blob: feaf725767c4673b1412b79f653e0082e929f0a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace base {
namespace ios {
// Returns whether the operating system is iOS 12 or later.
// TODO( Remove once minimum supported version is at least 12
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnIOS12OrLater();
// Returns whether the operating system is iOS 13 or later.
// TODO( Remove once minimum supported version is at least 13
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnIOS13OrLater();
// Returns whether the operating system is iOS 14 or later.
// TODO( Remove once minimum supported version is at least 14
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnIOS14OrLater();
// Returns whether the operating system is iOS 15 or later.
// TODO( Remove once minimum supported version is at least 15
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnIOS15OrLater();
// Returns whether the operating system is iOS 16 or later.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnIOS16OrLater();
// Returns whether the operating system is at the given version or later.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsRunningOnOrLater(int32_t major,
int32_t minor,
int32_t bug_fix);
// Returns whether iOS is signaling that an RTL text direction should be used
// regardless of the current locale. This should not return true if the current
// language is a "real" RTL language such as Arabic or Urdu; it should only
// return true in cases where the RTL text direction has been forced (for
// example by using the "RTL Pseudolanguage" option when launching from Xcode).
BASE_EXPORT bool IsInForcedRTL();
// Stores the |path| of the ICU dat file in a global to be referenced later by
// FilePathOfICUFile(). This should only be called once.
BASE_EXPORT void OverridePathOfEmbeddedICU(const char* path);
// Returns the overriden path set by OverridePathOfEmbeddedICU(), otherwise
// returns invalid FilePath.
BASE_EXPORT FilePath FilePathOfEmbeddedICU();
// Returns true iff multiple windows can be opened, i.e. when the multiwindow
// build flag is on, the device is running on iOS 13+ and it's a compatible
// iPad.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsMultipleScenesSupported();
// iOS 15 introduced pre-warming, which launches and then pauses the app, to
// speed up actual launch time.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsApplicationPreWarmed();
// The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max introduced a dynamic island. This should only
// be called when working around UIKit bugs.
BASE_EXPORT bool HasDynamicIsland();
} // namespace ios
} // namespace base
#endif // BASE_IOS_IOS_UTIL_H_