blob: ea163790aa62376a91672718d820a05cf64ec96b [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
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var BUGNUMBER = 363040;
var summary = 'Array.prototype.reduce application in continued fraction';
var actual = '';
var expect = '';
function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printStatus (summary);
// Print x as a continued fraction in compact abbreviated notation and return
// the convergent [n, d] such that x - (n / d) <= epsilon.
function contfrac(x, epsilon) {
let i = Math.floor(x);
let a = [i];
x = x - i;
let maxerr = x;
while (maxerr > epsilon) {
x = 1 / x;
i = Math.floor(x);
x = x - i;
maxerr = x * maxerr / i;
return a.reduceRight(function (x, y) {return [x[0] * y + x[1], x[0]];}, [1, 0]);
if (!Array.prototype.reduceRight)
print('Test skipped. Array.prototype.reduceRight not implemented');
// Show contfrac in action on some interesting numbers.
for each (num in [Math.PI, Math.sqrt(2), 1 / (Math.sqrt(Math.E) - 1)]) {
print('Continued fractions for', num);
for each (eps in [1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-7, 1e-10]) {
let frac = contfrac(num, eps);
let est = frac[0] / frac[1];
let err = num - est;
print(uneval(frac), est, err);
reportCompare(expect, actual, summary);
exitFunc ('test');