blob: 1ea5a34d50d6f7a3dac643964d69ac53d779da18 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* File Name: regress-7703.js
* Reference: "";
* Description: See the text of the bugnumber above
var SECTION = "js1_2"; // provide a document reference (ie, ECMA section)
var VERSION = "JS1_2"; // Version of JavaScript or ECMA
var TITLE = "Regression test for bugzilla # 7703"; // Provide ECMA section title or a description
var BUGNUMBER = ""; // Provide URL to bugsplat or bugzilla report
startTest(); // leave this alone
* Calls to AddTestCase here. AddTestCase is a function that is defined
* in shell.js and takes three arguments:
* - a string representation of what is being tested
* - the expected result
* - the actual result
* For example, a test might look like this:
* var zip = /[\d]{5}$/;
* AddTestCase(
* "zip = /[\d]{5}$/; \"PO Box 12345 Boston, MA 02134\".match(zip)", // description of the test
* "02134", // expected result
* "PO Box 12345 Boston, MA 02134".match(zip) ); // actual result
types = [];
function inspect(object) {
for (prop in object) {
var x = object[prop];
types[types.length] = (typeof x);
var o = {a: 1, b: 2};
AddTestCase( "inspect(o),length", 2, types.length );
AddTestCase( "inspect(o)[0]", "number", types[0] );
AddTestCase( "inspect(o)[1]", "number", types[1] );
types_2 = [];
function inspect_again(object) {
for (prop in object) {
types_2[types_2.length] = (typeof object[prop]);
AddTestCase( "inspect_again(o),length", 2, types.length );
AddTestCase( "inspect_again(o)[0]", "number", types[0] );
AddTestCase( "inspect_again(o)[1]", "number", types[1] );
test(); // leave this alone. this executes the test cases and
// displays results.