blob: 96f2ded29bdffdb0b75da05bf29192ff18ef0114 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
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* Deleting property using "eval" statement containing "with" statement
* @path ch12/12.10/S12.10_A5_T4.js
* @description Deleting object property
* @noStrict
this.p1 = 'a';
var myObj = {
p1: {a:"hello"},
eval("with(myObj){del = delete p1}");
if(myObj.p1.a === "hello"){
$ERROR('#1: myObj.p1.a !== "hello" ');
}catch(e){var x=1};
if(x !== 1){
$ERROR('#1: x === 1. Actual: x ==='+ x );
if(myObj.p1 !== undefined){
$ERROR('#2: myObj.p1 === undefined . Actual: myObj.p1 ==='+ myObj.p1 );
if(myObj.del !== true){
$ERROR('#3: myObj.del === true . Actual: myObj.del ==='+ myObj.del );
if(myObj.p1 === 'a'){
$ERROR('#4: myObj.p1 !== \'a\'');