blob: c7e9729626f63b03dc301c642d50c8d9e7a2e074 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/system.h"
namespace base {
namespace debug {
namespace {
class BacktraceOutputHandler {
virtual void HandleOutput(const char* output) = 0;
virtual ~BacktraceOutputHandler() {}
class PrintBacktraceOutputHandler : public BacktraceOutputHandler {
PrintBacktraceOutputHandler() {}
virtual void HandleOutput(const char* output) {
// NOTE: This code MUST be async-signal safe (it's used by in-process
// stack dumping signal handler). NO malloc or stdio is allowed here.
PrintBacktraceOutputHandler(const PrintBacktraceOutputHandler&) = delete;
PrintBacktraceOutputHandler& operator=(const PrintBacktraceOutputHandler&) = delete;
class StreamBacktraceOutputHandler : public BacktraceOutputHandler {
StreamBacktraceOutputHandler(std::ostream* os) : os_(os) {}
virtual void HandleOutput(const char* output) { (*os_) << output; }
std::ostream* os_;
StreamBacktraceOutputHandler(const StreamBacktraceOutputHandler&) = delete;
StreamBacktraceOutputHandler& operator=(const StreamBacktraceOutputHandler&) = delete;
void OutputPointer(void* pointer, BacktraceOutputHandler* handler) {
char buf[1024] = {'\0'};
handler->HandleOutput(" [0x");
internal::itoa_r(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pointer), buf, sizeof(buf), 16, 0);
void ProcessBacktrace(void* const* trace,
int size,
const char* prefix_string,
BacktraceOutputHandler* handler) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (prefix_string)
char buf[1024] = {'\0'};
// Subtract by one as return address of function may be in the next
// function when a function is annotated as noreturn.
void* address = static_cast<char*>(trace[i]) - 1;
if (SbSystemSymbolize(address, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
} else {
OutputPointer(trace[i], handler);
} // namespace
namespace internal {
// NOTE: code from sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/
char* itoa_r(intptr_t i, char* buf, size_t sz, int base, size_t padding) {
// Make sure we can write at least one NUL byte.
size_t n = 1;
if (n > sz)
return NULL;
if (base < 2 || base > 16) {
buf[0] = '\000';
return NULL;
char* start = buf;
uintptr_t j = i;
// Handle negative numbers (only for base 10).
if (i < 0 && base == 10) {
j = -i;
// Make sure we can write the '-' character.
if (++n > sz) {
buf[0] = '\000';
return NULL;
*start++ = '-';
// Loop until we have converted the entire number. Output at least one
// character (i.e. '0').
char* ptr = start;
do {
// Make sure there is still enough space left in our output buffer.
if (++n > sz) {
buf[0] = '\000';
return nullptr;
// Output the next digit.
*ptr++ = "0123456789abcdef"[j % static_cast<uintptr_t>(base)];
j /= static_cast<uintptr_t>(base);
if (padding > 0)
} while (j > 0 || padding > 0);
// Terminate the output with a NUL character.
*ptr = '\000';
// Conversion to ASCII actually resulted in the digits being in reverse
// order. We can't easily generate them in forward order, as we can't tell
// the number of characters needed until we are done converting.
// So, now, we reverse the string (except for the possible "-" sign).
while (--ptr > start) {
char ch = *ptr;
*ptr = *start;
*start++ = ch;
return buf;
} // namespace internal
size_t CollectStackTrace(void** trace, size_t count) {
// NOTE: This code MUST be async-signal safe (it's used by in-process
// stack dumping signal handler). NO malloc or stdio is allowed here.
// Though the SbSystemGetStack API documentation does not specify any possible
// negative return values, we take no chance.
count = std::max(SbSystemGetStack(trace, count), 0);
// We can remove this call from the stack trace, since we know it is always
// going to be in it.
for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
trace[i - 1] = trace[i];
return count;
void StackTrace::PrintWithPrefix(const char* prefix_string) const {
// NOTE: This code MUST be async-signal safe (it's used by in-process
// stack dumping signal handler). NO malloc or stdio is allowed here.
PrintBacktraceOutputHandler handler;
ProcessBacktrace(trace_, count_, prefix_string, &handler);
void StackTrace::OutputToStreamWithPrefix(std::ostream* os,
const char* prefix_string) const {
StreamBacktraceOutputHandler handler(os);
ProcessBacktrace(trace_, count_, prefix_string, &handler);
bool EnableInProcessStackDumping() {
return true;
} // namespace debug
} // namespace base