blob: e42ded7b3d55e51f526a2deed635898e3439f8e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
namespace net {
class GrowableIOBuffer;
// Wraps an existing StreamSocket that will ensure a certain amount of data is
// internally buffered before satisfying a Read() request, regardless of how
// quickly the OS receives them from the peer.
class ReadBufferingStreamSocket : public WrappedStreamSocket {
explicit ReadBufferingStreamSocket(std::unique_ptr<StreamSocket> transport);
~ReadBufferingStreamSocket() override;
// Socket implementation:
int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
int ReadIfReady(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
// Causes the next Read() or ReadIfReady() call to not return data until it
// has internally been buffered up to |size| bytes. Once the buffer has been
// consumed, the buffering is disabled. If the next read requests fewer than
// |size| bytes, it will not return until 0
void BufferNextRead(int size);
enum State {
int DoLoop(int result);
int DoRead();
int DoReadComplete(int result);
void OnReadCompleted(int result);
int CopyToCaller(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
State state_ = STATE_NONE;
// The buffer that must be filled to capacity before data is released out of
// Read() or ReadIfReady(). If buffering is disabled, this is zero.
scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer> read_buffer_;
// True if |read_buffer_| has been filled, in which case
// |read_buffer_->offset()| is how much data has been released to the caller.
// If false, the offset is how much data has been written.
bool buffer_full_ = false;
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> user_read_buf_;
int user_read_buf_len_;
CompletionOnceCallback user_read_callback_;
} // namespace net