blob: 73f3648c5bcb036b344394fca19f49edc9c5c75d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline_metadata.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/remoting_common.mojom.h"
#include "media/remoting/triggers.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace media {
namespace remoting {
// The compatibility of a media content with remoting, and the reasons for
// incompatibilities.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class RemotingCompatibility {
kCompatible = 0,
kNoAudioNorVideo = 1,
kEncryptedVideo = 2,
kIncompatibleVideoCodec = 3,
kEncryptedAudio = 4,
kIncompatibleAudioCodec = 5,
kDisabledByPage = 6,
kDurationBelowThreshold = 7,
// Add new values here. Don't re-number existing values.
kMaxValue = kDurationBelowThreshold,
// The rate of pixels in a video and whether the receiver supports its playback.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class PixelRateSupport {
// Pixels per second is at most the equivalent of 1080p 30fps.
k2kSupported = 0,
// More than 1080p 30fps and at most 2160p 30fps.
k4kSupported = 1,
k4kNotSupported = 2,
kOver4kNotSupported = 3,
// Add new values here. Don't re-number existing values.
kMaxValue = kOver4kNotSupported,
class SessionMetricsRecorder {
SessionMetricsRecorder(const SessionMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
SessionMetricsRecorder& operator=(const SessionMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
// When attempting to start a remoting session, WillStartSession() is called,
// followed by either OnSessionStartSucceeded() or OnSessionStop() to indicate
// whether the start succeeded. Later, OnSessionStop() is called when the
// session ends.
void WillStartSession(StartTrigger trigger);
void DidStartSession();
void StartSessionFailed(mojom::RemotingStartFailReason reason);
void WillStopSession(StopTrigger trigger);
// These may be called before, during, or after a remoting session.
void OnPipelineMetadataChanged(const PipelineMetadata& metadata);
void OnRemotePlaybackDisabled(bool disabled);
// Records the rate of pixels in a video (bucketed into FHD, 4K, etc.) and
// whether the receiver supports its playback. Records only on the first call
// for the recorder instance.
void RecordVideoPixelRateSupport(PixelRateSupport support);
// Records the compatibility of a media content with remoting. Records only on
// the first call for the recorder instance.
void RecordCompatibility(RemotingCompatibility compatibility);
// Whether audio only, video only, or both were played during the session.
// NOTE: Never re-number or re-use numbers here. These are used in UMA
// histograms, and must remain backwards-compatible for all time. However,
// *do* change TRACK_CONFIGURATION_MAX to one after the greatest value when
// adding new ones. Also, don't forget to update histograms.xml!
enum TrackConfiguration {
// Helper methods to record media configuration at relevant times.
void RecordAudioConfiguration();
void RecordVideoConfiguration();
void RecordTrackConfiguration();
// |start_trigger_| is set while a remoting session is active.
absl::optional<StartTrigger> start_trigger_;
// When the current (or last) remoting session started.
base::TimeTicks start_time_;
// Last known audio and video configuration. These can change before/after a
// remoting session as well as during one.
AudioCodec last_audio_codec_;
ChannelLayout last_channel_layout_;
int last_sample_rate_;
VideoCodec last_video_codec_;
VideoCodecProfile last_video_profile_;
gfx::Size last_natural_size_;
// Last known disabled playback state. This can change before/after a remoting
// session as well as during one.
absl::optional<bool> remote_playback_is_disabled_;
bool did_record_pixel_rate_support_ = false;
bool did_record_compatibility_ = false;
class RendererMetricsRecorder {
RendererMetricsRecorder(const RendererMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
RendererMetricsRecorder& operator=(const RendererMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
// Called when an "initialize success" message is received from the remote.
void OnRendererInitialized();
// Called whenever there is direct (or indirect, but close-in-time) evidence
// that playout has occurred.
void OnEvidenceOfPlayoutAtReceiver();
// These are called at regular intervals throughout the session to provide
// estimated data flow rates.
void OnAudioRateEstimate(int kilobits_per_second);
void OnVideoRateEstimate(int kilobits_per_second);
const base::TimeTicks start_time_;
bool did_record_first_playout_ = false;
} // namespace remoting
} // namespace media