blob: 6c6b3586917bb96e5333a725d7e936a12ba524bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/common/scratch_surface_cache.h"
#include <limits>
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace renderer {
namespace rasterizer {
namespace common {
namespace {
// Approximate the memory usage of a given surface size.
size_t ApproximateSurfaceMemory(const math::Size& size) {
// Here we assume that we use 4 bytes per pixel.
return size.width() * size.height() * 4;
} // namespace
ScratchSurfaceCache::ScratchSurfaceCache(Delegate* delegate,
int cache_capacity_in_bytes)
: delegate_(delegate),
surface_memory_(0) {}
ScratchSurfaceCache::~ScratchSurfaceCache() {
for (std::vector<Surface*>::iterator iter = unused_surfaces_.begin();
iter != unused_surfaces_.end(); ++iter) {
ScratchSurfaceCache::Surface* ScratchSurfaceCache::AcquireScratchSurface(
const math::Size& size) {
"ScratchSurfaceCache::AcquireScratchSurface()", "width",
size.width(), "height", size.height());
if (cache_capacity_in_bytes_ == 0) {
// If scratch surface caching is disabled, just create and immediately
// return a surface.
Surface* surface = delegate_->CreateSurface(size);
if (surface) {
delegate_->PrepareForUse(surface, size);
return surface;
} else {
return NULL;
// First check if we can find a suitable surface in our cache that is at
// least the size requested.
Surface* surface = FindBestCachedSurface(size);
// If we didn't have any suitable surfaces in our cache, create a new one.
if (!surface) {
// Increase our total memory used on surfaces, and then initiate a purge
// to reduce memory to below our cache limit, if necessary.
surface_memory_ += ApproximateSurfaceMemory(size);
// Create the surface.
surface = delegate_->CreateSurface(size);
if (!surface) {
// We were unable to allocate a scratch surface, either because we are
// low on memory or because the requested surface has large dimensions.
// Return null.
surface_memory_ -= ApproximateSurfaceMemory(size);
return NULL;
// Track that we have handed out this surface.
delegate_->PrepareForUse(surface, size);
return surface;
void ScratchSurfaceCache::ReleaseScratchSurface(Surface* surface) {
"ScratchSurfaceCache::ReleaseScratchSurface()", "width",
surface->GetSize().width(), "height",
if (cache_capacity_in_bytes_ == 0) {
// If scratch surface caching is disabled, immediately destroy the surface
// and return.
DCHECK_EQ(surface_stack_.back(), surface);
// Add this surface to the end (where most recently used surfaces go) of the
// unused surfaces list, so that it can be returned by later calls to acquire
// a surface.
namespace {
float GetMatchScoreForSurfaceAndSize(ScratchSurfaceCache::Surface* surface,
const math::Size& size) {
math::Size surface_size = surface->GetSize();
// We use the negated sum of the squared differences between the requested
// width/height and the surface width/height as the score.
// This promotes returning the smallest surface possible that has a similar
// ratio.
int width_diff = surface_size.width() - size.width();
int height_diff = surface_size.height() - size.height();
return -width_diff * width_diff - height_diff * height_diff;
} // namespace
ScratchSurfaceCache::Surface* ScratchSurfaceCache::FindBestCachedSurface(
const math::Size& size) {
// Iterate through all cached surfaces to find the one that is the best match
// for the given size. The function GetMatchScoreForSurfaceAndSize() is
// responsible for assigning a score to a Surface/math::Size pair.
float max_surface_score = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
std::vector<Surface*>::iterator max_iter = unused_surfaces_.end();
for (std::vector<Surface*>::iterator iter = unused_surfaces_.begin();
iter != unused_surfaces_.end(); ++iter) {
Surface* current_surface = *iter;
math::Size surface_size = current_surface->GetSize();
if (surface_size.width() >= size.width() &&
surface_size.height() >= size.height()) {
float surface_score =
GetMatchScoreForSurfaceAndSize(current_surface, size);
if (surface_score > max_surface_score) {
max_surface_score = surface_score;
max_iter = iter;
// If any of the cached unused surfaces had at least the specified
// width/height, return the one that had the highest score.
if (max_iter != unused_surfaces_.end()) {
Surface* surface = *max_iter;
// Remove this surface from the list of unused surfaces.
// Return the cached surface.
return surface;
} else {
// Otherwise return NULL to indicate that we do not have any suitable cached
// surfaces.
return NULL;
void ScratchSurfaceCache::Purge() {
// Delete surfaces from the front (least recently used) of |unused_surfaces_|
// until we have deleted all surfaces or lowered our memory usage to under
// |cache_capacity_in_bytes_|.
while (!unused_surfaces_.empty() &&
surface_memory_ > cache_capacity_in_bytes_) {
Surface* to_free = unused_surfaces_.front();
math::Size surface_size = to_free->GetSize();
surface_memory_ -= ApproximateSurfaceMemory(
math::Size(surface_size.width(), surface_size.height()));
} // namespace common
} // namespace rasterizer
} // namespace renderer
} // namespace cobalt