blob: 8f5d8a8884d80bd15d410cce9cb2593007e6ac9b [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import StringIO
import moznetwork
import re
import threading
import time
import version_codes
from Zeroconf import Zeroconf, ServiceBrowser
from devicemanager import ZeroconfListener
from devicemanagerADB import DeviceManagerADB
from devicemanagerSUT import DeviceManagerSUT
from devicemanager import DMError
class DroidMixin(object):
"""Mixin to extend DeviceManager with Android-specific functionality"""
_stopApplicationNeedsRoot = True
def _getExtraAmStartArgs(self):
return []
def launchApplication(self, appName, activityName, intent, url=None,
extras=None, wait=True, failIfRunning=True):
Launches an Android application
:param appName: Name of application (e.g. ``)
:param activityName: Name of activity to launch (e.g. `.Main`)
:param intent: Intent to launch application with
:param url: URL to open
:param extras: Dictionary of extra arguments to launch application with
:param wait: If True, wait for application to start before returning
:param failIfRunning: Raise an exception if instance of application is already running
# If failIfRunning is True, we throw an exception here. Only one
# instance of an application can be running at once on Android,
# starting a new instance may not be what we want depending on what
# we want to do
if failIfRunning and self.processExist(appName):
raise DMError("Only one instance of an application may be running "
"at once")
acmd = [ "am", "start" ] + self._getExtraAmStartArgs() + \
["-W" if wait else '', "-n", "%s/%s" % (appName, activityName)]
if intent:
acmd.extend(["-a", intent])
if extras:
for (key, val) in extras.iteritems():
if type(val) is int:
extraTypeParam = "--ei"
elif type(val) is bool:
extraTypeParam = "--ez"
extraTypeParam = "--es"
acmd.extend([extraTypeParam, str(key), str(val)])
if url:
acmd.extend(["-d", url])
# shell output not that interesting and debugging logs should already
# show what's going on here... so just create an empty memory buffer
# and ignore (except on error)
shellOutput = StringIO.StringIO()
if, shellOutput) == 0:
raise DMError("Unable to launch application (shell output: '%s')" %
def launchFennec(self, appName, intent="android.intent.action.VIEW",
mozEnv=None, extraArgs=None, url=None, wait=True,
Convenience method to launch Fennec on Android with various debugging
:param appName: Name of fennec application (e.g. `org.mozilla.fennec`)
:param intent: Intent to launch application with
:param mozEnv: Mozilla specific environment to pass into application
:param extraArgs: Extra arguments to be parsed by fennec
:param url: URL to open
:param wait: If True, wait for application to start before returning
:param failIfRunning: Raise an exception if instance of application is already running
extras = {}
if mozEnv:
# mozEnv is expected to be a dictionary of environment variables: Fennec
# itself will set them when launched
for (envCnt, (envkey, envval)) in enumerate(mozEnv.iteritems()):
extras["env" + str(envCnt)] = envkey + "=" + envval
# Additional command line arguments that fennec will read and use (e.g.
# with a custom profile)
if extraArgs:
extras['args'] = " ".join(extraArgs)
self.launchApplication(appName, ".App", intent, url=url, extras=extras,
wait=wait, failIfRunning=failIfRunning)
def getInstalledApps(self):
Lists applications installed on this Android device
Returns a list of application names in the form [ 'org.mozilla.fennec', ... ]
output = self.shellCheckOutput(["pm", "list", "packages", "-f"])
apps = []
for line in output.splitlines():
# lines are of form: package:/system/app/
return apps
def stopApplication(self, appName):
Stops the specified application
For Android 3.0+, we use the "am force-stop" to do this, which is
reliable and does not require root. For earlier versions of Android,
we simply try to manually kill the processes started by the app
repeatedly until none is around any more. This is less reliable and
does require root.
:param appName: Name of application (e.g. ``)
version = self.shellCheckOutput(["getprop", ""])
if int(version) >= version_codes.HONEYCOMB:
self.shellCheckOutput([ "am", "force-stop", appName ], root=self._stopApplicationNeedsRoot)
num_tries = 0
max_tries = 5
while self.processExist(appName):
if num_tries > max_tries:
raise DMError("Couldn't successfully kill %s after %s "
"tries" % (appName, max_tries))
num_tries += 1
# sleep for a short duration to make sure there are no
# additional processes in the process of being launched
# (this is not 100% guaranteed to work since it is inherently
# racey, but it's the best we can do)
class DroidADB(DeviceManagerADB, DroidMixin):
_stopApplicationNeedsRoot = False
def getTopActivity(self):
package = None
data = None
data = self.shellCheckOutput(["dumpsys", "window", "windows"], timeout=self.short_timeout)
# dumpsys seems to intermittently fail (seen on 4.3 emulator), producing
# no output.
return ""
# "dumpsys window windows" produces many lines of input. The top/foreground
# activity is indicated by something like:
# mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{483e6db0 token=HistoryRecord{484dcad8 com.mozilla.SUTAgentAndroid/.SUTAgentAndroid}}
# or, on other devices:
# FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{41a65340 token=ActivityRecord{418fbd68 org.mozilla.fennec_mozdev/.App}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
# Extract this line, ending in the forward slash:
m ='mFocusedApp(.+)/', data)
if not m:
m ='FocusedApplication(.+)/', data)
if m:
line =
# Extract package name: string of non-whitespace ending in forward slash
m ='(\S+)/$', line)
if m:
package =
if not package:
# On some Android 4.4 devices, when the home screen is displayed,
# dumpsys reports "mFocusedApp=null". Guard against this case and
# others where the focused app can not be determined by returning
# an empty string -- same as sutagent.
package = ""
return package
def getAppRoot(self, packageName):
Returns the root directory for the specified android application
# relying on convention
return '/data/data/%s' % packageName
class DroidSUT(DeviceManagerSUT, DroidMixin):
def _getExtraAmStartArgs(self):
# in versions of android in jellybean and beyond, the agent may run as
# a different process than the one that started the app. In this case,
# we need to get back the original user serial number and then pass
# that to the 'am start' command line
if not hasattr(self, '_userSerial'):
infoDict = self.getInfo(directive="sutuserinfo")
if infoDict.get('sutuserinfo') and \
len(infoDict['sutuserinfo']) > 0:
userSerialString = infoDict['sutuserinfo'][0]
# user serial always an integer, see:
m = re.match('User Serial:([0-9]+)', userSerialString)
if m:
self._userSerial =
self._userSerial = None
self._userSerial = None
if self._userSerial is not None:
return [ "--user", self._userSerial ]
return []
def getTopActivity(self):
return self._runCmds([{ 'cmd': "activity" }]).strip()
def getAppRoot(self, packageName):
return self._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'getapproot %s' % packageName }]).strip()
def DroidConnectByHWID(hwid, timeout=30, **kwargs):
"""Try to connect to the given device by waiting for it to show up using mDNS with the given timeout."""
zc = Zeroconf(moznetwork.get_ip())
evt = threading.Event()
listener = ZeroconfListener(hwid, evt)
sb = ServiceBrowser(zc, "_sutagent._tcp.local.", listener)
foundIP = None
if evt.wait(timeout):
# we found the hwid
foundIP = listener.ip
if foundIP is not None:
return DroidSUT(foundIP, **kwargs)
print "Connected via SUT to %s [at %s]" % (hwid, foundIP)
# try connecting via adb
sut = DroidADB(deviceSerial=hwid, **kwargs)
return None
print "Connected via ADB to %s" % (hwid)
return sut