blob: 2a6b994782e5b2b814b618deb0eb6d7c08c6d485 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/spdy/alps_decoder.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "net/base/features.h"
#include "net/base/hex_utils.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using ::spdy::AcceptChOriginValuePair;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::IsEmpty;
using ::testing::Pair;
namespace net {
namespace {
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, EmptyInput) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetSettings(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder.settings_frame_count());
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode({});
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetSettings(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder.settings_frame_count());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, EmptyAcceptChFrame) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000000" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000")); // stream ID
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetSettings(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder.settings_frame_count());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, EmptySettingsFrame) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000000" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"00" // flags
"00000000")); // stream ID
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetSettings(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(1, decoder.settings_frame_count());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, ParseSettingsAndAcceptChFrames) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(HexDecode(
// ACCEPT_CH frame
"00003d" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f" // value "foo"
"0018" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f6d61696c" //
"2e6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"626172" // value "bar"
// SETTINGS frame
"00000c" // length
"04" // type
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0dab" // identifier
"01020304" // value
"1234" // identifier
"fedcba98")); // value
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
ElementsAre(AcceptChOriginValuePair{"", "foo"},
AcceptChOriginValuePair{"", "bar"}));
ElementsAre(Pair(0x0dab, 0x01020304), Pair(0x1234, 0xfedcba98)));
EXPECT_EQ(1, decoder.settings_frame_count());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, ParseLargeAcceptChFrame) {
std::string frame = HexDecode(
// ACCEPT_CH frame
"0001ab" // length: 427 total bytes
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0190" // value length (400 in hex)
// The Accept-CH tokens payload is a string of 400 'x' characters.
const std::string accept_ch_tokens(400, 'x');
// Append the value bytes to the frame.
frame += accept_ch_tokens;
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(frame);
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, DisableAlpsParsing) {
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list;
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(HexDecode(
// ACCEPT_CH frame
"00003d" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f" // value "foo"
"0018" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f6d61696c" //
"2e6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"626172" // value "bar"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, DisableAlpsClientHintParsing) {
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list;
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(HexDecode(
// ACCEPT_CH frame
"00003d" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f" // value "foo"
"0018" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f6d61696c" //
"2e6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"626172" // value "bar"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, IncompleteFrame) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("00000c" // length
"04" // type
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0dab" // identifier
"01")); // first byte of value
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNotOnFrameBoundary, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, TwoSettingsFrames) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000006" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"0dab" // identifier
"01020304" // value
"000006" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"00" // flags
"00000000" // stream ID
"1234" // identifier
"fedcba98")); // value
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_EQ(2, decoder.settings_frame_count());
ElementsAre(Pair(0x0dab, 0x01020304), Pair(0x1234, 0xfedcba98)));
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, AcceptChOnInvalidStream) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(
HexDecode("00001e" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000001" // invalid stream ID: should be zero
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f")); // value "foo"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kAcceptChInvalidStream, error);
// According to
// \
// draft-davidben-http-client-hint-reliability.html#name-http-2-accept_ch-frame
// "If a user agent receives an ACCEPT_CH frame whose stream [...] flags
// field is non-zero, it MUST respond with a connection error [...]."
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, AcceptChWithInvalidFlags) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(
HexDecode("00001e" // length
"89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"02" // invalid flags: should be zero
"00000000" // stream ID
"0017" // origin length
"68747470733a2f2f7777772e" //
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f")); // value "foo"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kAcceptChWithFlags, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, SettingsOnInvalidStream) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000006" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"00" // flags
"00000001" // invalid stream ID: should be zero
"1234" // identifier
"fedcba98")); // value
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kFramingError, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, SettingsAck) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000000" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"01" // ACK flag
"00000000")); // stream ID
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kSettingsWithAck, error);
// According to
// "Flags that have no defined semantics for a particular frame type MUST be
// ignored [...]"
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, SettingsWithInvalidFlags) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000006" // length
"04" // type SETTINGS
"02" // invalid flag
"00000000" // stream ID
"1234" // identifier
"fedcba98")); // value
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, ForbiddenFrame) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000003" // length
"00" // frame type DATA
"01" // flags END_STREAM
"00000001" // stream ID
"666f6f")); // payload "foo"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kForbiddenFrame, error);
TEST(AlpsDecoderTest, UnknownFrame) {
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error =
decoder.Decode(HexDecode("000003" // length
"2a" // unknown frame type
"ff" // flags
"00000008" // stream ID
"666f6f")); // payload "foo"
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetAcceptCh(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_THAT(decoder.GetSettings(), IsEmpty());
EXPECT_EQ(0, decoder.settings_frame_count());
class AlpsDecoderTestWithFeature : public ::testing::TestWithParam<bool> {
bool ShouldKillSessionOnAcceptChMalformed() { return GetParam(); }
void SetUp() override {
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list_;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(All, AlpsDecoderTestWithFeature, testing::Bool());
TEST_P(AlpsDecoderTestWithFeature, MalformedAcceptChFrame) {
// Correct, complete payload.
std::string payload = HexDecode(
"0017" // origin length
"6578616d706c652e636f6d" // origin ""
"0003" // value length
"666f6f"); // value "foo"
for (uint8_t payload_length = 1; payload_length < payload.length();
payload_length++) {
base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
// First two bytes of length.
std::string frame = HexDecode("0000");
// Last byte of length.
HexDecode("89" // type ACCEPT_CH
"00" // flags
"00000000")); // stream ID
// Incomplete, malformed payload.
frame.append(, payload_length);
AlpsDecoder decoder;
AlpsDecoder::Error error = decoder.Decode(frame);
if (ShouldKillSessionOnAcceptChMalformed()) {
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kAcceptChMalformed, error);
static_cast<int>(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError), 1);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(AlpsDecoder::Error::kNoError, error);
static_cast<int>(AlpsDecoder::Error::kAcceptChMalformed), 1);
} // namespace
} // namespace net