blob: dd195d8098cb3706dd99516ad40a55c3278bedaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* If y is NaN, return false (if result in 11.8.5 is undefined, return false)
* @path ch11/11.8/11.8.3/S11.8.3_A4.2.js
* @description x is number primitive
if ((0 <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#1: (0 <= NaN) === false');
if ((1.1 <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#2: (1.1 <= NaN) === false');
if ((-1.1 <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#3: (-1.1 <= NaN) === false');
if ((Number.NaN <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#4: (NaN <= NaN) === false');
if ((Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#5: (+Infinity <= NaN) === false');
if ((Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#6: (-Infinity <= NaN) === false');
if ((Number.MAX_VALUE <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#7: (Number.MAX_VALUE <= NaN) === false');
if ((Number.MIN_VALUE <= Number.NaN) !== false) {
$ERROR('#8: (Number.MIN_VALUE <= NaN) === false');