blob: 346e687731512bc5114dfef95cc2f4e2e5b9b8eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* TraceLogging minimal dynamic provider
* TlmProvider is a simple class that implements an Event Tracing for Windows
* (ETW) provider that generates TraceLogging events with string fields. Unlike
* the Windows SDK's TraceLoggingProvider.h, this provider class supports
* runtime-variable settings for event name, level, keyword, and field name.
* Note that this approach is not recommended for general use. Support for
* runtime-variable settings is not normally needed, and it requires extra
* buffering as compared to the approach used by TraceLoggingProvider.h. It is
* needed in this case because we're trying to feed data from the existing call
* sites (which use a runtime-variable function-call syntax) into ETW. If this
* were new code, it would be better to update each call site to use a syntax
* compatible with compile-time event settings compatible with structured
* logging like TraceLoggingProvider.h.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <windows.h>
// Evntprov.h must come after windows.h.
#include <evntprov.h>
// TODO( Update headers and use defined constants instead
// of magic numbers after is resolved.
* An instance of TlmProvider represents a logger through which data can be
* sent to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). This logger generates
* TraceLogging-encoded events (compatible with the events generated by the
* Windows SDK's TraceLoggingProvider.h header). In most cases, a developer
* would prefer using TraceLoggingProvider.h over TlmProvider
* (TraceLoggingProvider.h is more efficient and more full-featured), but
* TlmProvider allows for configuring the event parameters (event name,
* level, keyword, field names) at runtime (TraceLoggingProvider.h requires
* these to be set at compile time).
* Note that the Register/Unregister operations are relatively expensive, so
* the TlmProvider instance should be a long-lived variable (i.e. global
* variable, static variable, or field of a long-lived object), not a local
* variable andnot a field of a short-lived object.
* Note that provider name and provider GUID are a tightly-bound pair, i.e.
* they should each uniquely map to each other. Once a provider name and
* provider GUID have been used together, no other GUID should be used with
* that name and no other name should be used with that GUID. Normally this
* goal is achieved by using a hashing algorithm to generate the GUID from
* a hash of the name.
* Note that each event should use a non-zero level and a non-zero keyword.
* Predefined level constants are defined in <evntrace.h>: 0=Always,
* 1=Critical, 2=Error, 3=Warning, 4=Info, 5=Verbose (other level values can
* be used but are not well-defined and are not generally useful). A keyword
* is a bitmask of "category" bits, where each bit indicates whether or not
* the event belongs in a particular category of event. The low 48 bits are
* user-defined and the upper 16 bits are Microsoft-defined (in <winmeta.h>).
* General usage:
* // During component initialization (main or DllMain), call Register().
* // Note that there is an overload of the TlmProvider constructor that
* // calls Register(), but it's often convenient to do this manually
* // (i.e. to control the timing of the call to Register).
* my_provider.Register(
* "MyCompany.MyComponentName",
* MyComponentGuid);
* // To log an event with minimal code:
* my_provider.WriteEvent("MyEventName",
* TlmEventDescriptor(
* TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, // Level defined in <evntrace.h>
* 0x20), // Keyword bits are user-defined.
* // Value must not be null for the string fields.
* TlmUtf8StringField("MyUtf8Field", GetValue1()),
* TlmMbcsStringField("MyAsciiField", GetValue2()));
* // Note that the minimal-code example has a bit of overhead, as it
* // will make the calls to GetValue1(), GetValue2(), and WriteEvent()
* // even if nobody is listening to the event. WriteEvent() will return
// immediately if nobody is listening, but there is still some
* // overhead. To minimize the overhead when nobody is listening,
* // add an extra IF condition:
* static const auto MyEventDescriptor = TlmEventDescriptor(
* TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, // Level defined in <evntrace.h>
* 0x20); // Keyword bits are user-defined.
* if (my_provider.IsEnabled(MyEventDescriptor))
* {
* // The IF condition is primarily to prevent unnecessary
* // calls to GetValue1() and GetValue2().
* my_provider.WriteEvent("MyEventName",
* MyEventDescriptor,
* // Value must not be null for the string fields.
* TlmUtf8StringField("MyUtf8Field", GetValue1()),
* TlmMbcsStringField("MyAsciiField", GetValue2()));
* }
* // During component shutdown (main or DllMain), call Unregister().
* // Note that the TlmProvider destructor will also call
* // Unregister(), butit's often convenient to do this manually
* // (i.e. to control the timingof the call to Unregister).
* my_provider.Unregister();
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
class TlmProvider {
// Initialize a provider in the unregistered state.
// Note that WriteEvent and Unregister operations on an unregistered
// provider are safe no-ops.
constexpr TlmProvider() noexcept = default;
// Initializes a provider and attempts to register it.
// If there is an error, provider will be left unregistered.
// Note that WriteEvent and Unregister operations on an unregistered
// provider are safe no-ops.
TlmProvider(const char* provider_name,
const GUID& provider_guid,
PENABLECALLBACK enable_callback = nullptr,
void* enable_callback_context = nullptr) noexcept;
// If provider is registered, unregisters provider.
// Disable copy operations.
TlmProvider(const TlmProvider&) = delete;
TlmProvider& operator=(const TlmProvider&) = delete;
// Unregisters this provider.
// Calling Unregister on an unregistered provider is a safe no-op.
// Not thread safe - caller must ensure serialization between calls to
// Register() and calls to Unregister().
void Unregister() noexcept;
// Registers this provider. Returns Win32 error code or 0 for success.
// Error code is primarily for debugging and should generally be ignored
// in production (failure to register means Unregister and WriteEvent are
// safe no-ops.)
// Calling Register on an already-registered provider is a fatal error.
// Not thread safe - caller must ensure serialization between calls to
// Register() and calls to Unregister().
ULONG Register(const char* provider_name,
const GUID& provider_guid,
PENABLECALLBACK enable_callback = nullptr,
void* enable_callback_context = nullptr) noexcept;
// Returns true if any active trace listeners are interested in any events
// from this provider.
// Equivalent to IsEnabled(0, 0).
bool IsEnabled() const noexcept;
// Returns true if any active trace listeners are interested in events
// from this provider with the specified level.
// Equivalent to IsEnabled(level, 0).
bool IsEnabled(uint8_t level) const noexcept;
// Returns true if any active trace listeners are interested in events
// from this provider with the specified level and keyword.
bool IsEnabled(uint8_t level, uint64_t keyword) const noexcept;
// Returns true if any active trace listeners are interested in events
// from this provider with the specified level and keyword.
// Equivalent to IsEnabled(event_descriptor.level, event_descriptor.keyword).
bool IsEnabled(const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR& event_descriptor) const noexcept;
// If any active trace listeners are interested in events from this provider
// with the specified level and keyword, packs the data into an event and
// sends it to ETW. Returns Win32 error code or 0 for success.
template <class... FieldTys>
ULONG WriteEvent(const char* event_name,
const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR& event_descriptor,
const FieldTys&... event_fields) const noexcept {
if (!IsEnabled(event_descriptor)) {
// If nobody is listening, report success.
return 0;
// Pack the event metadata.
char metadata[kMaxEventMetadataSize];
uint16_t metadata_index;
metadata_index = EventBegin(metadata, event_name);
{ // scope for dummy array (simulates a C++17 comma-fold expression)
char dummy[sizeof...(FieldTys) == 0 ? 1 : sizeof...(FieldTys)] = {
EventAddField(metadata, &metadata_index, event_fields.in_type_,
event_fields.out_type_, event_fields.Name())...};
// Pack the event data.
constexpr uint8_t kDescriptorsCount =
2 + DataDescCountSum<FieldTys...>::value;
EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR descriptors[kDescriptorsCount];
uint8_t descriptors_index = 2;
{ // scope for dummy array (simulates a C++17 comma-fold expression)
char dummy[sizeof...(FieldTys) == 0 ? 1 : sizeof...(FieldTys)] = {
EventDescriptorFill(descriptors, &descriptors_index,
// Finalize event and call EventWrite.
return EventEnd(metadata, metadata_index, descriptors, descriptors_index,
// Size of the buffer used for provider metadata (field within the
// TlmProvider object). Provider metadata consists of the nul-terminated
// provider name plus a few sizes and flags, so this buffer needs to be
// just a few bytes larger than the largest expected provider name.
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxProviderMetadataSize = 128;
// Size of the buffer used for event metadata (stack-allocated in the
// WriteEvent method). Event metadata consists of nul-terminated event
// name, nul-terminated field names, field types (1 or 2 bytes per field),
// and a few bytes for sizes and flags.
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxEventMetadataSize = 256;
template <class... FieldTys>
struct DataDescCountSum; // undefined
template <>
struct DataDescCountSum<> {
static constexpr uint8_t value = 0;
template <class FieldTy1, class... FieldTyRest>
struct DataDescCountSum<FieldTy1, FieldTyRest...> {
static constexpr uint8_t value =
FieldTy1::data_desc_count_ + DataDescCountSum<FieldTyRest...>::value;
template <class FieldTy>
static char EventDescriptorFill(EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR* descriptors,
uint8_t* pdescriptors_index,
const FieldTy& event_field) noexcept {
*pdescriptors_index += FieldTy::data_desc_count_;
return 0;
// This is called from the OS, so use the required call type.
static void __stdcall StaticEnableCallback(
const GUID* source_id,
ULONG is_enabled,
UCHAR level,
ULONGLONG match_any_keyword,
ULONGLONG match_all_keyword,
PVOID callback_context);
// Returns initial value of metadata_index.
uint16_t EventBegin(char* metadata, const char* event_name) const noexcept;
char EventAddField(char* metadata,
uint16_t* metadata_index,
uint8_t in_type,
uint8_t out_type,
const char* field_name) const noexcept;
// Returns Win32 error code, or 0 for success.
ULONG EventEnd(char* metadata,
uint16_t metadata_index,
uint32_t descriptors_index,
const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR& event_descriptor) const noexcept;
bool KeywordEnabled(uint64_t keyword) const noexcept;
uint16_t AppendNameToMetadata(char* metadata,
uint16_t metadata_size,
uint16_t metadata_index,
const char* name) const noexcept;
uint32_t level_plus1_ = 0;
uint16_t provider_metadata_size_ = 0;
uint64_t keyword_any_ = 0;
uint64_t keyword_all_ = 0;
uint64_t reg_handle_ = 0;
PENABLECALLBACK enable_callback_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<void> enable_callback_context_ = nullptr;
char provider_metadata_[kMaxProviderMetadataSize] = {};
// Base class for field types.
template <uint8_t data_desc_count,
uint8_t in_type,
uint8_t out_type = 0> // Default out_type is TlgOutNULL
class TlmFieldBase {
constexpr const char* Name() const noexcept { return name_; }
explicit constexpr TlmFieldBase(const char* name) noexcept : name_(name) {}
friend class TlmProvider;
static constexpr uint8_t data_desc_count_ = data_desc_count;
static constexpr uint8_t in_type_ = in_type;
static constexpr uint8_t out_type_ = out_type;
const char* name_;
// Class that represents an event field containing nul-terminated MBCS data.
class TlmMbcsStringField
: public TlmFieldBase<1, 2> // 1 data descriptor, Type = TlgInANSISTRING
// name is a utf-8 nul-terminated string.
// value is MBCS nul-terminated string (assumed to be in system's default code
// page).
TlmMbcsStringField(const char* name, const char* value) noexcept;
const char* Value() const noexcept;
void FillEventDescriptor(EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR* descriptors) const noexcept;
const char* value_;
// Class that represents an event field containing nul-terminated UTF-8 data.
class TlmUtf8StringField
: public TlmFieldBase<1, 2, 35> // 1 data descriptor, Type =
// name and value are utf-8 nul-terminated strings.
TlmUtf8StringField(const char* name, const char* value) noexcept;
const char* Value() const noexcept;
void FillEventDescriptor(EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR* descriptors) const noexcept;
const char* value_;
// Helper for creating event descriptors for use with WriteEvent.
constexpr EVENT_DESCRIPTOR TlmEventDescriptor(uint8_t level,
uint64_t keyword) noexcept {
return {// Id
// TraceLogging generally uses the event's Name instead of Id+Version,
// so Id is normally set to 0 for TraceLogging events.
// Version
// TraceLogging generally uses the event's Name instead of Id+Version,
// so Version is normally set to 0 for TraceLogging events.
// TraceLogging-based events normally use channel 11.
// 0=always, 1=fatal, 2=error, 3=warning, 4=info, 5=verbose.
// Levels higher than 5 are for user-defined debug levels.
// Set Opcode for special semantics such as starting/ending an
// activity.
// Task
// Set Task for user-defined semantics.
// Keyword
// A keyword is a 64-bit value used for filtering events. Each bit of
// the keyword indicates whether the event belongs to a particular
// category of events. The top 16 bits of keyword have
// Microsoft-defined semantics and should be set to 0. The low 48 bits
// of keyword have user-defined semantics. All events should use a
// nonzero keyword to support effective event filtering (events with
// keyword set to 0 always pass keyword filtering).