blob: caf5e4e898345453bbf93fd0b1d4364a6d94bee8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class AuthCredentials;
class IPEndPoint;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class SSLInfo;
class URLRequest;
struct WebSocketHandshakeRequestInfo;
struct WebSocketHandshakeResponseInfo;
// Interface for events sent from the network layer to the content layer. These
// events will generally be sent as-is to the renderer process.
class NET_EXPORT WebSocketEventInterface {
typedef int WebSocketMessageType;
WebSocketEventInterface(const WebSocketEventInterface&) = delete;
WebSocketEventInterface& operator=(const WebSocketEventInterface&) = delete;
virtual ~WebSocketEventInterface() = default;
// Called when a URLRequest is created for handshaking.
virtual void OnCreateURLRequest(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Called in response to an AddChannelRequest. This means that a response has
// been received from the remote server.
virtual void OnAddChannelResponse(
std::unique_ptr<WebSocketHandshakeResponseInfo> response,
const std::string& selected_subprotocol,
const std::string& extensions) = 0;
// Called when a data frame has been received from the remote host and needs
// to be forwarded to the renderer process.
// |payload| stays valid as long as both
// - the associated WebSocketChannel is valid.
// - no further ReadFrames() is called on the associated WebSocketChannel.
virtual void OnDataFrame(bool fin,
WebSocketMessageType type,
base::span<const char> payload) = 0;
// Returns true if data pipe is full and waiting the renderer process read
// out. The network service should not read more from network until that.
virtual bool HasPendingDataFrames() = 0;
// Called once for each call to SendFrame() once the frame has been passed to
// the OS.
virtual void OnSendDataFrameDone() = 0;
// Called when the remote server has Started the WebSocket Closing
// Handshake. The client should not attempt to send any more messages after
// receiving this message. It will be followed by OnDropChannel() when the
// closing handshake is complete.
virtual void OnClosingHandshake() = 0;
// Called when the channel has been dropped, either due to a network close, a
// network error, or a protocol error. This may or may not be preceeded by a
// call to OnClosingHandshake().
// Warning: Both the |code| and |reason| are passed through to Javascript, so
// callers must take care not to provide details that could be useful to
// attackers attempting to use WebSockets to probe networks.
// |was_clean| should be true if the closing handshake completed successfully.
// The channel should not be used again after OnDropChannel() has been
// called.
// This function deletes the Channel.
virtual void OnDropChannel(bool was_clean,
uint16_t code,
const std::string& reason) = 0;
// Called when the browser fails the channel, as specified in the spec.
// The channel should not be used again after OnFailChannel() has been
// called.
// |message| is a human readable string describing the failure. (It may be
// empty.) |net_error| contains the network error code for the failure, which
// may be |OK| if the failure was at a higher level. |response_code| contains
// the HTTP status code that caused the failure, or |absl::nullopt| if the
// attempt didn't get that far.
// This function deletes the Channel.
virtual void OnFailChannel(const std::string& message,
int net_error,
absl::optional<int> response_code) = 0;
// Called when the browser starts the WebSocket Opening Handshake.
virtual void OnStartOpeningHandshake(
std::unique_ptr<WebSocketHandshakeRequestInfo> request) = 0;
// Callbacks to be used in response to a call to OnSSLCertificateError. Very
// similar to content::SSLErrorHandler::Delegate (which we can't use directly
// due to layering constraints).
class NET_EXPORT SSLErrorCallbacks {
virtual ~SSLErrorCallbacks() = default;
// Cancels the SSL response in response to the error.
virtual void CancelSSLRequest(int error, const SSLInfo* ssl_info) = 0;
// Continue with the SSL connection despite the error.
virtual void ContinueSSLRequest() = 0;
// Called on SSL Certificate Error during the SSL handshake. Should result in
// a call to either ssl_error_callbacks->ContinueSSLRequest() or
// ssl_error_callbacks->CancelSSLRequest(). Normally the implementation of
// this method will delegate to content::SSLManager::OnSSLCertificateError to
// make the actual decision. The callbacks must not be called after the
// WebSocketChannel has been destroyed.
virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(
std::unique_ptr<SSLErrorCallbacks> ssl_error_callbacks,
const GURL& url,
int net_error,
const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
bool fatal) = 0;
// Called when authentication is required. Returns a net error. The opening
// handshake is blocked when this function returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
// In that case calling |callback| resumes the handshake. |callback| can be
// called during the opening handshake. An implementation can rewrite
// |*credentials| (in the sync case) or provide new credentials (in the
// async case).
// Providing null credentials (nullopt in the sync case and nullptr in the
// async case) cancels authentication. Otherwise the new credentials are set
// and the opening handshake will be retried with the credentials.
virtual int OnAuthRequired(
const AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info,
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers,
const IPEndPoint& socket_address,
base::OnceCallback<void(const AuthCredentials*)> callback,
absl::optional<AuthCredentials>* credentials) = 0;
WebSocketEventInterface() = default;
} // namespace net