blob: a256790162da6939583f4e7bdf53fb9c89fed59d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* ToObject conversion from Object: The result is the input
* argument (no conversion)
* @path ch09/9.9/S9.9_A6.js
* @description Converting from Objects to Object
function MyObject( val ) {
this.value = val;
this.valueOf = function (){ return this.value; }
var x = new MyObject(1);
var y = Object(x);
// CHECK#1
if (y.valueOf() !== x.valueOf()){
$ERROR('#1: Object(obj).valueOf() === obj.valueOf(). Actual: ' + (Object(obj).valueOf()));
// CHECK#2
if (typeof y !== typeof x){
$ERROR('#2: typeof Object(obj) === typeof obj. Actual: ' + (typeof Object(obj)));
// CHECK#3
if (y.constructor.prototype !== x.constructor.prototype){
$ERROR('#3: Object(obj).constructor.prototype === obj.constructor.prototype. Actual: ' + (Object(obj).constructor.prototype));
// CHECK#4
if (y !== x){
$ERROR('#4: Object(obj) === obj');