blob: 16c25bf9dbafcfbea254558e583a5f7995e7755a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
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File Name: regexparg-1.js
Regression test for
Passing a regular expression as the first constructor argument fails
Date: 15 June 1998
var SECTION = "JS_1.2";
var VERSION = "JS_1.2";
var TITLE = "The variable statement";
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
print("Note: Bug 61911 changed the behavior of typeof regexp in Gecko 1.9.");
print("Prior to Gecko 1.9, typeof regexp returned 'function'.");
print("However in Gecko 1.9 and later, typeof regexp will return 'object'.");
function f(x) {return x;}
x = f(/abc/);
new TestCase( SECTION,
"function f(x) {return x;}; f()",
void 0,
f() );
new TestCase( SECTION,
f("hi") );
new TestCase( SECTION,
"new f(/abc/) +''",
new f(/abc/) +"" );
new TestCase( SECTION,
f(/abc/) +'');
new TestCase( SECTION,
"typeof f(/abc/)",
typeof f(/abc/) );
new TestCase( SECTION,
"typeof new f(/abc/)",
typeof new f(/abc/) );
new TestCase( SECTION,
"x = new f(/abc/); x.exec(\"hi\")",
x.exec("hi") );
// js> x()