blob: 9986ccd61175aaefa3c38bf3b2baddc8f4ab341e [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* Contributor: Jason Orendorff
var BUGNUMBER = 452498;
var summary = 'TM: upvar2 regression tests';
var actual = '';
var expect = '';
function test()
enterFunc ('test');
printStatus (summary);
// ------- Comment #52 From Jason Orendorff
// Crash in NoteLValue, called from BindDestructuringVar.
// NoteLValue assumes pn->pn_lexdef is non-null, but here
// pn is itself the definition of x.
for (var [x] in null) ;
// This one only crashes when executed from a file.
// Assertion failure: pn != dn->dn_uses, at ../jsparse.cpp:1131
for (var f in null)
var f = 1;
// Assertion failure: pnu->pn_cookie == FREE_UPVAR_COOKIE, at ../jsemit.cpp:1815
// In EmitEnterBlock. x has one use, which is pnu here.
// pnu is indeed a name, but pnu->pn_cookie is 0.
try { eval('let (x = 1) { var x; }'); } catch(ex) {}
// Assertion failure: cg->upvars.lookup(atom), at ../jsemit.cpp:1992
// atom="x", upvars is empty.
(1 for each (x in x));
reportCompare(expect, actual, summary);
exitFunc ('test');