blob: 4bf7b45904860a6b5612489e17e5ca0e2c735079 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* [[Get]](P) method should return value when property P does not exist in instance but prototype contain it
* @path ch08/8.12/8.12.3/S8.12.3_A1.js
* @description Try to get P when property P does not exist in instance but prototype contain it
//Establish foo object
function FooObj(){}; FooObj.prototype.propFoo="some";
// Invoke instance of foo object
var __obj= new FooObj;
if (__obj.propFoo !== "some"){
$ERROR('#1: function FooObj(){}; FooObj.prototype.propFoo="some"; var __obj= new FooObj; __obj.propFoo === "some". Actual: ' + (__obj.propFoo));
if (__obj['propFoo'] !== "some"){
$ERROR('#1: function FooObj(){}; FooObj.prototype.propFoo="some"; var __obj= new FooObj; __obj[\'propFoo\'] === "some". Actual: ' + (__obj['propFoo']));