blob: 1b6d55af5375f7499691968e4320501d191142c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import os
import re
import time
from abc import ABCMeta
import version_codes
from adb import ADBDevice, ADBError
class ADBAndroid(ADBDevice):
"""ADBAndroid implements :class:`ADBDevice` providing Android-specific
from mozdevice import ADBAndroid
adbdevice = ADBAndroid()
print adbdevice.list_files("/mnt/sdcard")
if adbdevice.process_exist("org.mozilla.fennec"):
print "Fennec is running"
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self,
"""Initializes the ADBAndroid object.
:param device: When a string is passed, it is interpreted as the
device serial number. This form is not compatible with
devices containing a ":" in the serial; in this case
ValueError will be raised.
When a dictionary is passed it must have one or both of
the keys "device_serial" and "usb". This is compatible
with the dictionaries in the list returned by
ADBHost.devices(). If the value of device_serial is a
valid serial not containing a ":" it will be used to
identify the device, otherwise the value of the usb key,
prefixed with "usb:" is used.
If None is passed and there is exactly one device attached
to the host, that device is used. If there is more than one
device attached, ValueError is raised. If no device is
attached the constructor will block until a device is
attached or the timeout is reached.
:type device: dict, str or None
:param adb_host: host of the adb server to connect to.
:type adb_host: str or None
:param adb_port: port of the adb server to connect to.
:type adb_port: integer or None
:param str logger_name: logging logger name. Defaults to 'adb'.
:param integer device_ready_retry_wait: number of seconds to wait
between attempts to check if the device is ready after a
:param integer device_ready_retry_attempts: number of attempts when
checking if a device is ready.
:raises: * ADBError
* ADBTimeoutError
* ValueError
ADBDevice.__init__(self, device=device, adb=adb,
adb_host=adb_host, adb_port=adb_port,
logger_name=logger_name, timeout=timeout,
# setenforce
# usage: setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ]
# getenforce returns either Enforcing or Permissive
self.selinux = True
if self.shell_output('getenforce', timeout=timeout) != 'Permissive':'Setting SELinux Permissive Mode')
self.shell_output("setenforce Permissive", timeout=timeout, root=True)
except ADBError:
self.selinux = False
def reboot(self, timeout=None):
"""Reboots the device.
:param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
reboot() reboots the device, issues an adb wait-for-device in order to
wait for the device to complete rebooting, then calls is_device_ready()
to determine if the device has completed booting.
If the device supports running adbd as root, adbd will be
restarted running as root. Then, if the device supports
SELinux, setenforce Permissive will be called to change
SELinux to permissive. This must be done after adbd is
restarted in order for the SELinux Permissive setting to
ready = ADBDevice.reboot(self, timeout=timeout)
return ready
# Informational methods
def get_battery_percentage(self, timeout=None):
"""Returns the battery charge as a percentage.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:returns: battery charge as a percentage.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
level = None
scale = None
percentage = 0
cmd = "dumpsys battery"
re_parameter = re.compile(r'\s+(\w+):\s+(\d+)')
lines = self.shell_output(cmd, timeout=timeout).split('\r')
for line in lines:
match = re_parameter.match(line)
if match:
parameter =
value =
if parameter == 'level':
level = float(value)
elif parameter == 'scale':
scale = float(value)
if parameter is not None and scale is not None:
percentage = 100.0*level/scale
return percentage
# System control methods
def is_device_ready(self, timeout=None):
"""Checks if a device is ready for testing.
This method uses the android only package manager to check for
:param timeout: The maximum time
in seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
# command_output automatically inserts a 'wait-for-device'
# argument to adb. Issuing an empty command is the same as adb
# -s <device> wait-for-device. We don't send an explicit
# 'wait-for-device' since that would add duplicate
# 'wait-for-device' arguments which is an error in newer
# versions of adb.
self.command_output([], timeout=timeout)
pm_error_string = "Error: Could not access the Package Manager"
pm_list_commands = ["packages", "permission-groups", "permissions",
"instrumentation", "features", "libraries"]
ready_path = os.path.join(self.test_root, "ready")
for attempt in range(self._device_ready_retry_attempts):
failure = 'Unknown failure'
success = True
state = self.get_state(timeout=timeout)
if state != 'device':
failure = "Device state: %s" % state
success = False
if (self.selinux and
timeout=timeout) != 'Permissive'):'Setting SELinux Permissive Mode')
self.shell_output("setenforce Permissive", timeout=timeout, root=True)
if self.is_dir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True):
self.rmdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
self.mkdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
self.rmdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
# Invoke the pm list commands to see if it is up and
# running.
for pm_list_cmd in pm_list_commands:
data = self.shell_output("pm list %s" % pm_list_cmd,
if pm_error_string in data:
failure = data
success = False
except ADBError, e:
success = False
failure = e.message
if not success:
self._logger.debug('Attempt %s of %s device not ready: %s' % (
attempt+1, self._device_ready_retry_attempts,
return success
def power_on(self, timeout=None):
"""Sets the device's power stayon value.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
self.shell_output('svc power stayon true',
except ADBError, e:
# Executing this via adb shell errors, but not interactively.
# Any other exitcode is a real error.
if 'exitcode: 137' not in e.message:
self._logger.warning('Unable to set power stayon true: %s' % e)
# Application management methods
def install_app(self, apk_path, timeout=None):
"""Installs an app on the device.
:param str apk_path: The apk file name to be installed.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
data = self.command_output(["install", apk_path], timeout=timeout)
if data.find('Success') == -1:
raise ADBError("install failed for %s. Got: %s" %
(apk_path, data))
def is_app_installed(self, app_name, timeout=None):
"""Returns True if an app is installed on the device.
:param str app_name: The name of the app to be checked.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
pm_error_string = 'Error: Could not access the Package Manager'
data = self.shell_output("pm list package %s" % app_name, timeout=timeout)
if pm_error_string in data:
raise ADBError(pm_error_string)
if app_name not in data:
return False
return True
def launch_application(self, app_name, activity_name, intent, url=None,
extras=None, wait=True, fail_if_running=True,
"""Launches an Android application
:param str app_name: Name of application (e.g. ``)
:param str activity_name: Name of activity to launch (e.g. `.Main`)
:param str intent: Intent to launch application with
:param url: URL to open
:type url: str or None
:param extras: Extra arguments for application.
:type extras: dict or None
:param bool wait: If True, wait for application to start before
:param bool fail_if_running: Raise an exception if instance of
application is already running.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
# If fail_if_running is True, we throw an exception here. Only one
# instance of an application can be running at once on Android,
# starting a new instance may not be what we want depending on what
# we want to do
if fail_if_running and self.process_exist(app_name, timeout=timeout):
raise ADBError("Only one instance of an application may be running "
"at once")
acmd = [ "am", "start" ] + \
["-W" if wait else '', "-n", "%s/%s" % (app_name, activity_name)]
if intent:
acmd.extend(["-a", intent])
if extras:
for (key, val) in extras.iteritems():
if type(val) is int:
extra_type_param = "--ei"
elif type(val) is bool:
extra_type_param = "--ez"
extra_type_param = "--es"
acmd.extend([extra_type_param, str(key), str(val)])
if url:
acmd.extend(["-d", url])
cmd = self._escape_command_line(acmd)
self.shell_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
def launch_fennec(self, app_name, intent="android.intent.action.VIEW",
moz_env=None, extra_args=None, url=None, wait=True,
fail_if_running=True, timeout=None):
"""Convenience method to launch Fennec on Android with various
debugging arguments
:param str app_name: Name of fennec application (e.g.
:param str intent: Intent to launch application.
:param moz_env: Mozilla specific environment to pass into
:type moz_env: str or None
:param extra_args: Extra arguments to be parsed by fennec.
:type extra_args: str or None
:param url: URL to open
:type url: str or None
:param bool wait: If True, wait for application to start before
:param bool fail_if_running: Raise an exception if instance of
application is already running.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
extras = {}
if moz_env:
# moz_env is expected to be a dictionary of environment variables:
# Fennec itself will set them when launched
for (env_count, (env_key, env_val)) in enumerate(moz_env.iteritems()):
extras["env" + str(env_count)] = env_key + "=" + env_val
# Additional command line arguments that fennec will read and use (e.g.
# with a custom profile)
if extra_args:
extras['args'] = " ".join(extra_args)
self.launch_application(app_name, ".App", intent, url=url, extras=extras,
wait=wait, fail_if_running=fail_if_running,
def stop_application(self, app_name, timeout=None, root=False):
"""Stops the specified application
For Android 3.0+, we use the "am force-stop" to do this, which
is reliable and does not require root. For earlier versions of
Android, we simply try to manually kill the processes started
by the app repeatedly until none is around any more. This is
less reliable and does require root.
:param str app_name: Name of application (e.g. ``)
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should be
executed as root.
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
version = self.shell_output("getprop",
timeout=timeout, root=root)
if int(version) >= version_codes.HONEYCOMB:
self.shell_output("am force-stop %s" % app_name,
timeout=timeout, root=root)
num_tries = 0
max_tries = 5
while self.process_exist(app_name, timeout=timeout):
if num_tries > max_tries:
raise ADBError("Couldn't successfully kill %s after %s "
"tries" % (app_name, max_tries))
self.pkill(app_name, timeout=timeout, root=root)
num_tries += 1
# sleep for a short duration to make sure there are no
# additional processes in the process of being launched
# (this is not 100% guaranteed to work since it is inherently
# racey, but it's the best we can do)
def uninstall_app(self, app_name, reboot=False, timeout=None):
"""Uninstalls an app on the device.
:param str app_name: The name of the app to be
:param bool reboot: Flag indicating that the device should
be rebooted after the app is uninstalled. No reboot occurs
if the app is not installed.
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
if self.is_app_installed(app_name, timeout=timeout):
data = self.command_output(["uninstall", app_name], timeout=timeout)
if data.find('Success') == -1:
self._logger.debug('uninstall_app failed: %s' % data)
raise ADBError("uninstall failed for %s. Got: %s" % (app_name, data))
if reboot:
def update_app(self, apk_path, timeout=None):
"""Updates an app on the device and reboots.
:param str apk_path: The apk file name to be
:param timeout: The maximum time in
seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
set in the ADB constructor is used.
:type timeout: integer or None
:raises: * ADBTimeoutError
* ADBError
output = self.command_output(["install", "-r", apk_path],
return output