blob: 6f67b112bda1e53c27ef8ea93d9cf260d31bf135 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/der/encode_values.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/der/parse_values.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace net::der::test {
namespace {
template <size_t N>
base::StringPiece ToStringPiece(const uint8_t (&data)[N]) {
return base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), N);
} // namespace
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime) {
// Fri, 24 Jun 2016 17:04:54 GMT
base::Time time = base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::Seconds(1466787894);
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(time, &generalized_time));
EXPECT_EQ(2016, generalized_time.year);
EXPECT_EQ(6, generalized_time.month);
EXPECT_EQ(17, generalized_time.hours);
EXPECT_EQ(4, generalized_time.minutes);
EXPECT_EQ(54, generalized_time.seconds);
// ASN.1 GeneralizedTime can represent dates from year 0000 to 9999, and
// although base::Time can represent times from before the Windows epoch and
// after the 32-bit time_t maximum, the conversion between base::Time and
// der::GeneralizedTime goes through the time representation of the underlying
// platform, which might not be able to handle the full GeneralizedTime date
// range. Out-of-range times should not be converted to der::GeneralizedTime.
// Thus, this test focuses on an input date 31 years before the Windows epoch,
// and confirms that EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime() produces the correct result
// on platforms where it returns true. As of this writing, it will return false
// on Windows.
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, EncodeTimeFromBeforeWindowsEpoch) {
// Starboard generates base::Time::UnixEpoch() - base::Seconds(12622780800)
// a slightly different time, maybe due to rounding errors.
// The dependency on base::Time for this test is going away in newer upstream
// code version anyway.
#if defined(STARBOARD)
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
exploded.year = 1570;
exploded.month = 1;
exploded.day_of_week = 5;
exploded.day_of_month = 1;
exploded.hour = 0;
exploded.minute = 0;
exploded.second = 0;
exploded.millisecond = 0;
base::Time kStartOfYear1570;
if (!base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &kStartOfYear1570))
// Thu, 01 Jan 1570 00:00:00 GMT
constexpr base::Time kStartOfYear1570 =
base::Time::UnixEpoch() - base::Seconds(12622780800);
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
if (!EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(kStartOfYear1570, &generalized_time))
EXPECT_EQ(1570, generalized_time.year);
EXPECT_EQ(1, generalized_time.month);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.hours);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.minutes);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.seconds);
// Sat, 1 Jan 2039 00:00:00 GMT. See above comment. This time may be
// unrepresentable on 32-bit systems.
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, EncodeTimeAfterTimeTMax) {
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
exploded.year = 2039;
exploded.month = 1;
exploded.day_of_week = 7;
exploded.day_of_month = 1;
exploded.hour = 0;
exploded.minute = 0;
exploded.second = 0;
exploded.millisecond = 0;
base::Time time;
if (!base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &time))
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeTimeAsGeneralizedTime(time, &generalized_time));
EXPECT_EQ(2039, generalized_time.year);
EXPECT_EQ(1, generalized_time.month);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.hours);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.minutes);
EXPECT_EQ(0, generalized_time.seconds);
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, GeneralizedTimeToTime) {
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
generalized_time.year = 2016;
generalized_time.month = 6; = 24;
generalized_time.hours = 17;
generalized_time.minutes = 4;
generalized_time.seconds = 54;
base::Time time;
ASSERT_TRUE(GeneralizedTimeToTime(generalized_time, &time));
EXPECT_EQ(base::Time::UnixEpoch() + base::Seconds(1466787894), time);
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, GeneralizedTimeToTimeBeforeWindowsEpoch) {
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
exploded.year = 1570;
exploded.month = 1;
exploded.day_of_week = 5;
exploded.day_of_month = 1;
exploded.hour = 0;
exploded.minute = 0;
exploded.second = 0;
exploded.millisecond = 0;
base::Time expected_time;
bool platform_can_represent_time =
base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &expected_time);
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
generalized_time.year = exploded.year;
generalized_time.month = exploded.month; = exploded.day_of_month;
generalized_time.hours = exploded.hour;
generalized_time.minutes = exploded.minute;
generalized_time.seconds = exploded.second;
base::Time time;
ASSERT_TRUE(GeneralizedTimeToTime(generalized_time, &time));
if (platform_can_represent_time)
EXPECT_EQ(expected_time, time);
EXPECT_EQ(base::Time::Min(), time); = 0; // Invalid day of month.
// Should fail even if outside range platform can represent.
EXPECT_FALSE(GeneralizedTimeToTime(generalized_time, &time));
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, GeneralizedTimeToTimeAfter32BitPosixMaxYear) {
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
exploded.year = 2039;
exploded.month = 1;
exploded.day_of_week = 6;
exploded.day_of_month = 1;
exploded.hour = 0;
exploded.minute = 0;
exploded.second = 0;
exploded.millisecond = 0;
base::Time expected_time;
bool platform_can_represent_time =
base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, &expected_time);
GeneralizedTime generalized_time;
generalized_time.year = exploded.year;
generalized_time.month = exploded.month; = exploded.day_of_month;
generalized_time.hours = exploded.hour;
generalized_time.minutes = exploded.minute;
generalized_time.seconds = exploded.second;
base::Time time;
ASSERT_TRUE(GeneralizedTimeToTime(generalized_time, &time));
if (platform_can_represent_time)
EXPECT_EQ(expected_time, time);
EXPECT_EQ(base::Time::Max(), time); = 0; // Invalid day of month.
// Should fail even if outside range platform can represent.
EXPECT_FALSE(GeneralizedTimeToTime(generalized_time, &time));
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, EncodeGeneralizedTime) {
GeneralizedTime time;
time.year = 2014;
time.month = 12; = 18;
time.hours = 16;
time.minutes = 12;
time.seconds = 59;
// Encode a time where no components have leading zeros.
uint8_t out[kGeneralizedTimeLength];
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeGeneralizedTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("20141218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
// Test bounds on all components. Note the encoding function does not validate
// the input is a valid time, only that it is encodable.
time.year = 0;
time.month = 0; = 0;
time.hours = 0;
time.minutes = 0;
time.seconds = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeGeneralizedTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("00000000000000Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 9999;
time.month = 99; = 99;
time.hours = 99;
time.minutes = 99;
time.seconds = 99;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeGeneralizedTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("99999999999999Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 10000;
EXPECT_FALSE(EncodeGeneralizedTime(time, out));
time.year = 2000;
time.month = 100;
EXPECT_FALSE(EncodeGeneralizedTime(time, out));
TEST(EncodeValuesTest, EncodeUTCTime) {
GeneralizedTime time;
time.year = 2014;
time.month = 12; = 18;
time.hours = 16;
time.minutes = 12;
time.seconds = 59;
// Encode a time where no components have leading zeros.
uint8_t out[kUTCTimeLength];
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("141218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 2049;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("491218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 2000;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("001218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 1999;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("991218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 1950;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("501218161259Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 2050;
EXPECT_FALSE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
time.year = 1949;
EXPECT_FALSE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
// Test bounds on all components. Note the encoding function does not validate
// the input is a valid time, only that it is encodable.
time.year = 2000;
time.month = 0; = 0;
time.hours = 0;
time.minutes = 0;
time.seconds = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("000000000000Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 1999;
time.month = 99; = 99;
time.hours = 99;
time.minutes = 99;
time.seconds = 99;
ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
EXPECT_EQ("999999999999Z", ToStringPiece(out));
time.year = 2000;
time.month = 100;
EXPECT_FALSE(EncodeUTCTime(time, out));
} // namespace net::der::test