blob: 6e430060e26d0cb3b4bf8eee939dfd5fa65246ec [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of UKM histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="UKM.ActualLogUploadInterval" units="minutes"
The actual interval between log upload start and previous log upload
finished within the same process. A value of 0 indicates there was no
previous upload.
<histogram name="UKM.BuildAndStoreLogIsEmpty" enum="Boolean"
Emitted when UKM Service attempts to build and store a log. Emits true if it
was empty (no sources or entries) which means no log is written, false
<histogram name="UKM.ConsentObserver.AllowedForAllProfiles" enum="Boolean"
Logged in UpdateUkmAllowedForAllProfiles from the UkmConsentStateObserver
which is called when UkmConsentStateObserver starts observing a new profile
and every time a URL-keyed anonymized data collection state changes or a
sync service state changes. This records whether UKM is allowed for all
<histogram name="UKM.ConsentObserver.AppSyncConsentChanged" enum="Boolean"
Logged in UpdateUkmAllowedForAllProfiles from the UkmConsentStateObserver.
This records if App-sync was changed everytime a profile is updated. True
will be recorded when App-sync changes and false otherwise. This is to
understand how often App-sync is changed.
<histogram name="UKM.ConsentObserver.Purge" enum="Boolean"
Logged in the UpdateProfileState call from the UkmConsentStateObserver. This
records if the UKM allowed change will trigger a purge of the local UKM
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Dropped" enum="UkmDataDroppedReason"
Number of UKM entries that are dropped. Categorized by the cause of it being
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Dropped.ByEntryHash" enum="UkmEventNameHash"
The hashed name of the UKM entry being dropped. The hash is the same hash
sent in the UKM log but truncated to 31 bits with &quot;event_hash &amp;
0x7fffffff&quot;. Recorded when adding an entry and the UKM recorder decides
it should be dropped.
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Dropped.MaxHit.ByEntryHash"
enum="UkmEventNameHash" expires_after="2023-09-10">
The hashed name of the UKM entry being dropped. The hash is the same hash
sent in the UKM log but truncated to 31 bits with &quot;event_hash &amp;
0x7fffffff&quot;. Recorded when adding an entry and the UKM recorder decides
it should be dropped due to reaching the max number of sources allowed in
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Dropped.RejectedByFilter.ByEntryHash"
enum="UkmEventNameHash" expires_after="2023-05-05">
The hashed name of the UKM entry being dropped. The hash is the same hash
sent in the UKM log but truncated to 31 bits with &quot;event_hash &amp;
0x7fffffff&quot;. Recorded when adding an entry and the UKM recorder decides
it should be dropped due to the UkmRecorderImpl::ApplyEntryFilter check.
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Dropped.SampledOut.ByEntryHash"
enum="UkmEventNameHash" expires_after="2023-09-10">
The hashed name of the UKM entry being dropped. The hash is the same hash
sent in the UKM log but truncated to 31 bits with &quot;event_hash &amp;
0x7fffffff&quot;. Recorded when adding an entry and the UKM recorder decides
it should be dropped due to it being sampled out.
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.Recorded.ByEntryHash" enum="UkmEventNameHash"
The hashed name of the UKM entry being recorded. The hash is the same hash
sent in the UKM log but truncated to 31 bits with &quot;event_hash &amp;
0x7fffffff&quot;. Recorded when an entry is added and accepted by the UKM
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.SerializedCount2" units="entries"
<summary>Number of serialized UKM entries when storing a UKM log.</summary>
<histogram name="UKM.Entries.SerializedCountFCP" units="entries"
Number of serialized UKM entries that are of type PageLoad that have the
metric PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstContentfulPaint. This is recorded every
time a UKM log is stored.
<histogram name="UKM.InitSequence" enum="UmaInitSequence"
Logged during UkmService initialization whether the init task or the initial
log timer completed first. The expectation is the vast majority of the time,
the init task should complete first. If metrics show otherwise, then it may
indicate there's a bug in the UkmService init sequence and that it should be
<histogram name="UKM.IOSLog.OnSuccess" units="records"
Number of times when UKM.LogSize.OnSuccess was recorded on iOS. Recorded
when the app transitions to the foreground. This histogram should help to
figure out the root cause of (Data loss on UMA in iOS). If
total count of UKM.IOSLog.OnSuccess is greater than number of
UKM.LogSize.OnSuccess records, then data loss is caused by failure to write
the histogram to the disk on background thread. Otherwise (if total sum of
UKM.IOSLog.OnSuccess is equal to total count of UKM.LogSize.OnSuccess
records) then there is actually no data loss and app simply gets terminated
in a short window between UKM reached the server and the API call which
records the data.
<histogram name="UKM.LogSize.OnSuccess" units="KB" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Size in kilobytes (after compression) of an uploaded UKM log. Recorded after
a successful UKM upload.
Note: A related metric (UKM.ProtoCompressionRatio) logs the compression
<histogram name="UKM.LogUpload.Canceled.CellularConstraint"
enum="BooleanCanceled" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Logs whether a log was not uploaded due to cellular log throttling logic.
Android only.
<histogram name="UKM.LogUpload.ResponseOrErrorCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2023-09-03">
HTTP response codes and network errors encountered by UKM when attempting to
upload logs to the server.
<histogram name="UKM.MigratedClientIdInt64ToUInt64" enum="BooleanMigrated"
The client id was migrated from an Int64 pref to a UInt64 pref. Not migrated
is recorded when a valid UInt64 value is loaded from prefs. Migration
started in M75.
<histogram name="UKM.PersistentLogRecall.Status"
enum="PersistedLogsLogReadStatus" expires_after="2023-07-01">
<summary>The status when loading UKM PersistedLogs from Prefs.</summary>
<histogram name="UKM.ProtoCompressionRatio" units="%"
Compression ratio of the serialized protobuf that will be uploaded to the
UKM server. This serialized protobuf is compressed using gzip. See also
<histogram name="UKM.PrunedSources.{Type}" units="sources"
Number of sources pruned after the operation of {Type} type.
<token key="Type">
<variant name="AppExpNumAppId"
summary="APP_ID only when not in seen/unseen experiment"/>
<variant name="AppExpNumNonAppId" summary="All non-APP_ID"/>
<variant name="NoExp" summary="Total pruned without experimentation"/>
<variant name="NumAppId"
summary="APP_ID only under seen/unseen experiment"/>
<variant name="NumSeen" summary="Seen only"/>
<variant name="NumUnseen" summary="Unseen only"/>
<histogram name="UKM.ReportSize.NonUkmPercentage" units="%"
Percentage that data non-directly attributed (e.g. system profile info, etc)
to UKM take up in a serialized ukm::Report protocol buffer, before
<histogram name="UKM.ResetReason" enum="UkmResetReason"
Recorded when a UKM client state (client_id, session_id) is reset. This
emits the reason the resetting was triggered.
<histogram name="UKM.Sources.Dropped" enum="UkmDataDroppedReason"
Number of UKM sources that are dropped. Categorized by the cause of it being
<histogram name="UKM.Sources.KeptSourcesCount" units="sources"
Number of unsent UKM sources that were kept in-memory to be potentially
transmitted in the next log.
<histogram name="UKM.Sources.SerializedCount2{UkmSourceIdTypes}"
units="sources" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Number of serialized UKM sources when storing a UKM log. {UkmSourceIdTypes}
<token key="UkmSourceIdTypes">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".App" summary="Restricted to app source id types."/>
<variant name=".Default" summary="Restricted to default source id type."/>
<variant name=".Navigation"
summary="Restricted to navigation source id types."/>
<variant name=".Ukm"
summary="Restricted to UKM source id types. Deprecated and replaced
by 'Default' in 2020/05."/>
<histogram name="UKM.Sources.UnmatchedSourcesCount" units="sources"
Number of UKM sources that were not sent because they did not match a
navigation source URL.
<histogram name="UKM.Sources.UnsentSourcesCount" units="sources"
Number of UKM sources that were not sent because they had no associated
<histogram name="UKM.UnsentLogs.DroppedSize" units="bytes"
Number of bytes in an excessively large log that was discarded while
persisting UKM logs to disk to retry during next chrome run.
<histogram name="UKM.UnsentLogs.NumDropped" units="units"
Counter for number of UKM unsent logs removed from persistent storage.
<histogram name="UKM.UserDemographics.Status" enum="UserDemographicsStatus"
The status of the retrieval of user demographics from sync that are reported
to UKM. Emitted each time UKM metrics are reported.