blob: b16901092d901214cd78b04a8c82b1359ebbcb9d [file] [log] [blame]
// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("TypedObject"))
var BUGNUMBER = 578700;
var summary = 'TypedObjects StructType structural assignment';
var ArrayType = TypedObject.ArrayType;
var StructType = TypedObject.StructType;
var uint8 = TypedObject.uint8;
var uint16 = TypedObject.uint16;
var uint32 = TypedObject.uint32;
var uint8Clamped = TypedObject.uint8Clamped;
var int8 = TypedObject.int8;
var int16 = TypedObject.int16;
var int32 = TypedObject.int32;
var float32 = TypedObject.float32;
var float64 = TypedObject.float64;
function assertEqColor(c1, c2) {
assertEq(c1.r, c2.r);
assertEq(c1.g, c2.g);
assertEq(c1.b, c2.b);
function runTests() {
var RgbColor = new StructType({r: uint8, g: uint8, b: uint8});
var Fade = new StructType({from: RgbColor, to: RgbColor});
var white = new RgbColor({r: 255, g: 255, b: 255});
var gray = new RgbColor({r: 129, g: 128, b: 127});
var black = new RgbColor({r: 0, g: 0, b: 0});
var fade = new Fade({from: white, to: white});
assertEqColor(white, fade.from);
assertEqColor(white,; = gray;
assertEqColor(white, fade.from);
assertEqColor(gray,; = black;
assertEqColor(white, fade.from);
assertEqColor(black,; = {r: 129, g: 128, b: 127};
assertEqColor(white, fade.from);
fade.from = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
assertEqColor(black, fade.from);
// Create a variation of color which is still binary data but the
// properties are in the wrong order. This will prevent a simple
// memcopy, but it should still work, just on the "slow path".
var BrgColor = new StructType({b: uint8, r: uint8, g: uint8});
var brgGray = new BrgColor(gray);
assertEqColor(gray, brgGray);
fade.from = brgGray;
assertEqColor(gray, fade.from);
// One last test where we have to recursively adapt:
var BrgFade = new StructType({from: BrgColor, to: BrgColor});
var brgFade = new BrgFade(fade);
assertEqColor(brgFade.from, fade.from);
// Test that extra and missing properties are ok:
fade.from = {r: 129, g: 128, b: 127, a: 126};
assertEqColor(fade.from, gray);
// Missing properties are just treated as undefined:
fade.from = {r: 129, g: 128};
assertEq(fade.from.r, 129);
assertEq(fade.from.g, 128);
assertEq(fade.from.b, 0);
// Which means weird stuff like this is legal:
fade.from = [];
assertEqColor(fade.from, black);
fade.from = {};
assertEqColor(fade.from, black);
// But assignment from a scalar is NOT:
var failed = false;
try {
civic.color = 5;
} catch(e) { failed = true; }
if (!failed) throw new Exception("Should have thrown");
reportCompare(true, true);
print("Tests complete");