blob: 70049a8f2ca4a55323afe3c05052dca4d7d83906 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import hashlib
import mozlog
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import re
import struct
import StringIO
import zlib
from functools import wraps
class DMError(Exception):
"generic devicemanager exception."
def __init__(self, msg= '', fatal = False):
self.msg = msg
self.fatal = fatal
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def abstractmethod(method):
line = method.func_code.co_firstlineno
filename = method.func_code.co_filename
def not_implemented(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method %s at File "%s", line %s '
'should be implemented by a concrete class' %
(repr(method), filename, line))
return not_implemented
class DeviceManager(object):
Represents a connection to a device. Once an implementation of this class
is successfully instantiated, you may do things like list/copy files to
the device, launch processes on the device, and install or remove
applications from the device.
Never instantiate this class directly! Instead, instantiate an
implementation of it like DeviceManagerADB or DeviceManagerSUT.
_logcatNeedsRoot = True
default_timeout = 300
short_timeout = 30
def __init__(self, logLevel=None, deviceRoot=None):
self._logger = mozlog.get_default_logger(component="mozdevice")
if not self._logger: # no global structured logger, fall back to reg logging
self._logger = mozlog.unstructured.getLogger("mozdevice")
if logLevel is not None:
except AttributeError:
# Structured logging doesn't work on Python 2.6
self._logger = None
self._logLevel = logLevel
self._remoteIsWin = None
self._isDeviceRootSetup = False
self._deviceRoot = deviceRoot
def _log(self, data):
This helper function is called by ProcessHandler to log
the output produced by processes
def remoteIsWin(self):
if self._remoteIsWin is None:
self._remoteIsWin = self.getInfo("os")["os"][0] == "windows"
return self._remoteIsWin
def logLevel(self):
return self._logLevel
def logLevel_setter(self, newLogLevel):
self._logLevel = newLogLevel
def debug(self):
self._logger.warning("dm.debug is deprecated. Use logLevel.")
levels = {logging.DEBUG: 5, logging.INFO: 3, logging.WARNING: 2,
logging.ERROR: 1, logging.CRITICAL: 0}
return levels[self.logLevel]
def debug_setter(self, newDebug):
self._logger.warning("dm.debug is deprecated. Use logLevel.")
newDebug = 5 if newDebug > 5 else newDebug # truncate >=5 to 5
levels = {5: logging.DEBUG, 3: logging.INFO, 2: logging.WARNING,
1: logging.ERROR, 0: logging.CRITICAL}
self.logLevel = levels[newDebug]
def getInfo(self, directive=None):
Returns a dictionary of information strings about the device.
:param directive: information you want to get. Options are:
- `os` - name of the os
- `id` - unique id of the device
- `uptime` - uptime of the device
- `uptimemillis` - uptime of the device in milliseconds (NOT supported on all implementations)
- `systime` - system time of the device
- `screen` - screen resolution
- `memory` - memory stats
- `memtotal` - total memory available on the device, for example 927208 kB
- `process` - list of running processes (same as ps)
- `disk` - total, free, available bytes on disk
- `power` - power status (charge, battery temp)
- `temperature` - device temperature
If `directive` is `None`, will return all available information
def getCurrentTime(self):
Returns device time in milliseconds since the epoch.
def getIP(self, interfaces=['eth0', 'wlan0']):
Returns the IP of the device, or None if no connection exists.
for interface in interfaces:
match = re.match(r"%s: ip (\S+)" % interface,
self.shellCheckOutput(['ifconfig', interface],
if match:
def recordLogcat(self):
Clears the logcat file making it easier to view specific events.
#TODO: spawn this off in a separate thread/process so we can collect all the logcat information
# Right now this is just clearing the logcat so we can only see what happens after this call.
self.shellCheckOutput(['/system/bin/logcat', '-c'], root=self._logcatNeedsRoot,
def getLogcat(self, filterSpecs=["dalvikvm:I", "ConnectivityService:S",
"WifiMonitor:S", "WifiStateTracker:S",
"wpa_supplicant:S", "NetworkStateTracker:S"],
Returns the contents of the logcat file as a list of
'\n' terminated strings
cmdline = ["/system/bin/logcat", "-v", format, "-d"] + filterSpecs
output = self.shellCheckOutput(cmdline,
lines = output.replace('\r\n', '\n').splitlines(True)
for regex in filterOutRegexps:
lines = [line for line in lines if not, line)]
return lines
def saveScreenshot(self, filename):
Takes a screenshot of what's being display on the device. Uses
"screencap" on newer (Android 3.0+) devices (and some older ones with
the functionality backported). This function also works on B2G.
Throws an exception on failure. This will always fail on devices
without the screencap utility.
screencap = '/system/bin/screencap'
if not self.fileExists(screencap):
raise DMError("Unable to capture screenshot on device: no screencap utility")
with open(filename, 'w') as pngfile:
# newer versions of screencap can write directly to a png, but some
# older versions can't
tempScreenshotFile = self.deviceRoot + "/ss-dm.tmp"
self.shellCheckOutput(["sh", "-c", "%s > %s" %
(screencap, tempScreenshotFile)],
buf = self.pullFile(tempScreenshotFile)
width = int(struct.unpack("I", buf[0:4])[0])
height = int(struct.unpack("I", buf[4:8])[0])
with open(filename, 'w') as pngfile:
pngfile.write(self._writePNG(buf[12:], width, height))
def pushFile(self, localFilename, remoteFilename, retryLimit=1, createDir=True):
Copies localname from the host to destname on the device.
def pushDir(self, localDirname, remoteDirname, retryLimit=1, timeout=None):
Push local directory from host to remote directory on the device,
def pullFile(self, remoteFilename, offset=None, length=None):
Returns contents of remoteFile using the "pull" command.
:param remoteFilename: Path to file to pull from remote device.
:param offset: Offset in bytes from which to begin reading (optional)
:param length: Number of bytes to read (optional)
def getFile(self, remoteFilename, localFilename):
Copy file from remote device to local file on host.
def getDirectory(self, remoteDirname, localDirname, checkDir=True):
Copy directory structure from device (remoteDirname) to host (localDirname).
def validateFile(self, remoteFilename, localFilename):
Returns True if a file on the remote device has the same md5 hash as a local one.
def validateDir(self, localDirname, remoteDirname):
Returns True if remoteDirname on device is same as localDirname on host.
""""validating directory: %s to %s" % (localDirname, remoteDirname))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localDirname):
parts = root.split(localDirname)
for f in files:
remoteRoot = remoteDirname + '/' + parts[1]
remoteRoot = remoteRoot.replace('/', '/')
if (parts[1] == ""):
remoteRoot = remoteDirname
remoteName = remoteRoot + '/' + f
if (self.validateFile(remoteName, os.path.join(root, f)) <> True):
return False
return True
def mkDir(self, remoteDirname):
Creates a single directory on the device file system.
def mkDirs(self, filename):
Make directory structure on the device.
WARNING: does not create last part of the path. For example, if asked to
create `/mnt/sdcard/foo/bar/baz`, it will only create `/mnt/sdcard/foo/bar`
filename = posixpath.normpath(filename)
containing = posixpath.dirname(filename)
if not self.dirExists(containing):
parts = filename.split('/')
name = "/" if not self.remoteIsWin else parts.pop(0)
for part in parts[:-1]:
if part != "":
name = posixpath.join(name, part)
self.mkDir(name) # mkDir will check previous existence
def dirExists(self, dirpath):
Returns whether dirpath exists and is a directory on the device file system.
def fileExists(self, filepath):
Return whether filepath exists on the device file system,
regardless of file type.
def listFiles(self, rootdir):
Lists files on the device rootdir.
Returns array of filenames, ['file1', 'file2', ...]
def removeFile(self, filename):
Removes filename from the device.
def removeDir(self, remoteDirname):
Does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDirname.
def moveTree(self, source, destination):
Does a move of the file or directory on the device.
:param source: Path to the original file or directory
:param destination: Path to the destination file or directory
def copyTree(self, source, destination):
Does a copy of the file or directory on the device.
:param source: Path to the original file or directory
:param destination: Path to the destination file or directory
def chmodDir(self, remoteDirname, mask="777"):
Recursively changes file permissions in a directory.
def deviceRoot(self):
The device root on the device filesystem for putting temporary
testing files.
# derive deviceroot value if not set
if not self._deviceRoot or not self._isDeviceRootSetup:
self._deviceRoot = self._setupDeviceRoot(self._deviceRoot)
self._isDeviceRootSetup = True
return self._deviceRoot
def _setupDeviceRoot(self):
Sets up and returns a device root location that can be written to by tests.
def getDeviceRoot(self):
Get the device root on the device filesystem for putting temporary
testing files.
.. deprecated:: 0.38
Use the :py:attr:`deviceRoot` property instead.
return self.deviceRoot
def getTempDir(self):
Returns a temporary directory we can use on this device, ensuring
also that it exists.
def shell(self, cmd, outputfile, env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, root=False):
Executes shell command on device and returns exit code.
:param cmd: Commandline list to execute
:param outputfile: File to store output
:param env: Environment to pass to exec command
:param cwd: Directory to execute command from
:param timeout: specified in seconds, defaults to 'default_timeout'
:param root: Specifies whether command requires root privileges
def shellCheckOutput(self, cmd, env=None, cwd=None, timeout=None, root=False):
Executes shell command on device and returns output as a string. Raises if
the return code is non-zero.
:param cmd: Commandline list to execute
:param env: Environment to pass to exec command
:param cwd: Directory to execute command from
:param timeout: specified in seconds, defaults to 'default_timeout'
:param root: Specifies whether command requires root privileges
:raises: DMError
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
retval =, buf, env=env, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout, root=root)
output = str(buf.getvalue()[0:-1]).rstrip()
if retval != 0:
raise DMError("Non-zero return code for command: %s (output: '%s', retval: '%s')" % (cmd, output, retval))
return output
def getProcessList(self):
Returns array of tuples representing running processes on the device.
Format of tuples is (processId, processName, userId)
def processInfo(self, processName):
Returns information on the process with processName.
Information on process is in tuple format: (pid, process path, user)
If a process with the specified name does not exist this function will return None.
if not isinstance(processName, basestring):
raise TypeError("Process name %s is not a string" % processName)
processInfo = None
#filter out extra spaces
parts = filter(lambda x: x != '', processName.split(' '))
processName = ' '.join(parts)
#filter out the quoted env string if it exists
#ex: '"name=value;name2=value2;etc=..." process args' -> 'process args'
parts = processName.split('"')
if (len(parts) > 2):
processName = ' '.join(parts[2:]).strip()
pieces = processName.split(' ')
parts = pieces[0].split('/')
app = parts[-1]
procList = self.getProcessList()
if (procList == []):
return None
for proc in procList:
procName = proc[1].split('/')[-1]
if (procName == app):
processInfo = proc
return processInfo
def processExist(self, processName):
Returns True if process with name processName is running on device.
processInfo = self.processInfo(processName)
if processInfo:
return processInfo[0]
def killProcess(self, processName, sig=None):
Kills the process named processName. If sig is not None, process is
killed with the specified signal.
:param processName: path or name of the process to kill
:param sig: signal to pass into the kill command (optional)
def reboot(self, wait=False, ipAddr=None):
Reboots the device.
:param wait: block on device to come back up before returning
:param ipAddr: if specified, try to make the device connect to this
specific IP address after rebooting (only works with
SUT; if None, we try to determine a reasonable address
def installApp(self, appBundlePath, destPath=None):
Installs an application onto the device.
:param appBundlePath: path to the application bundle on the device
:param destPath: destination directory of where application should be installed to (optional)
def uninstallApp(self, appName, installPath=None):
Uninstalls the named application from device and DOES NOT cause a reboot.
:param appName: the name of the application (e.g org.mozilla.fennec)
:param installPath: the path to where the application was installed (optional)
def uninstallAppAndReboot(self, appName, installPath=None):
Uninstalls the named application from device and causes a reboot.
:param appName: the name of the application (e.g org.mozilla.fennec)
:param installPath: the path to where the application was installed (optional)
def updateApp(self, appBundlePath, processName=None, destPath=None,
wait=False, ipAddr=None):
Updates the application on the device and reboots.
:param appBundlePath: path to the application bundle on the device
:param processName: used to end the process if the applicaiton is
currently running (optional)
:param destPath: Destination directory to where the application should
be installed (optional)
:param wait: block on device to come back up before returning
:param ipAddr: if specified, try to make the device connect to this
specific IP address after rebooting (only works with
SUT; if None and wait is True, we try to determine a
reasonable address ourselves)
def _writePNG(buf, width, height):
Method for writing a PNG from a buffer, used by getScreenshot on older devices,
# Based on:
width_byte_4 = width * 4
raw_data = b"".join(b'\x00' + buf[span:span + width_byte_4] for span in range(0, (height - 1) * width * 4, width_byte_4))
def png_pack(png_tag, data):
chunk_head = png_tag + data
return struct.pack("!I", len(data)) + chunk_head + struct.pack("!I", 0xFFFFFFFF & zlib.crc32(chunk_head))
return b"".join([
png_pack(b'IHDR', struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0)),
png_pack(b'IDAT', zlib.compress(raw_data, 9)),
png_pack(b'IEND', b'')])
def _getRemoteHash(self, filename):
Return the md5 sum of a file on the device.
def _getLocalHash(filename):
Return the MD5 sum of a file on the host.
f = open(filename, 'rb')
if (f == None):
return None
mdsum = hashlib.md5()
return None
while 1:
data =
if not data:
hexval = mdsum.hexdigest()
return hexval
def _escapedCommandLine(cmd):
Utility function to return escaped and quoted version of command line.
quotedCmd = []
for arg in cmd:
arg.replace('&', '\&')
needsQuoting = False
for char in [ ' ', '(', ')', '"', '&' ]:
if arg.find(char) >= 0:
needsQuoting = True
if needsQuoting:
arg = '\'%s\'' % arg
return " ".join(quotedCmd)
def _pop_last_line(file_obj):
Utility function to get the last line from a file (shared between ADB and
SUT device managers). Function also removes it from the file. Intended to
strip off the return code from a shell command.
bytes_from_end = 1, 2)
length = file_obj.tell() + 1
while bytes_from_end < length:*bytes_from_end, 2)
data =
if bytes_from_end == length-1 and len(data) == 0: # no data, return None
return None
if data[0] == '\n' or bytes_from_end == length-1:
# found the last line, which should have the return value
if data[0] == '\n':
data = data[1:]
# truncate off the return code line
file_obj.truncate(length - bytes_from_end),2)
return data
bytes_from_end += 1
return None
class ZeroconfListener(object):
def __init__(self, hwid, evt):
self.hwid = hwid
self.evt = evt
# Format is 'SUTAgent [hwid:015d2bc2825ff206] [ip:10_242_29_221]._sutagent._tcp.local.'
def addService(self, zeroconf, type, name):
#print "Found _sutagent service broadcast:", name
if not name.startswith("SUTAgent"):
sutname = name.split('.')[0]
m ='\[hwid:([^\]]*)\]', sutname)
if m is None:
hwid =
m ='\[ip:([0-9_]*)\]', sutname)
if m is None:
ip ="_", ".")
if self.hwid == hwid:
self.ip = ip
def removeService(self, zeroconf, type, name):