbol("sym")},
{value: Symbol.iterator},
{value: Object(Symbol.for("comet")), expected: Symbol.for("comet")},
value: {
toString() { return "key"; },
valueOf() { return "bad"; }
expected: "key"
value: {
toString: undefined,
valueOf() { return "fallback"; }
expected: "fallback"
value: {
[Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) { return hint; }
expected: "string"
value: {
[Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) { return Symbol.for(hint); }
expected: Symbol.for("string")
for (var {value, expected} of keys) {
if (expected === undefined)
expected = value;
var obj = {};
assertEq(Reflect.defineProperty(obj, value, {value: 1, configurable: true}), true);
assertDeepEq(Reflect.ownKeys(obj), [expected]);
assertDeepEq(Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, value),
{value: 1,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true});
assertEq(Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, value), true);
assertEq(Reflect.has(obj, value), false);
assertEq(Reflect.set(obj, value, 113), true);
assertEq(obj[expected], 113);
assertEq(Reflect.has(obj, value), true);
assertEq(Reflect.get(obj, value), 113);
// ToPropertyKey can throw.
var exc = {};
var badKey = {toString() { throw exc; }};
var methodNames = ["defineProperty", "deleteProperty", "has", "get", "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "set"];
for (var name of methodNames) {
assertThrowsValue(() => Reflect[name]({}, badKey), exc);
reportCompare(0, 0);