blob: 4ba50e7177a025eaa69878d49c080758d5210cae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
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* ''arguments'' variable overrides ActivationObject.arguments
* @path ch13/13.0/S13_A15_T3.js
* @description Declaring a variable named with "arguments" without a function
THE_ANSWER="Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything";
var arguments = THE_ANSWER;
function __func(arguments){
return arguments;
if (typeof __func() !== "undefined") {
$ERROR('#1: typeof __func() === "undefined". Actual: typeof __func() ==='+typeof __func());
if (__func("The Ultimate Question") !== "The Ultimate Question") {
$ERROR('#2: __func("The Ultimate Question") === "The Ultimate Question". Actual: __func("The Ultimate Question")==='+__func("The Ultimate Question"));