blob: 89872cd4c0d3c65f3df798d5c915f316f4c3c8e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* Empty string, 0, false are all equal (==) to each other, since they all evaluate to 0
* @path ch08/8.4/S8.4_A8.js
* @description Compare empty string with undefined, null, 0 and false
var str='';
// CHECK#1
if (str == undefined){
$ERROR('#1: Empty string and undefined are not equal (!=) to each other');
// CHECK#2
if (str == null){
$ERROR('#1: Empty string and Null are not equal (!=) to each other');
// CHECK#3
if (str != 0){
$ERROR('#3: Empty string and 0 are equal (==) to each other, since they all evaluate to 0');
// CHECK#4
if (str != false){
$ERROR('#4: Empty string and false are equal (==) to each other, since they all evaluate to 0');