blob: a437f51b528675cdca22201ded22171085c78992 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import os
import posixpath
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class ADBProcess(object):
"""ADBProcess encapsulates the data related to executing the adb process."""
def __init__(self, args):
#: command argument argument list.
self.args = args
#: Temporary file handle to be used for stdout.
self.stdout_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
#: Temporary file handle to be used for stderr.
self.stderr_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
#: boolean indicating if the command timed out.
self.timedout = None
#: exitcode of the process.
self.exitcode = None
#: subprocess Process object used to execute the command.
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args,
def stdout(self):
"""Return the contents of stdout."""
if not self.stdout_file or self.stdout_file.closed:
content = ""
else:, os.SEEK_SET)
content =
return content
def stderr(self):
"""Return the contents of stderr."""
if not self.stderr_file or self.stderr_file.closed:
content = ""
else:, os.SEEK_SET)
content =
return content
def __str__(self):
return ('args: %s, exitcode: %s, stdout: %s, stderr: %s' % (
' '.join(self.args), self.exitcode, self.stdout, self.stderr))
# ADBError, ADBRootError, and ADBTimeoutError are treated
# differently in order that unhandled ADBRootErrors and
# ADBTimeoutErrors can be handled distinctly from ADBErrors.
class ADBError(Exception):
"""ADBError is raised in situations where a command executed on a
device either exited with a non-zero exitcode or when an
unexpected error condition has occurred. Generally, ADBErrors can
be handled and the device can continue to be used.
class ADBRootError(Exception):
"""ADBRootError is raised when a shell command is to be executed as
root but the device does not support it. This error is fatal since
there is no recovery possible by the script. You must either root
your device or change your scripts to not require running as root.
class ADBTimeoutError(Exception):
"""ADBTimeoutError is raised when either a host command or shell
command takes longer than the specified timeout to execute. The
timeout value is set in the ADBCommand constructor and is 300 seconds by
default. This error is typically fatal since the host is having
problems communicating with the device. You may be able to recover
by rebooting, but this is not guaranteed.
Recovery options are:
* Killing and restarting the adb server via
adb kill-server; adb start-server
* Rebooting the device manually.
* Rebooting the host.
class ADBCommand(object):
"""ADBCommand provides a basic interface to adb commands
which is used to provide the 'command' methods for the
classes ADBHost and ADBDevice.
ADBCommand should only be used as the base class for other
classes and should not be instantiated directly. To enforce this
restriction calling ADBCommand's constructor will raise a
NonImplementedError exception.
from mozdevice import ADBCommand
adbcommand = ADBCommand()
except NotImplementedError:
print "ADBCommand can not be instantiated."
def __init__(self,
"""Initializes the ADBCommand object.
:param str adb: path to adb executable. Defaults to 'adb'.
:param adb_host: host of the adb server.
:type adb_host: str or None
:param adb_port: port of the adb server.
:type adb_port: integer or None
:param str logger_name: logging logger name. Defaults to 'adb'.
:raises: * ADBError
* ADBTimeoutError
if self.__class__ == ADBCommand:
raise NotImplementedError
self._logger = self._get_logger(logger_name)
self._verbose = verbose
self._adb_path = adb
self._adb_host = adb_host
self._adb_port = adb_port
self._timeout = timeout
self._polling_interval = 0.1
self._logger.debug("%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__,
# catch early a missing or non executable adb command
subprocess.Popen([adb, 'help'],
except Exception, exc:
raise ADBError('%s: %s is not executable.' % (exc, adb))
def _get_logger(self, logger_name):
logger = None
import mozlog
logger = mozlog.get_default_logger(logger_name)
except ImportError:
if logger is None:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
return logger
# Host Command methods
def command(self, cmds, device_serial=None, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host.
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be
:param device_serial: The device's
serial number if the adb command is to be executed against
a specific device.
:type device_serial: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBCommand constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: :class:`mozdevice.ADBProcess`
command() provides a low level interface for executing
commands on the host via adb.
command() executes on the host in such a fashion that stdout
and stderr of the adb process are file handles on the host and
the exit code is available as the exit code of the adb
The caller provides a list containing commands, as well as a
timeout period in seconds.
A subprocess is spawned to execute adb with stdout and stderr
directed to temporary files. If the process takes longer than
the specified timeout, the process is terminated.
It is the caller's responsibilty to clean up by closing
the stdout and stderr temporary files.
args = [self._adb_path]
if self._adb_host:
args.extend(['-H', self._adb_host])
if self._adb_port:
args.extend(['-P', str(self._adb_port)])
if device_serial:
args.extend(['-s', device_serial, 'wait-for-device'])
adb_process = ADBProcess(args)
if timeout is None:
timeout = self._timeout
start_time = time.time()
adb_process.exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll()
while ((time.time() - start_time) <= timeout and
adb_process.exitcode == None):
adb_process.exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll()
if adb_process.exitcode == None:
adb_process.timedout = True
adb_process.exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll(), os.SEEK_SET), os.SEEK_SET)
return adb_process
def command_output(self, cmds, device_serial=None, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host returning stdout.
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be
:param device_serial: The device's
serial number if the adb command is to be executed against
a specific device.
:type device_serial: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBCommand constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string - content of stdout.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
adb_process = None
# Need to force the use of the ADBCommand class's command
# since ADBDevice will redefine command and call its
# own version otherwise.
adb_process = ADBCommand.command(self, cmds,
if adb_process.timedout:
raise ADBTimeoutError("%s" % adb_process)
elif adb_process.exitcode:
raise ADBError("%s" % adb_process)
output =
if self._verbose:
self._logger.debug('command_output: %s, '
'timeout: %s, '
'timedout: %s, '
'exitcode: %s, output: %s' %
(' '.join(adb_process.args),
return output
if adb_process and isinstance(adb_process.stdout_file, file):
class ADBHost(ADBCommand):
"""ADBHost provides a basic interface to adb host commands
which do not target a specific device.
from mozdevice import ADBHost
adbhost = ADBHost()
def __init__(self,
"""Initializes the ADBHost object.
:param str adb: path to adb executable. Defaults to 'adb'.
:param adb_host: host of the adb server.
:type adb_host: str or None
:param adb_port: port of the adb server.
:type adb_port: integer or None
:param str logger_name: logging logger name. Defaults to 'adb'.
:raises: * ADBError
* ADBTimeoutError
ADBCommand.__init__(self, adb=adb, adb_host=adb_host,
adb_port=adb_port, logger_name=logger_name,
timeout=timeout, verbose=verbose)
def command(self, cmds, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host.
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBHost constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: :class:`mozdevice.ADBProcess`
command() provides a low level interface for executing
commands on the host via adb.
command() executes on the host in such a fashion that stdout
and stderr of the adb process are file handles on the host and
the exit code is available as the exit code of the adb
The caller provides a list containing commands, as well as a
timeout period in seconds.
A subprocess is spawned to execute adb with stdout and stderr
directed to temporary files. If the process takes longer than
the specified timeout, the process is terminated.
It is the caller's responsibilty to clean up by closing
the stdout and stderr temporary files.
return ADBCommand.command(self, cmds, timeout=timeout)
def command_output(self, cmds, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host returning stdout.
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBHost constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string - content of stdout.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
return ADBCommand.command_output(self, cmds, timeout=timeout)
def start_server(self, timeout=None):
"""Starts the adb server.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBHost constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
Attempting to use start_server with any adb_host value other than None
will fail with an ADBError exception.
You will need to start the server on the remote host via the command:
.. code-block:: shell
adb -a fork-server server
If you wish the remote adb server to restart automatically, you can
enclose the command in a loop as in:
.. code-block:: shell
while true; do
adb -a fork-server server
self.command_output(["start-server"], timeout=timeout)
def kill_server(self, timeout=None):
"""Kills the adb server.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBHost constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
self.command_output(["kill-server"], timeout=timeout)
def devices(self, timeout=None):
"""Executes adb devices -l and returns a list of objects describing attached devices.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBHost constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: an object contain
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
The output of adb devices -l ::
$ adb devices -l
List of devices attached
b313b945 device usb:1-7 product:d2vzw model:SCH_I535 device:d2vzw
is parsed and placed into an object as in
[{'device_serial': 'b313b945', 'state': 'device', 'product': 'd2vzw',
'usb': '1-7', 'device': 'd2vzw', 'model': 'SCH_I535' }]
# b313b945 device usb:1-7 product:d2vzw model:SCH_I535 device:d2vzw
# from Android system/core/adb/transport.c statename()
re_device_info = re.compile(r'([^\s]+)\s+(offline|bootloader|device|host|recovery|sideload|no permissions|unauthorized|unknown)')
devices = []
lines = self.command_output(["devices", "-l"], timeout=timeout).split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line == 'List of devices attached ':
match = re_device_info.match(line)
if match:
device = {
remainder = line[match.end(2):].strip()
if remainder:
for j in remainder.split(' ')]))
except ValueError:
self._logger.warning('devices: Unable to parse '
'remainder for device %s' % line)
return devices
class ADBDevice(ADBCommand):
"""ADBDevice is an abstract base class which provides methods which
can be used to interact with the associated Android or B2G based
device. It must be used via one of the concrete implementations in
:class:`ADBAndroid` or :class:`ADBB2G`.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self,
"""Initializes the ADBDevice object.
:param device: When a string is passed, it is interpreted as the
device serial number. This form is not compatible with
devices containing a ":" in the serial; in this case
ValueError will be raised.
When a dictionary is passed it must have one or both of
the keys "device_serial" and "usb". This is compatible
with the dictionaries in the list returned by
ADBHost.devices(). If the value of device_serial is a
valid serial not containing a ":" it will be used to
identify the device, otherwise the value of the usb key,
prefixed with "usb:" is used.
If None is passed and there is exactly one device attached
to the host, that device is used. If there is more than one
device attached, ValueError is raised. If no device is
attached the constructor will block until a device is
attached or the timeout is reached.
:type device: dict, str or None
:param adb_host: host of the adb server to connect to.
:type adb_host: str or None
:param adb_port: port of the adb server to connect to.
:type adb_port: integer or None
:param str logger_name: logging logger name. Defaults to 'adb'.
:param integer device_ready_retry_wait: number of seconds to wait
between attempts to check if the device is ready after a
:param integer device_ready_retry_attempts: number of attempts when
checking if a device is ready.
:raises: * ADBError
* ADBTimeoutError
* ValueError
ADBCommand.__init__(self, adb=adb, adb_host=adb_host,
adb_port=adb_port, logger_name=logger_name,
timeout=timeout, verbose=verbose)
self._device_serial = self._get_device_serial(device)
self._initial_test_root = test_root
self._test_root = None
self._device_ready_retry_wait = device_ready_retry_wait
self._device_ready_retry_attempts = device_ready_retry_attempts
self._have_root_shell = False
self._have_su = False
self._have_android_su = False
# Catch exceptions due to the potential for segfaults
# calling su when using an improperly rooted device.
# Note this check to see if adbd is running is performed on
# the device in the state it exists in when the ADBDevice is
# initialized. It may be the case that it has been manipulated
# since its last boot and that its current state does not
# match the state the device will have immediately after a
# reboot. For example, if adb root was called manually prior
# to ADBDevice being initialized, then self._have_root_shell
# will not reflect the state of the device after it has been
# rebooted again. Therefore this check will need to be
# performed again after a reboot.
uid = 'uid=0'
# Do we have a 'Superuser' sh like su?
if self.shell_output("su -c id", timeout=timeout).find(uid) != -1:
self._have_su = True"su -c supported")
except ADBError:
self._logger.debug("Check for su -c failed")
# Do we have Android's su?
if self.shell_output("su 0 id", timeout=timeout).find(uid) != -1:
self._have_android_su = True"su 0 supported")
except ADBError:
self._logger.debug("Check for su 0 failed")
self._mkdir_p = None
# Force the use of /system/bin/ls or /system/xbin/ls in case
# there is /sbin/ls which embeds ansi escape codes to colorize
# the output. Detect if we are using busybox ls. We want each
# entry on a single line and we don't want . or ..
if self.shell_bool("/system/bin/ls /", timeout=timeout):
self._ls = "/system/bin/ls"
elif self.shell_bool("/system/xbin/ls /", timeout=timeout):
self._ls = "/system/xbin/ls"
raise ADBError("ADBDevice.__init__: ls not found")
self.shell_output("%s -1A /" % self._ls, timeout=timeout)
self._ls += " -1A"
except ADBError:
self._ls += " -a"
# Do we have cp?
self._have_cp = self.shell_bool("type cp", timeout=timeout)
self._logger.debug("ADBDevice: %s" % self.__dict__)
def _get_device_serial(self, device):
if device is None:
devices = ADBHost(adb=self._adb_path, adb_host=self._adb_host,
if len(devices) > 1:
raise ValueError("ADBDevice called with multiple devices "
"attached and no device specified")
elif len(devices) == 0:
# We could error here, but this way we'll wait-for-device before we next
# run a command, which seems more friendly
device = devices[0]
def is_valid_serial(serial):
return ":" not in serial or serial.startswith("usb:")
if isinstance(device, (str, unicode)):
# Treat this as a device serial
if not is_valid_serial(device):
raise ValueError("Device serials containing ':' characters are "
"invalid. Pass the output from "
"ADBHost.devices() for the device instead")
return device
serial = device.get("device_serial")
if serial is not None and is_valid_serial(serial):
return serial
usb = device.get("usb")
if usb is not None:
return "usb:%s" % usb
raise ValueError("Unable to get device serial")
def _check_adb_root(self, timeout=None):
self._have_root_shell = False
uid = 'uid=0'
# Is shell already running as root?
if self.shell_output("id", timeout=timeout).find(uid) != -1:
self._have_root_shell = True"adbd running as root")
except ADBError:
self._logger.debug("Check for root shell failed")
# Do we need to run adb root to get a root shell?
if (not self._have_root_shell and
timeout=timeout).find("cannot run as root") == -1):
self._have_root_shell = True"adbd restarted as root")
except ADBError:
self._logger.debug("Check for root adbd failed")
def _escape_command_line(cmd):
"""Utility function to return escaped and quoted version of command
quoted_cmd = []
for arg in cmd:
arg.replace('&', '\&')
needs_quoting = False
for char in [' ', '(', ')', '"', '&']:
if arg.find(char) >= 0:
needs_quoting = True
if needs_quoting:
arg = "'%s'" % arg
return " ".join(quoted_cmd)
def _get_exitcode(file_obj):
"""Get the exitcode from the last line of the file_obj for shell
""", os.SEEK_END)
line = ''
length = file_obj.tell()
offset = 1
while length - offset >= 0:, os.SEEK_END)
char =
if not char:
if char != '\r' and char != '\n':
line = char + line
elif line:
# we have collected everything up to the beginning of the line
offset += 1
match = re.match(r'rc=([0-9]+)', line)
if match:
exitcode = int(, os.SEEK_CUR)
exitcode = None
return exitcode
def test_root(self):
The test_root property returns the directory on the device where
temporary test files are stored.
The first time test_root it is called it determines and caches a value
for the test root on the device. It determines the appropriate test
root by attempting to create a 'dummy' directory on each of a list of
directories and returning the first successful directory as the
test_root value.
The default list of directories checked by test_root are:
- /storage/sdcard0/tests
- /storage/sdcard1/tests
- /sdcard/tests
- /mnt/sdcard/tests
- /data/local/tests
You may override the default list by providing a test_root argument to
the :class:`ADBDevice` constructor which will then be used when
attempting to create the 'dummy' directory.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
if self._test_root is not None:
return self._test_root
if self._initial_test_root:
paths = [self._initial_test_root]
paths = ['/storage/sdcard0/tests',
max_attempts = 3
for attempt in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
for test_root in paths:
self._logger.debug("Setting test root to %s attempt %d of %d" %
(test_root, attempt, max_attempts))
if self._try_test_root(test_root):
self._test_root = test_root
return self._test_root
self._logger.debug('_setup_test_root: '
'Attempt %d of %d failed to set test_root to %s' %
(attempt, max_attempts, test_root))
if attempt != max_attempts:
raise ADBError("Unable to set up test root using paths: [%s]"
% ", ".join(paths))
def _try_test_root(self, test_root):
base_path, sub_path = posixpath.split(test_root)
if not self.is_dir(base_path):
return False
dummy_dir = posixpath.join(test_root, 'dummy')
if self.is_dir(dummy_dir):
self.rm(dummy_dir, recursive=True)
self.mkdir(dummy_dir, parents=True)
except ADBError:
self._logger.debug("%s is not writable" % test_root)
return False
return True
# Host Command methods
def command(self, cmds, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host against the device.
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: :class:`mozdevice.ADBProcess`
command() provides a low level interface for executing
commands for a specific device on the host via adb.
command() executes on the host in such a fashion that stdout
and stderr of the adb process are file handles on the host and
the exit code is available as the exit code of the adb
For executing shell commands on the device, use The caller provides a list containing
commands, as well as a timeout period in seconds.
A subprocess is spawned to execute adb for the device with
stdout and stderr directed to temporary files. If the process
takes longer than the specified timeout, the process is
It is the caller's responsibilty to clean up by closing
the stdout and stderr temporary files.
return ADBCommand.command(self, cmds,
def command_output(self, cmds, timeout=None):
"""Executes an adb command on the host against the device returning
:param list cmds: The command and its arguments to be executed.
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string - content of stdout.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
return ADBCommand.command_output(self, cmds,
# Port forwarding methods
def _validate_port(self, port, is_local=True):
"""Validate a port forwarding specifier. Raises ValueError on failure.
:param str port: The port specifier to validate
:param bool is_local: Flag indicating whether the port represents a local port.
prefixes = ["tcp", "localabstract", "localreserved", "localfilesystem", "dev"]
if not is_local:
prefixes += ["jdwp"]
parts = port.split(":", 1)
if len(parts) != 2 or parts[0] not in prefixes:
raise ValueError("Invalid forward specifier %s" % port)
def forward(self, local, remote, allow_rebind=True, timeout=None):
"""Forward a local port to a specific port on the device.
Ports are specified in the form:
localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
dev:<character device name>
jdwp:<process pid> (remote only)
:param str local: Local port to forward
:param str remote: Remote port to which to forward
:param bool allow_rebind: Don't error if the local port is already forwarded
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ValueError
* ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
for port, is_local in [(local, True), (remote, False)]:
self._validate_port(port, is_local=is_local)
cmd = ["forward", local, remote]
if not allow_rebind:
cmd.insert(1, "--no-rebind")
self.command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
def list_forwards(self, timeout=None):
"""Return a list of tuples specifying active forwards
Return values are of the form (device, local, remote).
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
forwards = self.command_output(["forward", "--list"], timeout=timeout)
return [tuple(line.split(" ")) for line in forwards.split("\n") if line.strip()]
def remove_forwards(self, local=None, timeout=None):
"""Remove existing port forwards.
:param local: local port specifier as for ADBDevice.forward. If local
is not specified removes all forwards.
:type local: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in seconds
for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ValueError
* ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
cmd = ["forward"]
if local is None:
self._validate_port(local, is_local=True)
cmd.extend(["--remove", local])
self.command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
# Device Shell methods
def shell(self, cmd, env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Executes a shell command on the device.
:param str cmd: The command to be executed.
:param env: Contains the environment variables and
their values.
:type env: dict or None
:param cwd: The directory from which to execute.
:type cwd: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per adb call. The
total time spent may exceed this value. If it is not
specified, the value set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:returns: :class:`mozdevice.ADBProcess`
:raises: ADBRootError
shell() provides a low level interface for executing commands
on the device via adb shell.
shell() executes on the host in such as fashion that stdout
contains the stdout of the host abd process combined with the
combined stdout/stderr of the shell command on the device
while stderr is still the stderr of the adb process on the
host. The exit code of shell() is the exit code of
the adb command if it was non-zero or the extracted exit code
from the stdout/stderr of the shell command executed on the
The caller provides a flag indicating if the command is to be
executed as root, a string for any requested working
directory, a hash defining the environment, a string
containing shell commands, as well as a timeout period in
The command line to be executed is created to set the current
directory, set the required environment variables, optionally
execute the command using su and to output the return code of
the command to stdout. The command list is created as a
command sequence separated by && which will terminate the
command sequence on the first command which returns a non-zero
exit code.
A subprocess is spawned to execute adb shell for the device
with stdout and stderr directed to temporary files. If the
process takes longer than the specified timeout, the process
is terminated. The return code is extracted from the stdout
and is then removed from the file.
It is the caller's responsibilty to clean up by closing
the stdout and stderr temporary files.
if root and not self._have_root_shell:
# If root was requested and we do not already have a root
# shell, then use the appropriate version of su to invoke
# the shell cmd. Prefer Android's su version since it may
# falsely report support for su -c.
if self._have_android_su:
cmd = "su 0 %s" % cmd
elif self._have_su:
cmd = "su -c \"%s\"" % cmd
raise ADBRootError('Can not run command %s as root!' % cmd)
# prepend cwd and env to command if necessary
if cwd:
cmd = "cd %s && %s" % (cwd, cmd)
if env:
envstr = '&& '.join(map(lambda x: 'export %s=%s' %
(x[0], x[1]), env.iteritems()))
cmd = envstr + "&& " + cmd
cmd += "; echo rc=$?"
args = [self._adb_path]
if self._adb_host:
args.extend(['-H', self._adb_host])
if self._adb_port:
args.extend(['-P', str(self._adb_port)])
if self._device_serial:
args.extend(['-s', self._device_serial])
args.extend(["wait-for-device", "shell", cmd])
adb_process = ADBProcess(args)
if timeout is None:
timeout = self._timeout
start_time = time.time()
exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll()
while ((time.time() - start_time) <= timeout) and exitcode == None:
exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll()
if exitcode == None:
adb_process.timedout = True
adb_process.exitcode = adb_process.proc.poll()
elif exitcode == 0:
adb_process.exitcode = self._get_exitcode(adb_process.stdout_file)
adb_process.exitcode = exitcode, os.SEEK_SET), os.SEEK_SET)
return adb_process
def shell_bool(self, cmd, env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Executes a shell command on the device returning True on success
and False on failure.
:param str cmd: The command to be executed.
:param env: Contains the environment variables and
their values.
:type env: dict or None
:param cwd: The directory from which to execute.
:type cwd: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:returns: boolean
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
adb_process = None
adb_process =, env=env, cwd=cwd,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
if adb_process.timedout:
raise ADBTimeoutError("%s" % adb_process)
return adb_process.exitcode == 0
if adb_process:
def shell_output(self, cmd, env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Executes an adb shell on the device returning stdout.
:param str cmd: The command to be executed.
:param env: Contains the environment variables and their values.
:type env: dict or None
:param cwd: The directory from which to execute.
:type cwd: str or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per
adb call. The total time spent may exceed this
value. If it is not specified, the value set
in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command
should be executed as root.
:returns: string - content of stdout.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
adb_process = None
adb_process =, env=env, cwd=cwd,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
if adb_process.timedout:
raise ADBTimeoutError("%s" % adb_process)
elif adb_process.exitcode:
raise ADBError("%s" % adb_process)
output =
if self._verbose:
self._logger.debug('shell_output: %s, '
'timeout: %s, '
'root: %s, '
'timedout: %s, '
'exitcode: %s, '
'output: %s' %
(' '.join(adb_process.args),
return output
if adb_process and isinstance(adb_process.stdout_file, file):
# Informational methods
def _get_logcat_buffer_args(self, buffers):
valid_buffers = set(['radio', 'main', 'events'])
invalid_buffers = set(buffers).difference(valid_buffers)
if invalid_buffers:
raise ADBError('Invalid logcat buffers %s not in %s ' % (
list(invalid_buffers), list(valid_buffers)))
args = []
for b in buffers:
args.extend(['-b', b])
return args
def clear_logcat(self, timeout=None, buffers=[]):
"""Clears logcat via adb logcat -c.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError. This timeout is per
adb call. The total time spent may exceed this
value. If it is not specified, the value set
in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param list buffers: Log buffers to clear. Valid buffers are
"radio", "events", and "main". Defaults to "main".
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
buffers = self._get_logcat_buffer_args(buffers)
cmds = ["logcat", "-c"] + buffers
self.command_output(cmds, timeout=timeout)
self.shell_output("log logcat cleared", timeout=timeout)
def get_logcat(self,
"""Returns the contents of the logcat file as a list of strings.
:param list filter_specs: Optional logcat messages to
be included.
:param str format: Optional logcat format.
:param list filterOutRexps: Optional logcat messages to be
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param list buffers: Log buffers to retrieve. Valid buffers are
"radio", "events", and "main". Defaults to "main".
:returns: list of lines logcat output.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
buffers = self._get_logcat_buffer_args(buffers)
cmds = ["logcat", "-v", format, "-d"] + buffers + filter_specs
lines = self.command_output(cmds, timeout=timeout).split('\r')
for regex in filter_out_regexps:
lines = [line for line in lines if not, line)]
return lines
def get_prop(self, prop, timeout=None):
"""Gets value of a property from the device via adb shell getprop.
:param str prop: The propery name.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string value of property.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
output = self.shell_output('getprop %s' % prop, timeout=timeout)
return output
def get_state(self, timeout=None):
"""Returns the device's state via adb get-state.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string value of adb get-state.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
output = self.command_output(["get-state"], timeout=timeout).strip()
return output
def get_ip_address(self, interfaces=None, timeout=None):
"""Returns the device's ip address, or None if it doesn't have one
:param interfaces: Interfaces to allow, or None to allow any
non-loopback interface.
:type interfaces: list or None
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: string ip address of the device or None if it could not
be found.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
ip_regexp = re.compile(r'(\w+)\s+UP\s+([1-9]\d{0,2}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})')
data = self.shell_output('netcfg')
for line in data.split("\n"):
match =
if match:
interface, ip = match.groups()
if interface == "lo" or ip == "":
if interfaces is None or interface in interfaces:
return ip
return None
# File management methods
def remount(self, timeout=None):
"""Remount /system/ in read/write mode
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError"""
rv = self.command_output(["remount"], timeout=timeout)
if not rv.startswith("remount succeeded"):
raise ADBError("Unable to remount device")
def chmod(self, path, recursive=False, mask="777", timeout=None, root=False):
"""Recursively changes the permissions of a directory on the
:param str path: The directory name on the device.
:param bool recursive: Flag specifying if the command should be
executed recursively.
:param str mask: The octal permissions.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before throwing
an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip())
self._logger.debug('chmod: path=%s, recursive=%s, mask=%s, root=%s' %
(path, recursive, mask, root))
self.shell_output("chmod %s %s" % (mask, path),
timeout=timeout, root=root)
if recursive and self.is_dir(path, timeout=timeout, root=root):
files = self.list_files(path, timeout=timeout, root=root)
for f in files:
entry = path + "/" + f
self._logger.debug('chmod: entry=%s' % entry)
if self.is_dir(entry, timeout=timeout, root=root):
self._logger.debug('chmod: recursion entry=%s' % entry)
self.chmod(entry, recursive=recursive, mask=mask,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
elif self.is_file(entry, timeout=timeout, root=root):
self.shell_output("chmod %s %s" % (mask, entry),
timeout=timeout, root=root)
self._logger.debug('chmod: file entry=%s' % entry)
except ADBError, e:
if e.message.find('No such file or directory'):
# some kind of race condition is causing files
# to disappear. Catch and report the error here.
self._logger.warning('chmod: File %s vanished!: %s' %
(entry, e))
self._logger.warning('chmod: entry %s does not exist' %
def exists(self, path, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Returns True if the path exists on the device.
:param str path: The directory name on the device.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should be
executed as root.
:returns: boolean - True if path exists.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
return self.shell_bool('ls -a %s' % path, timeout=timeout, root=root)
def is_dir(self, path, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Returns True if path is an existing directory on the device.
:param str path: The path on the device.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:returns: boolean - True if path exists on the device and is a
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
return self.shell_bool('ls -a %s/' % path, timeout=timeout, root=root)
def is_file(self, path, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Returns True if path is an existing file on the device.
:param str path: The file name on the device.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:returns: boolean - True if path exists on the device and is a
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
return (
self.exists(path, timeout=timeout, root=root) and
not self.is_dir(path, timeout=timeout, root=root))
def list_files(self, path, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Return a list of files/directories contained in a directory
on the device.
:param str path: The directory name on the device.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:returns: list of files/directories contained in the directory.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
path = posixpath.normpath(path.strip())
data = []
if self.is_dir(path, timeout=timeout, root=root):
data = self.shell_output("%s %s" % (self._ls, path),
self._logger.debug('list_files: data: %s' % data)
except ADBError:
self._logger.error('Ignoring exception in ADBDevice.list_files\n%s' %
data[:] = [item for item in data if item]
self._logger.debug('list_files: %s' % data)
return data
def mkdir(self, path, parents=False, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Create a directory on the device.
:param str path: The directory name on the device
to be created.
:param bool parents: Flag indicating if the parent directories are
also to be created. Think mkdir -p path.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
path = posixpath.normpath(path)
if parents:
if self._mkdir_p is None or self._mkdir_p:
# Use shell_bool to catch the possible
# non-zero exitcode if -p is not supported.
if self.shell_bool('mkdir -p %s' % path, timeout=timeout,
self._mkdir_p = True
# mkdir -p is not supported. create the parent
# directories individually.
if not self.is_dir(posixpath.dirname(path), root=root):
parts = path.split('/')
name = "/"
for part in parts[:-1]:
if part != "":
name = posixpath.join(name, part)
if not self.is_dir(name, root=root):
# Use shell_output to allow any non-zero
# exitcode to raise an ADBError.
self.shell_output('mkdir %s' % name,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
# If parents is True and the directory does exist, we don't
# need to do anything. Otherwise we call mkdir. If the
# directory already exists or if it is a file instead of a
# directory, mkdir will fail and we will raise an ADBError.
if not parents or not self.is_dir(path, root=root):
self.shell_output('mkdir %s' % path, timeout=timeout, root=root)
if not self.is_dir(path, timeout=timeout, root=root):
raise ADBError('mkdir %s Failed' % path)
def push(self, local, remote, timeout=None):
"""Pushes a file or directory to the device.
:param str local: The name of the local file or
directory name.
:param str remote: The name of the remote file or
directory name.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
self.command_output(["push", os.path.realpath(local), remote],
def pull(self, remote, local, timeout=None):
"""Pulls a file or directory from the device.
:param str remote: The path of the remote file or
:param str local: The path of the local file or
directory name.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
self.command_output(["pull", remote, os.path.realpath(local)],
def rm(self, path, recursive=False, force=False, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Delete files or directories on the device.
:param str path: The path of the remote file or directory.
:param bool recursive: Flag specifying if the command is
to be applied recursively to the target. Default is False.
:param bool force: Flag which if True will not raise an
error when attempting to delete a non-existent file. Default
is False.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
cmd = "rm"
if recursive:
cmd += " -r"
self.shell_output("%s %s" % (cmd, path), timeout=timeout, root=root)
if self.is_file(path, timeout=timeout, root=root):
raise ADBError('rm("%s") failed to remove file.' % path)
except ADBError, e:
if not force and 'No such file or directory' in e.message:
def rmdir(self, path, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Delete empty directory on the device.
:param str path: The directory name on the device.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
self.shell_output("rmdir %s" % path, timeout=timeout, root=root)
if self.is_dir(path, timeout=timeout, root=root):
raise ADBError('rmdir("%s") failed to remove directory.' % path)
# Process management methods
def get_process_list(self, timeout=None):
"""Returns list of tuples (pid, name, user) for running
processes on device.
:param timeout: The maximum time
in seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified,
the value set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: list of (pid, name, user) tuples for running processes
on the device.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
adb_process = None
adb_process ="ps", timeout=timeout)
if adb_process.timedout:
raise ADBTimeoutError("%s" % adb_process)
elif adb_process.exitcode:
raise ADBError("%s" % adb_process)
# first line is the headers
header = adb_process.stdout_file.readline()
pid_i = -1
user_i = -1
els = header.split()
for i in range(len(els)):
item = els[i].lower()
if item == 'user':
user_i = i
elif item == 'pid':
pid_i = i
if user_i == -1 or pid_i == -1:
self._logger.error('get_process_list: %s' % header)
raise ADBError('get_process_list: Unknown format: %s: %s' % (
header, adb_process))
ret = []
line = adb_process.stdout_file.readline()
while line:
els = line.split()
ret.append([int(els[pid_i]), els[-1], els[user_i]])
except ValueError:
self._logger.error('get_process_list: %s %s\n%s' % (
header, line, traceback.format_exc()))
raise ADBError('get_process_list: %s: %s: %s' % (
header, line, adb_process))
line = adb_process.stdout_file.readline()
self._logger.debug('get_process_list: %s' % ret)
return ret
if adb_process and isinstance(adb_process.stdout_file, file):
def kill(self, pids, sig=None, attempts=3, wait=5,
timeout=None, root=False):
"""Kills processes on the device given a list of process ids.
:param list pids: process ids to be killed.
:param sig: signal to be sent to the process.
:type sig: integer or None
:param integer attempts: number of attempts to try to
kill the processes.
:param integer wait: number of seconds to wait after each attempt.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
pid_list = [str(pid) for pid in pids]
for attempt in range(attempts):
args = ["kill"]
if sig:
args.append("-%d" % sig)
self.shell_output(' '.join(args), timeout=timeout, root=root)
except ADBError, e:
if 'No such process' not in e.message:
pid_set = set(pid_list)
current_pid_set = set([str(proc[0]) for proc in
pid_list = list(pid_set.intersection(current_pid_set))
if not pid_list:
self._logger.debug("Attempt %d of %d to kill processes %s failed" %
(attempt+1, attempts, pid_list))
if pid_list:
raise ADBError('kill: processes %s not killed' % pid_list)
def pkill(self, appname, sig=None, attempts=3, wait=5,
timeout=None, root=False):
"""Kills a processes on the device matching a name.
:param str appname: The app name of the process to
be killed. Note that only the first 75 characters of the
process name are significant.
:param sig: optional signal to be sent to the process.
:type sig: integer or None
:param integer attempts: number of attempts to try to
kill the processes.
:param integer wait: number of seconds to wait after each attempt.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should
be executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
procs = self.get_process_list(timeout=timeout)
# limit the comparion to the first 75 characters due to a
# limitation in processname length in android.
pids = [proc[0] for proc in procs if proc[1] == appname[:75]]
if not pids:
self.kill(pids, sig, attempts=attempts, wait=wait,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
except ADBError, e:
if self.process_exist(appname, timeout=timeout):
raise e
def process_exist(self, process_name, timeout=None):
"""Returns True if process with name process_name is running on
:param str process_name: The name of the process
to check. Note that only the first 75 characters of the
process name are significant.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: boolean - True if process exists.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
if not isinstance(process_name, basestring):
raise ADBError("Process name %s is not a string" % process_name)
# Filter out extra spaces.
parts = [x for x in process_name.split(' ') if x != '']
process_name = ' '.join(parts)
# Filter out the quoted env string if it exists
# ex: '"name=value;name2=value2;etc=..." process args' -> 'process args'
parts = process_name.split('"')
if len(parts) > 2:
process_name = ' '.join(parts[2:]).strip()
pieces = process_name.split(' ')
parts = pieces[0].split('/')
app = parts[-1]
proc_list = self.get_process_list(timeout=timeout)
if not proc_list:
return False
for proc in proc_list:
proc_name = proc[1].split('/')[-1]
# limit the comparion to the first 75 characters due to a
# limitation in processname length in android.
if proc_name == app[:75]:
return True
return False
def cp(self, source, destination, recursive=False, timeout=None,
"""Copies a file or directory on the device.
:param source: string containing the path of the source file or
:param destination: string containing the path of the destination file
or directory.
:param recursive: optional boolean indicating if a recursive copy is to
be performed. Required if the source is a directory. Defaults to
False. Think cp -R source destination.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
source = posixpath.normpath(source)
destination = posixpath.normpath(destination)
if self._have_cp:
r = '-R' if recursive else ''
self.shell_output('cp %s %s %s' % (r, source, destination),
timeout=timeout, root=root)
# Emulate cp behavior depending on if source and destination
# already exists and whether they are a directory or file.
if not self.exists(source, timeout=timeout, root=root):
raise ADBError("cp: can't stat '%s': No such file or directory" %
if self.is_file(source, timeout=timeout, root=root):
if self.is_dir(destination, timeout=timeout, root=root):
# Copy the source file into the destination directory
destination = posixpath.join(destination,
self.shell_output('dd if=%s of=%s' % (source, destination),
timeout=timeout, root=root)
if self.is_file(destination, timeout=timeout, root=root):
raise ADBError('cp: %s: Not a directory' % destination)
if not recursive:
raise ADBError("cp: omitting directory '%s'" % source)
if self.is_dir(destination, timeout=timeout, root=root):
# Copy the source directory into the destination directory.
destination_dir = posixpath.join(destination,
# Copy the contents of the source directory into the
# destination directory.
destination_dir = destination
# Do not create parent directories since cp does not.
self.mkdir(destination_dir, timeout=timeout, root=root)
except ADBError as e:
if 'File exists' not in e.message:
for i in self.list_files(source, timeout=timeout, root=root):
self.cp(posixpath.join(source, i),
posixpath.join(destination_dir, i),
timeout=timeout, root=root)
def mv(self, source, destination, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Moves a file or directory on the device.
:param source: string containing the path of the source file or
:param destination: string containing the path of the destination file
or directory.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBRootError
* ADBError
source = posixpath.normpath(source)
destination = posixpath.normpath(destination)
self.shell_output('mv %s %s' % (source, destination), timeout=timeout,
def reboot(self, timeout=None):
"""Reboots the device.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
reboot() reboots the device, issues an adb wait-for-device in order to
wait for the device to complete rebooting, then calls is_device_ready()
to determine if the device has completed booting.
self.command_output(["reboot"], timeout=timeout)
# command_output automatically inserts a 'wait-for-device'
# argument to adb. Issuing an empty command is the same as adb
# -s <device> wait-for-device. We don't send an explicit
# 'wait-for-device' since that would add duplicate
# 'wait-for-device' arguments which is an error in newer
# versions of adb.
self.command_output([], timeout=timeout)
return self.is_device_ready(timeout=timeout)
def is_device_ready(self, timeout=None):
"""Abstract class that returns True if the device is ready.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
def get_battery_percentage(self, timeout=None):
"""Abstract class that returns the battery charge as a percentage.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:returns: battery charge as a percentage.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
def get_info(self, directive=None, timeout=None):
Returns a dictionary of information strings about the device.
:param directive: information you want to get. Options are:
- `battery` - battery charge as a percentage
- `disk` - total, free, available bytes on disk
- `id` - unique id of the device
- `os` - name of the os
- `process` - list of running processes (same as ps)
- `systime` - system time of the device
- `uptime` - uptime of the device
If `directive` is `None`, will return all available information
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
directives = ['battery', 'disk', 'id', 'os', 'process', 'systime',
if (directive in directives):
directives = [directive]
info = {}
if 'battery' in directives:
info['battery'] = self.get_battery_percentage(timeout=timeout)
if 'disk' in directives:
info['disk'] = self.shell_output('df /data /system /sdcard',
if 'id' in directives:
info['id'] = self.command_output(['get-serialno'], timeout=timeout)
if 'os' in directives:
info['os'] = self.shell_output('getprop',
if 'process' in directives:
ps = self.shell_output('ps', timeout=timeout)
info['process'] = ps.splitlines()
if 'systime' in directives:
info['systime'] = self.shell_output('date', timeout=timeout)
if 'uptime' in directives:
uptime = self.shell_output('uptime', timeout=timeout)
if uptime:
m = re.match('up time: ((\d+) days, )*(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})',
if m:
uptime = '%d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds' % tuple(
[int(g or 0) for g in m.groups()[1:]])
info['uptime'] = uptime
return info