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* Changing the Reference of an Object While Maintaining Integrity
* @path ch08/8.7/S8.7_A3.js
* @description Create a reference to the array, and redefine original array with new array
// Set items to an array (object) of strings
var items = new Array( "one", "two", "three" );
// Set itemsRef to a reference to items
var itemsRef = items;
// Set items to equal a new object
items = new Array( "new", "array" );
// items and itemsRef now point to different objects.
// items points to new Array( "new", "array" )
// itemsRef points to new Array( "one", "two", "three" )
if( items == itemsRef ){
$ERROR('#1: var items = new Array( "one", "two", "three" ); var itemsRef = items; items = new Array( "new", "array" ); items != itemsRef');