blob: b1f20ed9ccf45be82a088906920070c8b33a1713 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Enable experimental Skia Graphite backend.
enable_skia_graphite = false
# Enable gtests using SkiaRenderer on Skia Graphite.
# TODO(rivr): Remove this and enable the tests by default once a software
# path for D3D12 is available.
enable_skia_graphite_gtests = false
# Skia only needs to support GPU rasterization if we use the full Chromium
# rendering stack i.e. |use_blink| is true.
# TODO( Split out into separate enable_skia_ganesh flag.
skia_support_gpu = use_blink
# Skia Ganesh GL backend is always enabled on all platforms - applies only when
# GPU rasterization is enabled.
skia_use_gl = true
# Dawn is used with Skia Graphite by default.
skia_use_dawn = enable_skia_graphite
# Metal is only used with Skia Graphite on Mac and iOS blink developer builds.
skia_use_metal =
enable_skia_graphite && is_apple && use_blink && !is_official_build
skia_support_pdf = !is_ios && enable_printing
# Skottie is not used on Android. To keep apk size small the skottie library is
# excluded from the binary. At the time this comment was written, it adds ~200KB
# to the APK.
skia_support_skottie = !is_android
# Skia needs XMP support for gainmap HDR image decoding in blink.
skia_support_xmp = use_blink