blob: 986b5bed8e51f0468c2eee1c87e8f46cee9c7e49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// renderer_utils:
// Helper methods pertaining to most or all back-ends.
#include <cstdint>
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
namespace angle
struct FeatureSetBase;
struct Format;
enum class FormatID;
} // namespace angle
namespace gl
struct FormatType;
struct InternalFormat;
class State;
} // namespace gl
namespace egl
class AttributeMap;
struct DisplayState;
} // namespace egl
namespace rx
class ContextImpl;
class ResourceSerial
constexpr ResourceSerial() : mValue(kDirty) {}
explicit constexpr ResourceSerial(uintptr_t value) : mValue(value) {}
constexpr bool operator==(ResourceSerial other) const { return mValue == other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator!=(ResourceSerial other) const { return mValue != other.mValue; }
void dirty() { mValue = kDirty; }
void clear() { mValue = kEmpty; }
constexpr bool valid() const { return mValue != kEmpty && mValue != kDirty; }
constexpr bool empty() const { return mValue == kEmpty; }
constexpr static uintptr_t kDirty = std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max();
constexpr static uintptr_t kEmpty = 0;
uintptr_t mValue;
class Serial final
constexpr Serial() : mValue(kInvalid) {}
constexpr Serial(const Serial &other) = default;
Serial &operator=(const Serial &other) = default;
constexpr bool operator==(const Serial &other) const
return mValue != kInvalid && mValue == other.mValue;
constexpr bool operator==(uint32_t value) const
return mValue != kInvalid && mValue == static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
constexpr bool operator!=(const Serial &other) const
return mValue == kInvalid || mValue != other.mValue;
constexpr bool operator>(const Serial &other) const { return mValue > other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator>=(const Serial &other) const { return mValue >= other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<(const Serial &other) const { return mValue < other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<=(const Serial &other) const { return mValue <= other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<(uint32_t value) const { return mValue < static_cast<uint64_t>(value); }
// Useful for serialization.
constexpr uint64_t getValue() const { return mValue; }
template <typename T>
friend class SerialFactoryBase;
constexpr explicit Serial(uint64_t value) : mValue(value) {}
uint64_t mValue;
static constexpr uint64_t kInvalid = 0;
template <typename SerialBaseType>
class SerialFactoryBase final : angle::NonCopyable
SerialFactoryBase() : mSerial(1) {}
Serial generate()
ASSERT(mSerial + 1 > mSerial);
return Serial(mSerial++);
SerialBaseType mSerial;
using SerialFactory = SerialFactoryBase<uint64_t>;
using AtomicSerialFactory = SerialFactoryBase<std::atomic<uint64_t>>;
using MipGenerationFunction = void (*)(size_t sourceWidth,
size_t sourceHeight,
size_t sourceDepth,
const uint8_t *sourceData,
size_t sourceRowPitch,
size_t sourceDepthPitch,
uint8_t *destData,
size_t destRowPitch,
size_t destDepthPitch);
typedef void (*PixelReadFunction)(const uint8_t *source, uint8_t *dest);
typedef void (*PixelWriteFunction)(const uint8_t *source, uint8_t *dest);
typedef void (*PixelCopyFunction)(const uint8_t *source, uint8_t *dest);
class FastCopyFunctionMap
struct Entry
angle::FormatID formatID;
PixelCopyFunction func;
constexpr FastCopyFunctionMap() : FastCopyFunctionMap(nullptr, 0) {}
constexpr FastCopyFunctionMap(const Entry *data, size_t size) : mSize(size), mData(data) {}
bool has(angle::FormatID formatID) const;
PixelCopyFunction get(angle::FormatID formatID) const;
size_t mSize;
const Entry *mData;
struct PackPixelsParams
PackPixelsParams(const gl::Rectangle &area,
const angle::Format &destFormat,
GLuint outputPitch,
bool reverseRowOrderIn,
gl::Buffer *packBufferIn,
ptrdiff_t offset);
gl::Rectangle area;
const angle::Format *destFormat;
GLuint outputPitch;
gl::Buffer *packBuffer;
bool reverseRowOrder;
ptrdiff_t offset;
void PackPixels(const PackPixelsParams &params,
const angle::Format &sourceFormat,
int inputPitch,
const uint8_t *source,
uint8_t *destination);
using InitializeTextureDataFunction = void (*)(size_t width,
size_t height,
size_t depth,
uint8_t *output,
size_t outputRowPitch,
size_t outputDepthPitch);
using LoadImageFunction = void (*)(size_t width,
size_t height,
size_t depth,
const uint8_t *input,
size_t inputRowPitch,
size_t inputDepthPitch,
uint8_t *output,
size_t outputRowPitch,
size_t outputDepthPitch);
struct LoadImageFunctionInfo
LoadImageFunctionInfo() : loadFunction(nullptr), requiresConversion(false) {}
LoadImageFunctionInfo(LoadImageFunction loadFunction, bool requiresConversion)
: loadFunction(loadFunction), requiresConversion(requiresConversion)
LoadImageFunction loadFunction;
bool requiresConversion;
using LoadFunctionMap = LoadImageFunctionInfo (*)(GLenum);
bool ShouldUseDebugLayers(const egl::AttributeMap &attribs);
bool ShouldUseVirtualizedContexts(const egl::AttributeMap &attribs, bool defaultValue);
void CopyImageCHROMIUM(const uint8_t *sourceData,
size_t sourceRowPitch,
size_t sourcePixelBytes,
size_t sourceDepthPitch,
PixelReadFunction pixelReadFunction,
uint8_t *destData,
size_t destRowPitch,
size_t destPixelBytes,
size_t destDepthPitch,
PixelWriteFunction pixelWriteFunction,
GLenum destUnsizedFormat,
GLenum destComponentType,
size_t width,
size_t height,
size_t depth,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
// Incomplete textures are 1x1 textures filled with black, used when samplers are incomplete.
// This helper class encapsulates handling incomplete textures. Because the GL back-end
// can take advantage of the driver's incomplete textures, and because clearing multisample
// textures is so difficult, we can keep an instance of this class in the back-end instead
// of moving the logic to the Context front-end.
// This interface allows us to call-back to init a multisample texture.
class MultisampleTextureInitializer
virtual ~MultisampleTextureInitializer() {}
virtual angle::Result initializeMultisampleTextureToBlack(const gl::Context *context,
gl::Texture *glTexture) = 0;
class IncompleteTextureSet final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy(const gl::Context *context);
angle::Result getIncompleteTexture(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
MultisampleTextureInitializer *multisampleInitializer,
gl::Texture **textureOut);
gl::TextureMap mIncompleteTextures;
// Helpers to set a matrix uniform value based on GLSL or HLSL semantics.
// The return value indicate if the data was updated or not.
template <int cols, int rows>
struct SetFloatUniformMatrixGLSL
static void Run(unsigned int arrayElementOffset,
unsigned int elementCount,
GLsizei countIn,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLfloat *value,
uint8_t *targetData);
template <int cols, int rows>
struct SetFloatUniformMatrixHLSL
static void Run(unsigned int arrayElementOffset,
unsigned int elementCount,
GLsizei countIn,
GLboolean transpose,
const GLfloat *value,
uint8_t *targetData);
// Helper method to de-tranpose a matrix uniform for an API query.
void GetMatrixUniform(GLenum type, GLfloat *dataOut, const GLfloat *source, bool transpose);
template <typename NonFloatT>
void GetMatrixUniform(GLenum type, NonFloatT *dataOut, const NonFloatT *source, bool transpose);
const angle::Format &GetFormatFromFormatType(GLenum format, GLenum type);
angle::Result ComputeStartVertex(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
const gl::IndexRange &indexRange,
GLint baseVertex,
GLint *firstVertexOut);
angle::Result GetVertexRangeInfo(const gl::Context *context,
GLint firstVertex,
GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount,
gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrInvalid,
const void *indices,
GLint baseVertex,
GLint *startVertexOut,
size_t *vertexCountOut);
gl::Rectangle ClipRectToScissor(const gl::State &glState, const gl::Rectangle &rect, bool invertY);
// Helper method to intialize a FeatureSet with overrides from the DisplayState
void OverrideFeaturesWithDisplayState(angle::FeatureSetBase *features,
const egl::DisplayState &state);
template <typename In>
uint32_t LineLoopRestartIndexCountHelper(GLsizei indexCount, const uint8_t *srcPtr)
constexpr In restartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndexFromType<In>();
const In *inIndices = reinterpret_cast<const In *>(srcPtr);
uint32_t numIndices = 0;
// See CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart() below for more info on how
// numIndices is calculated.
GLsizei loopStartIndex = 0;
for (GLsizei curIndex = 0; curIndex < indexCount; curIndex++)
In vertex = inIndices[curIndex];
if (vertex != restartIndex)
if (curIndex > loopStartIndex)
numIndices += 2;
loopStartIndex = curIndex + 1;
if (indexCount > loopStartIndex)
return numIndices;
inline uint32_t GetLineLoopWithRestartIndexCount(gl::DrawElementsType glIndexType,
GLsizei indexCount,
const uint8_t *srcPtr)
switch (glIndexType)
case gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedByte:
return LineLoopRestartIndexCountHelper<uint8_t>(indexCount, srcPtr);
case gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedShort:
return LineLoopRestartIndexCountHelper<uint16_t>(indexCount, srcPtr);
case gl::DrawElementsType::UnsignedInt:
return LineLoopRestartIndexCountHelper<uint32_t>(indexCount, srcPtr);
return 0;
// Writes the line-strip vertices for a line loop to outPtr,
// where outLimit is calculated as in GetPrimitiveRestartIndexCount.
template <typename In, typename Out>
void CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(GLsizei indexCount, const uint8_t *srcPtr, uint8_t *outPtr)
constexpr In restartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndexFromType<In>();
constexpr Out outRestartIndex = gl::GetPrimitiveRestartIndexFromType<Out>();
const In *inIndices = reinterpret_cast<const In *>(srcPtr);
Out *outIndices = reinterpret_cast<Out *>(outPtr);
GLsizei loopStartIndex = 0;
for (GLsizei curIndex = 0; curIndex < indexCount; curIndex++)
In vertex = inIndices[curIndex];
if (vertex != restartIndex)
*(outIndices++) = static_cast<Out>(vertex);
if (curIndex > loopStartIndex)
// Emit an extra vertex only if the loop is not empty.
*(outIndices++) = inIndices[loopStartIndex];
// Then restart the strip.
*(outIndices++) = outRestartIndex;
loopStartIndex = curIndex + 1;
if (indexCount > loopStartIndex)
// Close the last loop if not empty.
*(outIndices++) = inIndices[loopStartIndex];
void GetSamplePosition(GLsizei sampleCount, size_t index, GLfloat *xy);
} // namespace rx