blob: 33e089a7a8bdc3181732fbabf43e18fd0da8f37d [file] [log] [blame]
const constructors = [
Float64Array ];
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer != "undefined")
// Tests for TypedArray#every.
for (var constructor of constructors) {
assertEq(constructor.prototype.every.length, 1);
// Basic tests.
assertEq(new constructor([1, 3, 5]).every(v => v % 2), true);
assertEq(new constructor([1, 3, 5]).every(v => v > 2), false);
assertEq(new constructor(10).every(v => v === 0), true);
assertEq(new constructor().every(v => v > 1), true);
var arr = new constructor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
assertEq(arr.every((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
return v < 3;
}), false);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// Tests for `thisArg` argument.
function assertThisArg(thisArg, thisValue) {
// In sloppy mode, `this` could be global object or a wrapper of `thisArg`.
assertEq(arr.every(function() {
assertDeepEq(this, thisValue);
return true;
}, thisArg), true);
// In strict mode, `this` strictly equals `thisArg`.
assertEq(arr.every(function() {
"use strict";
assertDeepEq(this, thisArg);
return true;
}, thisArg), true);
// Passing `thisArg` has no effect if callback is an arrow function.
var self = this;
assertEq(arr.every(() => {
assertEq(this, self);
return true;
}, thisArg), true);
assertThisArg([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
assertThisArg(Object, Object);
assertThisArg(1, Object(1));
assertThisArg("1", Object("1"));
assertThisArg(false, Object(false));
assertThisArg(undefined, this);
assertThisArg(null, this);
// Throw an exception in the callback.
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
var thrown = false;
try {
arr.every((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
if (v === 3) {
throw "every";
return true
} catch(e) {
assertEq(e, "every");
thrown = true;
assertEq(thrown, true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// There is no callback or callback is not a function.
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
var invalidCallbacks = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./];
invalidCallbacks.forEach(callback => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
// Callback is a generator.
throw "This line will not be executed";
// Called from other globals.
if (typeof newGlobal === "function" && !isSharedConstructor(constructor)) {
var every = newGlobal()[].prototype.every;
var sum = 0;
assertEq( constructor([1, 2, 3]), v => sum += v), true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
// Throws if `this` isn't a TypedArray.
var invalidReceivers = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./,
new Proxy(new constructor(), {})];
invalidReceivers.forEach(invalidReceiver => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {, () => true);
}, TypeError, "Assert that every fails if this value is not a TypedArray");
// Test that the length getter is never called.
assertEq(Object.defineProperty(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), "length", {
get() {
throw new Error("length accessor called");
}).every(() => true), true);
assertEq(new Float32Array([undefined, , NaN]).every(v =>, NaN)), true);
assertEq(new Float64Array([undefined, , NaN]).every(v =>, NaN)), true);
// Tests for TypedArray#some.
for (var constructor of constructors) {
assertEq(constructor.prototype.some.length, 1);
// Basic tests.
assertEq(new constructor([1, 2, 3]).some(v => v % 2), true);
assertEq(new constructor([0, 2, 4]).some(v => v % 2), false);
assertEq(new constructor([1, 3, 5]).some(v => v > 2), true);
assertEq(new constructor([1, 3, 5]).some(v => v < 0), false);
assertEq(new constructor(10).some(v => v !== 0), false);
assertEq(new constructor().some(v => v > 1), false);
var arr = new constructor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
assertEq(arr.some((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
return v > 2;
}), true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// Tests for `thisArg` argument.
function assertThisArg(thisArg, thisValue) {
// In sloppy mode, `this` could be global object or a wrapper of `thisArg`.
assertEq(arr.some(function() {
assertDeepEq(this, thisValue);
return false;
}, thisArg), false);
// In strict mode, `this` strictly equals `thisArg`.
assertEq(arr.some(function() {
"use strict";
assertDeepEq(this, thisArg);
return false;
}, thisArg), false);
// Passing `thisArg` has no effect if callback is an arrow function.
var self = this;
assertEq(arr.some(() => {
assertEq(this, self);
return false;
}, thisArg), false);
assertThisArg([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
assertThisArg(Object, Object);
assertThisArg(1, Object(1));
assertThisArg("1", Object("1"));
assertThisArg(false, Object(false));
assertThisArg(undefined, this);
assertThisArg(null, this);
// Throw an exception in the callback.
var sum = 0;
var count = 0;
var thrown = false;
try {
arr.some((v, k, o) => {
sum += v;
assertEq(k, v - 1);
assertEq(o, arr);
if (v === 3) {
throw "some";
return false
} catch(e) {
assertEq(e, "some");
thrown = true;
assertEq(thrown, true);
assertEq(sum, 6);
assertEq(count, 3);
// There is no callback or callback is not a function.
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
var invalidCallbacks = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./];
invalidCallbacks.forEach(callback => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
}, TypeError);
// Callback is a generator.
throw "This line will not be executed";
// Called from other globals.
if (typeof newGlobal === "function" && !isSharedConstructor(constructor)) {
var some = newGlobal()[].prototype.some;
var sum = 0;
assertEq( constructor([1, 2, 3]), v => {
sum += v;
return false;
}), false);
assertEq(sum, 6);
// Throws if `this` isn't a TypedArray.
var invalidReceivers = [undefined, null, 1, false, "", Symbol(), [], {}, /./,
new Proxy(new constructor(), {})];
invalidReceivers.forEach(invalidReceiver => {
assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {, () => true);
}, TypeError, "Assert that some fails if this value is not a TypedArray");
// Test that the length getter is never called.
assertEq(Object.defineProperty(new constructor([1, 2, 3]), "length", {
get() {
throw new Error("length accessor called");
}).some(() => false), false);
assertEq(new Float32Array([undefined, , NaN]).some(v => v === v), false);
assertEq(new Float64Array([undefined, , NaN]).some(v => v === v), false);
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(true, true);