blob: 023f349e7ece88047d09270c64d8b28ad6e8c1b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Synthesize a constructor for a shared memory array from the
// constructor for unshared memory. This has "good enough" fidelity
// for many uses. In cases where it's not good enough, use the
// __isShared__ flags or call isSharedConstructor for local workarounds.
function sharedConstructor(constructor) {
var c = function(...args) {
if (!
throw new TypeError("Not callable");
var array = new constructor(...args);
var buffer = array.buffer;
var offset = array.byteOffset;
var length = array.length;
var sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(buffer.byteLength);
var sharedArray = new constructor(sharedBuffer, offset, length);
for ( var i=0 ; i < length ; i++ )
sharedArray[i] = array[i];
assertEq(sharedArray.buffer, sharedBuffer);
return sharedArray;
c.prototype = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
c.__isShared__ = true;
c.__baseConstructor__ = constructor;
c.from = constructor.from;
c.of = constructor.of;
return c;
function isSharedConstructor(x) {
return typeof x == "function" && x.__isShared__;
function isFloatingConstructor(c) {
return c == Float32Array ||
c == Float64Array ||
(c.hasOwnProperty("__baseConstructor__") &&