blob: b4267faf481f172780983b1040b78f2e7a570f73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/task_annotator.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/tracked_ref.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_local.h"
namespace base {
class ConditionVariable;
namespace internal {
// Determines which tasks are allowed to run.
enum class CanRunPolicy {
// All tasks are allowed to run.
// Only USER_VISIBLE and USER_BLOCKING tasks are allowed to run.
// No tasks can run.
// TaskTracker enforces policies that determines whether:
// - A task can be pushed to a task source (WillPostTask).
// - A task source can be queued (WillQueueTaskSource).
// - Tasks for a given priority can run (CanRunPriority).
// - The next task in a queued task source can run (RunAndPopNextTask).
// TaskTracker also sets up the environment to run a task (RunAndPopNextTask)
// and records metrics and trace events. This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskTracker {
TaskTracker(const TaskTracker&) = delete;
TaskTracker& operator=(const TaskTracker&) = delete;
virtual ~TaskTracker();
// Initiates shutdown. Once this is called, only BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks will
// start running (doesn't affect tasks that are already running). This can
// only be called once.
void StartShutdown();
// Synchronously completes shutdown. StartShutdown() must be called first.
// Returns when:
// - All SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN tasks that were already running have completed their
// execution.
// - All posted BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks have completed their execution.
// CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN tasks still may be running after Shutdown returns.
// This can only be called once.
void CompleteShutdown();
// Waits until there are no incomplete task sources. May be called in tests
// to validate that a condition is met after all task sources have run.
// Does not wait for delayed tasks. Waits for task sources posted from
// other threads during the call. Returns immediately when shutdown completes.
void FlushForTesting();
// Returns and calls |flush_callback| when there are no incomplete undelayed
// tasks. |flush_callback| may be called back on any thread and should not
// perform a lot of work. May be used when additional work on the current
// thread needs to be performed during a flush. Only one
// FlushAsyncForTesting() may be pending at any given time.
void FlushAsyncForTesting(OnceClosure flush_callback);
// Sets the new CanRunPolicy policy, possibly affecting result of
// CanRunPriority(). The caller must wake up worker as appropriate so that
// tasks that are allowed to run by the new policy can be scheduled.
void SetCanRunPolicy(CanRunPolicy can_run_policy);
// Informs this TaskTracker that |task| with |shutdown_behavior| is about to
// be pushed to a task source (if non-delayed) or be added to the
// DelayedTaskManager (if delayed). Returns true if this operation is allowed
// (the operation should be performed if-and-only-if it is). This method may
// also modify metadata on |task| if desired.
// If this returns false, `task` must be leaked by the caller if deleting it
// on the current sequence may invoke sequence-affine code that belongs to
// another sequence.
bool WillPostTask(Task* task, TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Informs this TaskTracker that |task| that is about to be pushed to a task
// source with |priority|. Returns true if this operation is allowed (the
// operation should be performed if-and-only-if it is).
[[nodiscard]] bool WillPostTaskNow(const Task& task,
TaskPriority priority) const;
// Informs this TaskTracker that |task_source| is about to be queued. Returns
// a RegisteredTaskSource that should be queued if-and-only-if it evaluates to
// true.
RegisteredTaskSource RegisterTaskSource(
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> task_source);
// Returns true if a task with |priority| can run under to the current policy.
bool CanRunPriority(TaskPriority priority) const;
// Runs the next task in |task_source| unless the current shutdown state
// prevents that. Then, pops the task from |task_source| (even if it didn't
// run). Returns |task_source| if non-empty after popping a task from it
// (which indicates that it should be reenqueued). WillPostTask() must have
// allowed the task in front of |task_source| to be posted before this is
// called.
RegisteredTaskSource RunAndPopNextTask(RegisteredTaskSource task_source);
// Returns true once shutdown has started (StartShutdown() was called).
// Note: sequential consistency with the thread calling StartShutdown() isn't
// guaranteed by this call.
bool HasShutdownStarted() const;
// Returns true if shutdown has completed (StartShutdown() was called and
// no tasks are blocking shutdown).
bool IsShutdownComplete() const;
TrackedRef<TaskTracker> GetTrackedRef() {
return tracked_ref_factory_.GetTrackedRef();
void BeginFizzlingBlockShutdownTasks();
void EndFizzlingBlockShutdownTasks();
// Returns true if there are task sources that haven't completed their
// execution (still queued or in progress). If it returns false: the side-
// effects of all completed tasks are guaranteed to be visible to the caller.
bool HasIncompleteTaskSourcesForTesting() const;
// Runs and deletes |task|. |task| is deleted in the environment where it
// runs. |task_source| is the task source from which |task| was extracted.
// |traits| are the traits of |task_source|. An override is expected to call
// its parent's implementation but is free to perform extra work before and
// after doing so.
virtual void RunTask(Task task,
TaskSource* task_source,
const TaskTraits& traits);
// Allow a subclass to wait more interactively for any running shutdown tasks
// before blocking the thread.
virtual void BeginCompleteShutdown(base::WaitableEvent& shutdown_event);
// Asserts that FlushForTesting() is allowed to be called. Overridden in tests
// in situations where it is not.
virtual void AssertFlushForTestingAllowed() {}
friend class RegisteredTaskSource;
class State;
void PerformShutdown();
// Called before WillPostTask() informs the tracing system that a task has
// been posted. Updates |num_items_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary and
// returns true if the current shutdown state allows the task to be posted.
bool BeforeQueueTaskSource(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Called before a task with |effective_shutdown_behavior| is run by
// RunTask(). Updates |num_items_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary and returns
// true if the current shutdown state allows the task to be run.
bool BeforeRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Called after a task with |effective_shutdown_behavior| has been run by
// RunTask(). Updates |num_items_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary.
void AfterRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Informs this TaskTracker that |task_source| won't be reenqueued and returns
// the underlying TaskSource. This is called before destroying a valid
// RegisteredTaskSource. Updates |num_items_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary.
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> UnregisterTaskSource(
scoped_refptr<TaskSource> task_source);
// Called when an item blocking shutdown finishes after shutdown has started.
void DecrementNumItemsBlockingShutdown();
// Decrements the number of incomplete task sources and signals |flush_cv_|
// if it reaches zero.
void DecrementNumIncompleteTaskSources();
// Invokes all |flush_callbacks_for_testing_| if any in a lock-safe manner.
void InvokeFlushCallbacksForTesting();
// Dummy frames to allow identification of shutdown behavior in a stack trace.
void RunContinueOnShutdown(Task& task,
const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskSource* task_source,
const SequenceToken& token);
void RunSkipOnShutdown(Task& task,
const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskSource* task_source,
const SequenceToken& token);
void RunBlockShutdown(Task& task,
const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskSource* task_source,
const SequenceToken& token);
void RunTaskWithShutdownBehavior(Task& task,
const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskSource* task_source,
const SequenceToken& token);
NOT_TAIL_CALLED void RunTaskImpl(Task& task,
const TaskTraits& traits,
TaskSource* task_source,
const SequenceToken& token);
TaskAnnotator task_annotator_;
// Indicates whether logging information about TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT tasks
// was enabled with a command line switch.
const bool has_log_best_effort_tasks_switch_;
// Number of tasks blocking shutdown and boolean indicating whether shutdown
// has started. |shutdown_lock_| should be held to access |shutdown_event_|
// when this indicates that shutdown has started because State doesn't provide
// memory barriers. It intentionally trades having to use a Lock on shutdown
// with not needing memory barriers at runtime.
const std::unique_ptr<State> state_;
// Number of task sources that haven't completed their execution. Is
// decremented with a memory barrier after the last task of a task source
// runs. Is accessed with an acquire memory barrier in FlushForTesting(). The
// memory barriers ensure that the memory written by flushed task sources is
// visible when FlushForTesting() returns.
std::atomic_int num_incomplete_task_sources_{0};
// Global policy the determines result of CanRunPriority().
std::atomic<CanRunPolicy> can_run_policy_;
// Lock associated with |flush_cv_|. Partially synchronizes access to
// |num_incomplete_task_sources_|. Full synchronization isn't needed
// because it's atomic, but synchronization is needed to coordinate waking and
// sleeping at the right time. Fully synchronizes access to
// |flush_callbacks_for_testing_|.
mutable CheckedLock flush_lock_;
// Signaled when |num_incomplete_task_sources_| is or reaches zero or when
// shutdown completes.
const std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> flush_cv_;
// All invoked, if any, when |num_incomplete_task_sources_| is zero or when
// shutdown completes.
base::circular_deque<OnceClosure> flush_callbacks_for_testing_
// Synchronizes access to shutdown related members below.
mutable CheckedLock shutdown_lock_;
// Event instantiated when shutdown starts and signaled when shutdown
// completes.
std::unique_ptr<WaitableEvent> shutdown_event_ GUARDED_BY(shutdown_lock_);
// Ensures all state (e.g. dangling cleaned up workers) is coalesced before
// destroying the TaskTracker (e.g. in test environments).
// Ref.
TrackedRefFactory<TaskTracker> tracked_ref_factory_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base