blob: e75d6a5b7cde5694ef9d61db1184d8646f23387e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Chrome OS histograms along
with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Prefer owners from the OWNERS file in this directory. If you need a metrics
reviewer, please send CLs to rather than to
specific individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer
within about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance
incoming reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<variants name="AllCertProvisioningProtocolVersions">
<!-- The variants are versions of the client certificate provisioning protocol.
They are used for the ChromeOS.CertProvisioning.* histograms to distinguish
between provisioning a client certificate using the "Static" and the "Dynamic"
protocol versions. -->
<variant name="" summary="Static"/>
<variant name=".Dynamic" summary="Dynamic"/>
<variants name="AllCertProvisioningScopes">
<!-- The variants are scopes for which a client certificate can be provisioned.
They are used for the ChromeOS.CertProvisioning.* histograms to distinguish
between provisioning a device-wide and a user-specific client certificate. -->
<variant name="Device"/>
<variant name="User"/>
<variants name="FeaturesLoggingUsageEvents">
<!-- The variants are names of Chrome OS features. These are used for the
ChromeOS.FeatureUsage.* histograms to record different events related to the
feature -->
<variant name="ClamshellLauncher" summary="app launcher in clamshell mode">
<variant name="DiagnosticsUi" summary="CROS Diagnostics Application">
<variant name="ESim" summary="esim">
<variant name="FakeKeyboardHeuristic" summary="Fake Keyboard Heuristic">
<variant name="FastPair" summary="Fast Pair">
<variant name="Fingerprint" summary="fingerprint">
<variant name="LockOnSuspend" summary="lock screen on device suspend">
<variant name="NearbyShare" summary="Nearby Share">
<variant name="NearbyShareBackgroundScanning"
summary="Background scanning for Nearby Share to detect and notify the
user of devices nearby that are attempting to share">
<variant name="NumberpadDynamicActivations"
summary="Turning on number pad mode for a dynamic numberpad.">
<variant name="NumberpadDynamicCancellations"
summary="Turning off number pad mode for a dynamic numberpad, without
having used a number-pad key.">
<variant name="NumberpadDynamicEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing enter on dynamic number pad.">
<variant name="NumberpadDynamicNonEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing key other than enter on dynamic number pad.">
<variant name="NumberpadExternalEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing number pad enter on external keyboard.">
<variant name="NumberpadExternalNonEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing number pad key other than enter on external keyboard.">
<variant name="NumberpadInternalEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing enter on number pad on internal keyboard.">
<variant name="NumberpadInternalNonEnterKeystrokes"
summary="Pressing number pad key other than enter on internal keyboard.">
<variant name="SmartLock" summary="Smart Lock">
<variant name="StylusDetachedFromDockSession"
summary="Time spent from stylus being undocked, to being re-docked">
<variant name="StylusDetachedFromGarageOrDockSession"
summary="Time spent while either out of garage or un-docked">
<variant name="StylusDetachedFromGarageSession"
summary="Time spent from stylus being removed from garage, to being
replaced into garage">
<variant name="TabletLauncher" summary="app launcher in tablet mode">
<histogram name="ChromeOS.AnomalousProcCount.{AnomalyType}" units="processes"
Records the number of unique processes on the system that deviate from the
ChromeOS security posture based on a specific criteria. This metric tracks
processes that were flagged due to: {AnomalyType}.
Processes are scanned for anomalies every thirty seconds, but the metric is
recorded every two hours on ChromeOS devices. If the metric is recorded
successfully, the process count is reset. So the metric represents the
number of anomalous processes found in a two-hour scan window or since the
last successful recording event.
<token key="AnomalyType">
<variant name="AttemptedMemfdExec"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.ExternalProtocolDialog"
enum="ArcIntentHandlerAction" expires_after="2022-05-21">
Records the response when the intent picker is shown to the user on Chrome
OS to allow them to open an external protocol in an app.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.ExternalProtocolDialog.Accepted"
enum="ArcExternalProtocolAction" expires_after="2022-05-21">
Records the response when users that are shown the intent picker accept
opening an external protocol in an app as well as whether the app is
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.ExternalProtocolDialog.Rejected"
enum="ArcExternalProtocolAction" expires_after="2022-05-21">
Records the response when users that are shown the intent picker reject
opening an external protocol in an app.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.IntentPickerDestinationPlatform"
enum="ArcIntentHandlerDestinationPlatform" expires_after="2023-10-15">
Records the app platform shown as the result of link intent handling.
Recorded when the user makes a choice in the Intent Picker dialog, and when
the result of a previous user preference is applied during a link click.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.NumberOfAppsForNotification"
enum="BooleanMultipleApps" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Records whether a notification matches multiple apps, when there is one or
multiple web apps matching a web page nonpersistent notification.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Apps.OpenBrowser" enum="OpenBrowserType"
Records the type of app sending a link to the browser to be opened.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Attestation.AttestationFlowStatus"
enum="AttestationFlowStatus" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records the status of attestation flow. The value represents 6 flags in 6
rightmost bits; starting from more significant bits they mean: 1. Has proxy.
2. Is System proxy active. 3. Run the default flow. 4. The default flow
succeeds. 5. Run the fallback flow. 6. The fallback flow succeeds.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Attestation.GetCertificateStatus"
enum="AttestationStatus" expires_after="2022-10-08">
Records the status of `AttesttionClient::GetCertificate()` called by
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.AverageDetectionLatency"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2023-10-15">
Records the average latency in running the detector during an Auto Framing
enabled camera session. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
This metric is reported on ChromeOS devices with Auto Framing enabled.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.DetectionHitRate" units="%"
Records the rate that the detector successfully detects a subject in the
scene during an Auto Framing enabled camera session. Emitted when the camera
session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.EnabledCount" units="times"
Records the number of times that Auto Framing is toggled from off to on by
the user during a camera session. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.EnabledTime" units="%"
Records the percentage of time that Auto Framing is turned on during a
camera session. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.Error" enum="AutoFramingError"
Records errors in Auto Framing that can break camera functionality or cause
frame drops. Emitted at most once for each error when the camera session is
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.AutoFraming.MedianZoomRatio" units="tenths"
Records the median of sampled zoom ratios when Auto Framing zooms in camera
frames to the subject during a camera session.
<histogram base="true"
name="ChromeOS.Camera.ConfigureStreams.Output.Resolution" units="pixels"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="ChromeOS.Camera.StreamFormat" -->
Records the resolution of output stream that is configured by Chrome OS
camera service.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.ConfigureStreamsLatency" units="microseconds"
Records the process time of ConfigureStreams() method in Chrome OS camera
This metric is reported for all users and will not cause abnormal
distribution since the metric is Chrome OS specified.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.Error" enum="CameraEffectError"
Records the first error encountered in a camera which uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.NumConcurrentProcessedStreams"
units="count" expires_after="2024-03-21">
Records the number streams that required rendering effects in a camera
session which uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.NumConcurrentStreams" units="count"
Records the number streams in a camera session which uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.NumStillShotsTaken" units="captures"
Records the number of still capture shots taken in a camera session which
uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.SelectedEffect"
enum="CameraEffectType" expires_after="2024-01-01">
Records a user enabling a camera effect. Emitted at most once per camera
effect chosen when the camera session is closed, or every hour if the
session duration exceeds an hour (and then at the end of the session).
units="microseconds" expires_after="2024-01-01">
Records average wall time interval between successfully processed frames
within the EffectsStreamManipulator for the different effect + stream type
This metric is reported on ChromeOS devices with an effect applied that does
not encounter an error during processing. It is emitted at the close of each
camera session, or every hour if the session duration exceeds an hour (and
then at the end of the session).
<token key="EffectType">
<variant name="Blur"
summary="Average processed frame rate of the Blur effect"/>
<variant name="BlurAndRelight"
summary="Average processed frame rate of the Blur + Relight effect"/>
<variant name="Relight"
summary="Average processed frame rate of the Relight effect"/>
<token key="StreamType">
<variant name="BLOB" summary="Processing time for BLOB (JPEG) streams"/>
<variant name="YUV" summary="Processing time for YUV streams"/>
units="microseconds" expires_after="2024-01-01">
Records the wall time taken to execute the EffectsStreamManipulator
ProcessCaptureResult method for the different effect + stream type
combinations. Calculated as the average processing time / latency over the
camera session.
This metric is reported on ChromeOS devices with an effect applied that does
not encounter an error during processing. It is emitted at the close of each
camera session, or every hour if the session duration exceeds an hour (and
then at the end of the session).
<token key="EffectType">
<variant name="Blur"
summary="EffectsStreamManipulator processing time of the Blur effect"/>
<variant name="BlurAndRelight"
summary="EffectsStreamManipulator processing time of the Blur +
Relight effect"/>
<variant name="Relight"
summary="EffectsStreamManipulator processing time of the Relight
<token key="StreamType">
<variant name="BLOB" summary="Processing time for BLOB (JPEG) streams"/>
<variant name="YUV" summary="Processing time for YUV streams"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.{StreamType}.MaxStreamSize"
units="pixels" expires_after="2024-03-21">
Records the number of pixels in one frame of the largest stream in a camera
session which uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<token key="StreamType">
<variant name="BLOB" summary="Maximum stream size for BLOB (JPEG) streams"/>
<variant name="YUV" summary="Maximum stream size for YUV streams"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Effects.{StreamType}.MinStreamSize"
units="pixels" expires_after="2024-03-21">
Records the number of pixels in one frame of the smallest stream in a camera
session which uses effects.
This metric is emitting once every hour if the camera session exceeds an
hour, and once at the end of every session.
<token key="StreamType">
<variant name="BLOB" summary="Minimum stream size for BLOB (JPEG) streams"/>
<variant name="YUV" summary="Minimum stream size for YUV streams"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.ErrorType" enum="ChromeOSCameraErrorType"
Records the type of the error which triggers the Notify() method in Chrome
OS camera service.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.FaceAutoExposure.FunctionStatus"
Records face auto exposure function status of the Chrome OS device. The
metric is reported when the camera is detected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.FaceAutoExposure.MaxNumDetectedFaces"
units="faces" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records max number of detected faces of the camera session in Chrome OS
camera service. The metric is reported when the camera is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.Facing" enum="ChromeOSCameraFacing"
Records the camera facing of the camera session in Chrome OS camera service.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.GcamAutoExposure.AverageConvergenceLatency"
units="frames" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records the average auto exposure convergence latency in frame count
throughout a camera session that runs Gcam auto exposure. Emitted when the
camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.GcamAutoExposure.AverageHdrRatio"
units="ratio" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records the average HDR ratio throughout a camera session that runs Gcam
auto exposure. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.GcamAutoExposure.AverageTet" units="TET"
Records the average total exposure time (TET) throughout a camera session
that runs Gcam auto exposure. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram base="true"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records the average CPU latency in running a given type of processing
throughout a HDRnet camera session. Emitted when the camera session is
This metric is reported on all ChromeOS devices with HDRnet enabled.
<token key="ProcessingType">
<variant name="Postprocessing"
summary="Post-processing of HDRnet RGB output to final YUV output(s)"/>
<variant name="Preprocessing"
summary="Pre-processing of input YUV into linear RGB domain"/>
<variant name="RgbPipeline"
summary="Main HDRnet inferencing and rendering"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.Error" enum="HdrnetError"
Records whether there's an error that can compromise the HDRnet feature,
either causing frame drops or stops the pipeline from running completely,
throughout a HDRnet camera session. Emitted when the camera session is
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.MaxOutputBuffersRendered"
units="buffers" expires_after="2023-09-17">
Records the maximum number of output buffers a HDRnet stream produces
(greater than 1 means there are multiple streams with the same aspect ratio)
throughtout a HDRnet camera session. Emitted when the camera session is
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.MaxStreamSize.{StreamType}"
units="pixels" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records the maximum size (in width * height pixels) of the HDRnet stream
configured for a given output in a HDRnet camera session. Emitted when the
camera session is closed.
<token key="StreamType">
<variant name="BLOB" summary="HDRnet stream for BLOB output"/>
<variant name="YUV" summary="HDRnet stream for YUV output"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.NumConcurrentStreams" units="streams"
Records the number of concurrent HDRnet streams in a HDRnet camera session.
Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.NumStillShotsTaken" units="captures"
Records the number of HDRnet-rendered still capture shots taken in a HDRnet
camera session. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.HDRnet.StreamConfiguration"
enum="HdrnetStreamConfiguration" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records the stream configuration including the number of streams, the type
of streams, and if the streams are of the same aspect ratio in a HDRnet
camera session. Emitted when the camera session is closed.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Camera.Jpeg.Latency" units="microseconds"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="ChromeOS.Camera.JpegProcessMethod" and
name="ChromeOS.Camera.JpegProcessType" -->
Records the process time of the JDA (Jpeg Decode Accelerator) or JEA (Jpeg
Encode Accelerator) run on Chrome OS camera service. There are suffixes that
record the runner method (hardware/software), the runner type
This metric is reported for all users and will not cause abnormal
distribution since the metric is Chrome OS specified.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.Camera.Jpeg.Resolution" units="pixels"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes
name="ChromeOS.Camera.JpegProcessMethod" and
name="ChromeOS.Camera.JpegProcessType" -->
Records the resolution of the image that JDA/JEA process by Chrome OS camera
service. The resolution represents by the total pixels contained in the
image. There are suffixes that record the runner method (hardware/software),
the runner type (decode/encode).
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.OpenDeviceClientType"
enum="ChromeOSCameraClientType" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records which client type (e.g., Chrome, Android) is opening a camera
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.OpenDeviceLatency" units="microseconds"
Records the process time of OpenDevice() method in Chrome OS camera service.
This metric is reported for all users and will not cause abnormal
distribution since the metric is Chrome OS specified.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Camera.SessionDuration" units="seconds"
<summary>Records the session duration in Chrome OS camera service.</summary>
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-01">
The amount of time it took the {CertProvisioningProtocolVersion} certificate
provisioning worker with scope {CertProvisioningScope} to sign a CSR.
Emitted after the sign is complete.
<token key="CertProvisioningScope" variants="AllCertProvisioningScopes"/>
<token key="CertProvisioningProtocolVersion"
enum="CertProvisioningEvent" expires_after="2024-02-01">
Number of times each event is reached during the
{CertProvisioningProtocolVersion} certificate provisioning flow with scope
<token key="CertProvisioningScope" variants="AllCertProvisioningScopes"/>
<token key="CertProvisioningProtocolVersion"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-01">
The amount of time it took the {CertProvisioningProtocolVersion} certificate
provisioning worker with scope {CertProvisioningScope} to generate one key
pair. Emitted after the generation is complete.
<token key="CertProvisioningScope" variants="AllCertProvisioningScopes"/>
<token key="CertProvisioningProtocolVersion"
enum="CertProvisioningWorkerState" expires_after="2024-02-01">
For final states (see the list in cert_provisioning::IsFinalState): number
of times the {CertProvisioningProtocolVersion} certificate provisioning
worker with scope {CertProvisioningScope} finished on every state. For other
states: number of times the worker failed on every state.
<token key="CertProvisioningScope" variants="AllCertProvisioningScopes"/>
<token key="CertProvisioningProtocolVersion"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-01">
The amount of time it took the {CertProvisioningProtocolVersion} certificate
provisioning worker with scope {CertProvisioningScope} to build one Verified
Access response. Emitted after the response is built.
<token key="CertProvisioningScope" variants="AllCertProvisioningScopes"/>
<token key="CertProvisioningProtocolVersion"
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.CollectPerf"
enum="ChromeOSProfileCollectionStatus" expires_after="2023-09-03">
A count of successes and various failure modes related to collecting and
processing profile data obtained via &quot;perf events&quot; on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.CollectProcessTypes"
enum="ChromeOSProcessTypeCollectionStatus" expires_after="2024-01-19">
Record the collection status (success or failure) when the Chrome process
and thread types are collected as part of the ChromeOS perf profile
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.JankinessTriggerStatus"
enum="ChromeOSJankinessTriggerStatus" expires_after="2024-03-30">
Records the status of collection attempts triggered by jankiness on Chrome
Warning: this histogram was expired from 08/30/2020 to 03/30/2022; data may
be missing.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.ParseCPUFrequencies"
enum="ChromeOSParseCPUFrequencyStatus" expires_after="2023-09-03">
A count of successes and various failure modes related to the parsing of
logical CPU frequencies on Chrome OS. Recorded when the browser process
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.ParseLacrosPath" enum="ChromeOSParseLacrosPath"
A count of various locations gotten from parsing a Lacros binary path. This
is used to monitor any change to the Lacros path. Recorded when a Lacros
binary path was found when CWP collects browser processes.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.ParsePSICPU" enum="ChromeOSParsePSICPUStatus"
A count of successes and various failure modes related to the parsing of PSI
CPU data on Chrome OS. Recorded after each perf collection.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.ParsePSIMemory" enum="ChromeOSParsePSIMemStatus"
A count of successes and various failure modes related to the parsing of PSI
Memory data on Chrome OS. Recorded after each perf collection.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.PSIMemPressure.{PType}" units="failures"
Reports periodic memory pressure metrics, as seen ChromeOS-wide. Metrics
originally come from /proc/pressure/memory readings, expressed as a
percentage with 2 decimal points (99.99%), but expressed as p*100, in an
integer in the range (1-9999) meaning (00.01% to 99.99%). Underflow value 0
means &quot;no pressure&quot; - 0%.
<token key="PType">
<variant name="ArcFull"
summary="Percentage of time ARC was fully halted waiting on memory"/>
<variant name="ArcSome"
summary="Percentage of ARC had some blocking on memory"/>
<variant name="Full"
summary="Percentage of time fully halted waiting on memory operations"/>
<variant name="Some"
summary="Percentage of time when there was some blocking on memory"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.RecordPerf" enum="ChromeOSProfileRecordStatus"
A count of the various outcomes related to recording the profile data
collected via &quot;perf events&quot; on Chrome OS. The histogram is
recorded when system-wide CPU profiling finishes and the collected data is
being saved to memory for later upload.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.CWP.UploadPerf" units="reports"
Records the number of &quot;perf events&quot; reports included in an UMA
upload on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Debugd.Perf.GetBigFeedbackLogs.{SubTaskName}"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records the total time it takes for each sub task of
LogTool::GetBigFeedbackLogs to complete. Recording happens on each call to
debugd's GetBigFeedbackLogs.
<token key="SubTaskName">
<variant name="CreateConnectivityReport"/>
<variant name="GetArcBugReport"/>
<variant name="GetBluetoothBqr"/>
<variant name="GetLsbReleaseInfo"/>
<variant name="GetOsReleaseInfo"/>
<variant name="GetPerfData"/>
<variant name="kCommandLogs"/>
<variant name="kCommandLogsVerbose"/>
<variant name="kFeedbackLogs"/>
<variant name="kVarLogFileLogs"/>
<variant name="PopulateDictionaryValue"/>
<variant name="SerializeLogsAsJSON"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Debugd.Perf.{FunctionName}" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for each call to LogTool::{FunctionName} to
complete. Recording happens on each D-Bus call to debugd.
<token key="FunctionName">
<variant name="GetAllDebugLogs"/>
<variant name="GetAllLogs"/>
<variant name="GetBigFeedbackLogs"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DeviceSettings.FeatureFlagsMigration"
enum="DeviceSettingsFeatureFlagsMigrationStatus" expires_after="2022-04-10">
Migration status for Chrome OS feature flags configuration in device
settings. This is intended to track migration progress in the field, so the
migration code can be removed when the old approach of storing bare flags is
no longer relevant in the field.
enum="CrosDiagnosticsCrosHealthdProbeError" expires_after="2023-06-15">
Records the ProbeError::ErrorType returned on request for
{ProbeErrorSourceStruct}. Recorded on the event a request to cros_healthd
probe service returns a ProbeError.
<token key="ProbeErrorSourceStruct">
<variant name="BatteryInfo"/>
<variant name="CpuInfo"/>
<variant name="MemoryInfo"/>
<variant name="SystemInfo"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.Error.{ErrorSource}"
enum="CrosDiagnosticsDataError" expires_after="2023-06-15">
Records error type such as no data error, not a number error and expectation
not met error when receiving system information including battery info,
network info and system info. All errors are recorded.
<token key="ErrorSource">
<variant name="Battery"/>
<variant name="Network"/>
<variant name="System"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.InitialScreen"
units="CrosDiagnosticsNavigationView" expires_after="2023-08-08">
Records requested initial screen when opening the Diagnostics App.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.KeyboardTesterRoutineDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-12">
Records the duration that the user spent in the Keyboard Tester. Emitted
when the user closes the keyboard tester.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.MemoryRoutineDuration" units="s"
Records the duration that the Memory Routine took to complete. Emitted when
the routine completes successfully.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.OpenDuration" units="ms"
Records the duration that the Diagnostics App is open. emitted when the app
is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.RoutineCount" units="routines"
Records the number of routines run while the Chrome OS Diagnostics App was
open. Begins at zero each time the app is open and recorded each time the
app is closed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.{NavigationView}.OpenDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-02-12">
Records the duration that the Diagnostics App is open for a given page view.
Emitted when the active page changes or when the app is closed. Cumulatively
adds up to the total duration recorded by
&quot;ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.OpenDuration&quot; or
<token key="NavigationView">
<variant name="Connectivity" summary="chrome://diagnostics/?connectivity"/>
<variant name="Input" summary="chrome://diagnostics/?input"/>
<variant name="System"
summary="chrome://diagnostics/?system or chrome://diagnostics"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.DiagnosticsUi.{RoutineType}Result"
enum="CrosDiagnosticsRoutineResult" expires_after="2023-06-15">
<summary>Records the result of the {RoutineType} Routine.</summary>
<token key="RoutineType">
<variant name="BatteryCharge"/>
<variant name="BatteryDischarge"/>
<variant name="CaptivePortal"/>
<variant name="CpuCache"/>
<variant name="CpuFloatingPoint"/>
<variant name="CpuPrime"/>
<variant name="CpuStress"/>
<variant name="DnsLatency"/>
<variant name="DnsResolution"/>
<variant name="DnsResolverPresent"/>
<variant name="GatewayCanBePinged"/>
<variant name="HasSecureWiFiConnection"/>
<variant name="HttpFirewall"/>
<variant name="HttpsFirewall"/>
<variant name="HttpsLatency"/>
<variant name="LanConnectivity"/>
<variant name="Memory"/>
<variant name="SignalStrength"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.FeatureUsage.{FeatureName}" enum="FeatureUsageEvent"
Records device eligibility, enabled status, and success rate for the
{FeatureName} feature. Different events are recorded at different times, as
described in the enum labels.
<token key="FeatureName" variants="FeaturesLoggingUsageEvents"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.FeatureUsage.{FeatureName}.Usetime" units="ms"
Records the duration of time (ms) a given {FeatureName} feature was used.
<token key="FeatureName" variants="FeaturesLoggingUsageEvents"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.FirmwareUpdateUi.InstallResult"
enum="FirmwareUpdateInstallResult" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records the result of installing a firmware update. Recorded once per
install and the histogram is emitted either when an install is completed or
when a failure state is reached. An example failure state is if we're unable
to create a firmware update directory.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.FirmwareUpdateUi.{Source}.DeviceCount"
units="devices" expires_after="2023-01-01">
Records the total number of devices found. OnStartup is recorded when a user
first logs in and OnRefresh is recorded for any subsequent request. The
cases in which a subsequent request will be made are when the Firmware
Update SWA is launched, when an install is completed, and when we detect
that a device has been added or removed.
<token key="Source">
<variant name="OnRefresh"/>
<variant name="OnStartup"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.FirmwareUpdateUi.{Source}.{Severity}UpdateCount"
units="updates" expires_after="2023-01-01">
Records the total number of {Severity} firmware updates found for all of the
peripherals currently connected. The histogram is emitted once we've
received the list of updates (if any) for all peripherals. OnStartup is
recorded when a user first logs in and OnRefresh is recorded for any
subsequent request. The cases in which a subsequent request will be made are
when the Firmware Update SWA is launched, when an install is completed, and
when we detect that a device has been added or removed.
<token key="Source">
<variant name="OnRefresh"/>
<variant name="OnStartup"/>
<token key="Severity">
<variant name="Critical"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Gaia.Done.ElapsedTime" units="ms"
Records the amount of time spent by user to complete GAIA login. Recorded
during user sign-in when Chrome received all the signals from Gaia.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Gaia.Message.{GaiaAuthFlow}.{MessageName}"
enum="BooleanReceived" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records whether or not {MessageName} was received during the {GaiaAuthFlow}
authentication on the login screen. Recorded on the successful online
authentication only.
<token key="GaiaAuthFlow">
<variant name="Gaia"/>
<variant name="Saml"/>
<token key="MessageName">
<variant name="CloseView"/>
<variant name="UserInfo"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Gaia.PasswordFlow" enum="BooleanStartedCompleted"
Records events for the Gaia password flow. &quot;Started&quot; is recorded
on each password entry on the Gaia page. &quot;Completed&quot; is recorded
when Gaia authentication succeeds. Note: this is not recorded for SAML
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.HardwareVerifier.Report"
enum="HardwareVerifierQualificationStatus" expires_after="2023-09-03">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="HardwareVerifierSupportCategory" -->
Qualification status of each component types. This entry is generated by
hardware_verifier.conf at boot time.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.HardwareVerifier.Report.IsCompliant" enum="Boolean"
<summary>Aggregated result of hardware verifier check.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.HardwareVerifier.TimeToFinish" units="ms"
The amount of time it takes to finish one hardware verification run.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.HardwareVerifier.TimeToProbe" units="ms"
<summary>The amount of time it takes to probe hardware components.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.HaTS.{Survey}" enum="HaTSSurvey"
Records the responses for HaTS questions, to be analyzed against other OS
metrics like performance or number of crashes. Emitted during the lifecycle
of a survey and when a user answers any question on a HaTS survey.
<token key="Survey">
<variant name="Audio"/>
<variant name="BatteryLife"/>
<variant name="General"/>
<variant name="Performance"/>
<variant name="Stability"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Healthd.DiagnosticResult.{Routine}"
enum="CrosHealthdDiagnosticResult" expires_after="2023-12-31">
Records the diagnostic results from healthd to analyze the usage and the
pass rate. Emitted when a routine terminates.
<token key="Routine">
<variant name="AcPower"/>
<variant name="ArcDnsResolution"/>
<variant name="ArcHttp"/>
<variant name="ArcPing"/>
<variant name="AudioSetGain"/>
<variant name="AudioSetVolume"/>
<variant name="BatteryCapacity"/>
<variant name="BatteryCharge"/>
<variant name="BatteryDischarge"/>
<variant name="BatteryHealth"/>
<variant name="BluetoothDiscovery"/>
<variant name="BluetoothPairing"/>
<variant name="BluetoothPower"/>
<variant name="BluetoothScanning"/>
<variant name="CaptivePortal"/>
<variant name="CpuCache"/>
<variant name="CpuStress"/>
<variant name="DiskRead"/>
<variant name="DnsLatency"/>
<variant name="DnsResolution"/>
<variant name="DnsResolverPresent"/>
<variant name="EmmcLifetime"/>
<variant name="Fingerprint"/>
<variant name="FingerprintAlive"/>
<variant name="FloatingPointAccuracy"/>
<variant name="GatewayCanBePinged"/>
<variant name="HasSecureWiFiConnection"/>
<variant name="HttpFirewall"/>
<variant name="HttpsFirewall"/>
<variant name="HttpsLatency"/>
<variant name="LanConnectivity"/>
<variant name="LedLitUp"/>
<variant name="Memory"/>
<variant name="NvmeSelfTest"/>
<variant name="NvmeWearLevel"/>
<variant name="PrimeSearch"/>
<variant name="PrivacyScreen"/>
<variant name="SensitiveSensor"/>
<variant name="SignalStrength"/>
<variant name="SmartctlCheck"/>
<variant name="SmartctlCheckWithPercentageUsed"/>
<variant name="Urandom"/>
<variant name="VideoConferencing"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Healthd.TelemetryResult.{Category}"
enum="CrosHealthdTelemetryResult" expires_after="2023-12-31">
Records the telemetry results from healthd to analyze the usage and error
rate. Emitted when the specific category is requested from a client.
<token key="Category">
<variant name="Audio"/>
<variant name="AudioHardware"/>
<variant name="Backlight"/>
<variant name="Battery"/>
<variant name="BlockDevice"/>
<variant name="Bluetooth"/>
<variant name="BootPerformance"/>
<variant name="Bus"/>
<variant name="Cpu"/>
<variant name="Display"/>
<variant name="Fan"/>
<variant name="Graphics"/>
<variant name="Input"/>
<variant name="Memory"/>
<variant name="Network"/>
<variant name="NetworkInterface"/>
<variant name="Sensor"/>
<variant name="StatefulPartition"/>
<variant name="System"/>
<variant name="Timezone"/>
<variant name="Tpm"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.IioService.SensorClientConcurrent" units="clients"
Records the maximum number of concurrent sensor clients within an hour,
which indicates how many apps are using sensors. Recorded once every hour.
Might not be recorded for tail-end usage during a session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.IioService.SensorObserver" units="observers"
Records the maximum number of running observers within an hour to any
sensor. It indicates how widely used the sensor samples are. Recorded once
every hour. Might not be recorded for tail-end usage during a session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.IioService.SensorObserverOpen" units="observers"
Records the number of opened observer within an hour, which indicates how
often sensors are enabled and disabled. Recorded once every hour. Might not
be recorded for tail-end usage during a session.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.IioService.SensorUsage.{Frequency}Hz"
enum="ChromeOSIioServiceSensorUsage" expires_after="2023-05-01">
Records the usage of the sensor within an hour with at least {Frequency} Hz.
Recorded once every hour. Might not be recorded for tail-end usage during a
<token key="Frequency">
<variant name="0"/>
<variant name="10"/>
<variant name="50"/>
<variant name="100"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Inputs.AttachmentForm.{Type}" enum="AttachmentForm"
Records the device forms (Keyboard, Mouse, Pointing Stick, etc) of {Type}
devices, when they are connected. As one physical device can be multiple
forms at the same time (eg. a wireless dongle that identifies as both a
keyboard and mouse), multiple entries can be generated from a single
physical attachment event.
<token key="Type">
<variant name="Bluetooth"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
<variant name="Unknown"/>
<variant name="Usb"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Inputs.AttachmentType.{Form}" enum="AttachmentType"
Records the connection types (Internal, Bluetooth, Usb, etc) of {Form}
devices, when they are connected. As one physical device can be multiple
forms at the same time (eg. a wireless dongle that identifies as both a
keyboard and mouse), multiple entries can be generated from a single
physical attachment event.
<token key="Form">
<variant name="Gamepad"/>
<variant name="Keyboard"/>
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
<variant name="Stylus"/>
<variant name="Touchpad"/>
<variant name="Touchscreen"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Inputs.AutoRepeatUsage" units="key_event"
Records a hash of a keycode + modifier keys pressed everytime a user event
is repeated due to auto repeat. This also includes events which are
suppressed by downstream system such as the diacritics menu or wayland.
See `RecordAutoRepeatUsageMetric` in //ui/events/ash/
for information on how to decode the values.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Inputs.EventRewriter.KeyRewriteLatency"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2024-01-05">
Records the event rewriter latency metric every time a key is pressed.
This metric is reported for all users and will not cause abnormal
distribution since the metric is ChromeOS specified.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Inputs.Keyboard.ModifierPressed.{KeyboardType}"
enum="ModifierKeyDomCodes" expires_after="2024-01-05">
Records the number of times modifier keys are pressed before any modifier
remapping takes place on {KeyboardType} keyboards.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="AppleExternal"/>
<variant name="CrOSExternal"/>
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
enum="ModifierKeyDomCodes" expires_after="2024-01-05">
Records the number of times modifier keys are pressed after modifier
remappings takes place on {KeyboardType} keyboards.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="AppleExternal"/>
<variant name="CrOSExternal"/>
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
units="ms" expires_after="2024-01-31">
<!-- TODO(b/270610982): Remove excess time periods once an optimal time period has been selected. -->
Records touchscreen usage time in {Mode}. A usage session is defined as a
set of subsequent touches where each touch occurred less than {TimePeriod}
after the previous.
<token key="TimePeriod">
<variant name="1Minute"/>
<variant name="3Minutes"/>
<variant name="5Minutes"/>
<variant name="5Seconds"/>
<variant name="10Minutes"/>
<variant name="15Seconds"/>
<variant name="30Seconds"/>
<token key="Mode">
<variant name="ClamshellMode"/>
<variant name="TabletMode"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.IntentPickerAction"
enum="IntentPickerDialogAction" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The intent picker dialog is shown (either automatically, or though a page
action button) when the user navigates to a page whose URL can be handled by
an installed app. This metric is recorded when the dialog is closed and
records the user action which caused it to close.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.IntentPickerIconEvent"
enum="IntentPickerIconEvent" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records events associated with the intent picker icon in the omnibox.
Recorded when the icon is shown or interacted with.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent" enum="LinkCapturingEvent"
Replaced by ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent2 in M106.
Records when the link capturing entry point is shown, when a link is
successfully captured and results in opening an app, and when the user
changes their settings to automatically capture similar links in the future.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent.{AppType}App"
enum="LinkCapturingEvent" expires_after="2022-12-01">
Replaced by ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent2 in M106.
Records when the link capturing entry point is shown for the {AppType} app
type, when a link is successfully captured and results in opening a/ an
{AppType} app, and when the user changes their settings to automatically
capture similar links in the future.
<token key="AppType">
<variant name="Arc"/>
<variant name="Web"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent2"
enum="LinkCapturingEvent" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Records when the link capturing entry point is shown, when a link is
successfully captured and results in opening an app, and when the user
changes their settings to automatically capture similar links in the future.
Replaces ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent, which incorrectly recorded
events when the user changed settings to stay in Chrome.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent2.{AppType}App"
enum="LinkCapturingEvent" expires_after="2023-03-12">
Records when the link capturing entry point is shown for the {AppType} app
type, when a link is successfully captured and results in opening a/ an
{AppType} app, and when the user changes their settings to automatically
capture similar links in the future.
Replaces ChromeOS.Intents.LinkCapturingEvent.{AppType}App, which incorrectly
recorded events when the user changed settings to stay in Chrome.
<token key="AppType">
<variant name="Arc"/>
<variant name="Web"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.IsLacrosBrowser" enum="Boolean" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: Used to identify lacros binary in metrics backend. -->
Recorded as part of the metrics session data to identify the lacros-chrome
browser binary.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.KeyPermissionsManager.ArcUsageUpdate"
enum="KeyPermissionsManagerArcUsageUpdateStatus" expires_after="2022-02-06">
Counts the number of times the arc usage flags update started as well as the
number of times it succeeded and failed.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.KeyPermissionsManager.ArcUsageUpdateTime" units="ms"
Records the time taken to successfully update chaps with the new ARC usage
<histogram name="ChromeOS.KeyPermissionsManager.Migration"
enum="KeyPermissionsManagerMigrationStatus" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Counts the number of times the migration started as well as the number of
times it succeeded and failed. It also counts the number of necessary
migrations. Necessary migrations are the ones that work on migrating
permissions for at least one key. Currently, some migration processes start
when there are 0 keys saved in preferences.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.KeyPermissionsManager.MigrationTime" units="ms"
Removed in M103
Records the time taken to successfully migrate key permissions to chaps.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Lacros.LoadTime" units="ms"
Time to load Lacros binary. The bulk of load time may be spent in mounting
Lacros browser binary through squashfs in the component manager. If the user
has explicitly specified a path for the Lacros browser binary though, load
time will very likely be insignificant. Recorded by ash each time the lacros
binary is started.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Lacros.OSChannel" enum="ChromeOSChannel"
The release channel of the Chrome OS system on which Lacros is running. May
be different than the Lacros browser release channel. Recorded by the lacros
binary shortly after startup.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Lacros.StartTime" units="ms"
Time to start the lacros binary, specifically the time between when the
process is launched and the mojo connection is established between ash and
lacros. Recorded by ash each time the lacros binary is started.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.GetPackState.FeatureId"
enum="LanguagePackFeatureIds" expires_after="2023-09-17">
Records which feature requested a Pack from Language Packs Manager;
specifically an entry is recorded each time GetPackState is called.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.GetPackState.LanguageCode"
enum="LanguagePackLanguageCodes" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records which language was requested from Language Packs Manager;
specifically an entry is recorded each time GetPackState is called.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.InstallBasePack.FeatureId"
enum="LanguagePackFeatureIds" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records which feature requested a BasePack from Language Packs Manager;
specifically an entry is recorded each time InstallBasePack is called.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.InstallComplete.Success"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-07-01">
<!-- TODO(b/231288152): Deprecate this once experiment is complete. Replaced
by InstallPack.Success below. -->
Records whether a language pack installation was successful after a language
pack installation attempt.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.InstallError.Handwriting"
enum="LanguagePackDlcErrorType" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records the type of error that is received from DLC Service when an
installation is requested for Handwriting. No metric is emitted on success,
we only record an entry in case of error.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.InstallError.Tts"
enum="LanguagePackDlcErrorType" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records the type of error that is received from DLC Service when an
installation is requested for TTS. No metric is emitted on success, we only
record an entry in case of error.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.InstallPack.Success"
enum="LanguagePackFeatureSuccess" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records whether a language pack installation was successful after a language
pack installation attempt, broken down by feature ID.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.Mojo.BasePackStateResponse"
enum="LanguagePackMojoPackState" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records the state of what state a base pack is in (whether it's installed or
not) when the language packs Mojo interface responds to an IPC.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.Mojo.GetPackInfo.Feature"
enum="LanguagePackMojoFeatureId" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records which feature was requested by callers of the language packs Mojo
interface's &quot;GetPackInfo&quot; IPC call.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.Mojo.InstallBasePack.Feature"
enum="LanguagePackMojoFeatureId" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records which feature was requested by callers of the language packs Mojo
interface's &quot;InstallBasePack&quot; IPC call.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.Mojo.InstallPack.Feature"
enum="LanguagePackMojoFeatureId" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records which feature was requested by callers of the language packs Mojo
interface's &quot;InstallPack&quot; IPC call.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.Mojo.PackStateResponse"
enum="LanguagePackMojoPackState" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Records the state of what state a language pack is in (whether it's
installed or not) when the language packs Mojo interface responds to an IPC.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.LanguagePacks.UninstallComplete.Success"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-07-01">
Records whether a language pack uninstallation was successful after a
language pack uninstallation attempt.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Liveness.PingResponseTime" units="ms"
Reports the time (ms) elapsed between sending of a LivenessChecker ping and
receipt of the response. Recorded when LivenessChecker receives a ping
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Liveness.PingResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records whether the dbus liveness pings successfully go through. True is
recorded when the session manager daemon receives the pong back from chrome
in time. False is recorded when it times out waiting for the pong.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Logging.{LogType}EntryCountPerDay"
units="log entries per day" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Metrics of the numbers of log entries recorded in {LogType}s. Recorded when
the daily job &quot;chromeos-cleanup-logs&quot; is executed.
<token key="LogType">
<variant name="SystemLog"/>
<variant name="UserLog"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Logging.{LogType}LogFileSizePerDay" units="MB"
File sizes of {LogType} files in megabytes. Recorded when the daily job
&quot;chromeos-cleanup-logs&quot; is executed.
<token key="LogType">
<variant name="SystemArc"/>
<variant name="SystemAudit"/>
<variant name="SystemChrome"/>
<variant name="SystemMessage"/>
<variant name="SystemNet"/>
<variant name="UserChrome"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Logging.{LogType}MaxThroughputPerMin"
units="log entries per min" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Metrics of the number of maximum throughput (entries per minute) recorded in
{LogType}s within a day. Recorded when the daily job
&quot;chromeos-cleanup-logs&quot; is executed.
<token key="LogType">
<variant name="SystemLog"/>
<variant name="UserLog"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Logging.{LogType}TotalFileSize" units="MB"
Total file sizes of {LogType} files in megabytes. Recorded when the daily
job &quot;chromeos-cleanup-logs&quot; is executed.
<token key="LogType">
<variant name="SystemLog"/>
<variant name="UserLog"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.MachineIdRegen.AgeSeconds" units="seconds"
The number of seconds of uptime since the last time the Chrome OS machine-id
was regenerated. This is reported every time the machine-id is regenerated
except for the first time since reboot.
NB: Data before M90 is incomplete.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.MachineIdRegen.Lock" enum="BooleanLockingSuccess"
Measures whether the MachineIdRegen script acquires the lock. Success / Fail
is recorded every time the script is invoked. This is to test if the locking
is working as expected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.MachineIdRegen.Reason" enum="ChromeOSMachineIdReason"
The reason why the Chrome OS machine-id was regenerated. This is reported
when the machine-id is re-generated.
NB: Data before M90 is incomplete.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.MessageCenter.ScrollActionReason"
enum="ChromeOSMessageCenterScrollActionReason" expires_after="2024-03-26">
The cause of the scroll event by the user on the message center. Only the
first event after the message center opens is recorded. For example, the
user opens the message center and scrolls by mouse then by key, only the
mouse event is recorded. If the user closes and reopens the message center
before the second event, both events are recorded.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Ownership.OwnerKeyUmaEvent" enum="OwnerKeyUmaEvent"
Records events related to the owner key generation, loading and usage.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PlatformVerification.BrowserResult"
enum="ChromeOSPlatformVerificationBrowserResult" expires_after="2022-05-21">
The result of a platform verification attempt for content protection on
Chrome OS, limited to the browser-specific checks. It's still possible for
platform verification to fail at later layers.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PlatformVerification.Result2"
enum="ChromeOSPlatformVerificationResult2" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The result of a platform verification attempt for content protection on
Chrome OS. Does not include browser-related failures. Those are tracked in
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Printing.TimeCostOfFailedFoomaticShell"
units="seconds" expires_after="2023-12-16">
Total CPU time of all children processes started by foomatic_shell in a
single failed run. foomatic_shell is used for preparing input data for some
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Printing.TimeCostOfSuccessfulFoomaticShell"
units="seconds" expires_after="2023-12-16">
Total CPU time of all children processes started by foomatic_shell in a
single successful run. foomatic_shell is used for preparing input data for
some printers.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PrivacyHub.LearnMorePage.Opened"
enum="PrivacyHubLearnMoreSensor" expires_after="2024-01-16">
PrivacyHub is a chrome://os-settings page that allows system wide control of
privacy settings. The Privacy Hub effort adds additional context to already
existing notifications for microphones and cameras in case there is a
physical switch on the device to disable one of these sensors. Prior there
was only the notification message informing the user about the current state
of the system. The notifciations now include a link to a support page where
this is explained in more detail. This histogram records which sensor being
disabled resulted in the notification button being clicked.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PrivacyHub.Opened" enum="PrivacyHubNavigationOrigin"
Records when the user visits the Privacy Hub page in system settings.
Capturing the origin where the user navigated from.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PrivacyHub.{FeatureName}.{Source}.Enabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2023-09-01">
Records when the user changes the device-wide {FeatureName} access from the
{Source}. This can happen directly from the settings page
&quot;Settings&quot;&gt;&quot;Security and Privacy&quot;&gt;&quot;Privacy
hub&quot; or through notifications.
<token key="FeatureName">
<variant name="Camera"/>
<variant name="Microphone"/>
<token key="Source">
<variant name="Notification"/>
<variant name="Settings"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.PrivacyScreen.Toggled"
enum="PrivacyScreenToggleUISurface" expires_after="2022-04-01">
Record when the user toggles the integrated privacy screen on/off. See the
PrivacyScreenToggleUISurface enum for all UI surfaces for toggling the
<histogram name="ChromeOS.RgbKeyboard.RgbKeyboardCapabilityType"
enum="RgbKeyboardCapabilityType" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Records whether or not RGB keyboard is supported for the current device.
Most devices will return RgbKeyboardCapabilityType::None since RGB keyboard
is currently only supported on a handful of devices. We still include these
samples since it'll be useful for finding real failures, i.e,
RgbKeyboardCapabilityType::None is recorded for a device that supports RGB.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.RgbKeyboard.{Type}"
enum="RgbKeyboardBacklightChangeType" expires_after="2023-07-07">
<summary>Records the source of RGB backlight change for a device.</summary>
<!-- This must be kept current with RgbKeyboardCapabilityType located in
tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. RgbKeyboardCapabilityType::None is omitted
since the backlight can not be changed on unsupported devices. -->
<token key="Type">
<variant name="FourZoneFifteenLed"/>
<variant name="FourZoneFortyLed"/>
<variant name="FourZoneTwelveLed"/>
<variant name="IndividualKey"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.APILogin" enum="ChromeOSSamlApiUsed"
Records every online login authenticated purely with GAIA or with SAML.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.InSessionPasswordChangeEvent"
enum="SamlInSessionPasswordChangeEvent" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Records how often users are guided through the SAML in-session password
change flow, and how often it is completed succesfully.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.InSessionPasswordSyncEvent"
enum="SamlInSessionPasswordSyncEvent" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Records how often password sync token API is called. Tracks results of token
verify operation and API errors.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.Provider" enum="ChromeOSSamlProvider"
<summary>Records SAML provider when SAML login flow is used.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.Scraping.PasswordCountAll" units="passwords"
The number of passwords that were scraped during a Chrome OS login via SAML.
This is set only when the Chrome Credentials Passing API is not used.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SAML.Scraping.VerificationResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M78">
Removed in M102
Whether one of the scraped passwords was successfully verified as the user's
password. This is set only when the Chrome Credentials Passing API is not
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sandboxing.LandlockEnabled" enum="Boolean"
Records the status of the Landlock LSM on the system. Records true if
Landlock is enabled, and records false if it is disabled (not configured),
not supported by the kernel, or responding with an error.
The state of Landlock is determined once per boot and the metric is also
recorded only once per boot.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Bootmode.Cros" enum="SecagentdBootmodeCros"
Records whether the cros bootmode for the device was successfully found for
devices running the CrOS secagentd daemon. Emits either success or the
failure reason. When XDR reporting is enabled it will emit once per daemon
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Bootmode.Uefi" enum="SecagentdBootmodeUefi"
Records whether the bootparams file was successfully parsed for the UEFI
bootmode information for devices running the CrOS secagentd daemon. Emits
either success or the failure reason. When XDR reporting is enabled it will
emit once per daemon lifetime.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Bpf.{Bpf}.AttachResult"
enum="SecagentdBpfAttachResult" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Records the initialization status of the {Bpf} BPF used by the CrOS
secagentd daemon. Emits either a success or a specific error value. When XDR
reporting is enabled it will be recorded once per daemon lifetime.
<token key="Bpf">
<variant name="Process" summary="Process BPF"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Cache" enum="SecagentdCache"
Records whether the processe's information was found in the cache for the
CrOS secagentd daemon. Emits either Cache Hit, Cache Miss or Cache Miss but
scraped procfs successfully. It will be recorded at most 3 times per XDR
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Policy" enum="SecagentdPolicy"
Records whether the XDR event reporting policy was found enabled for a
device. Also provides an on-check enum for baseline. All of the
functionality of the CrOS secagentd daemon is gated by this enterprise
Note that even though the daemon regularly polls device policy for updates,
it will emit exactly one on-check value and at most one enabled value during
its lifetime (generally per device per boot).
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Process.{EventType}Event"
enum="SecagentdProcessEvent" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Records whether the Process {EventType} Event was correctly formed for the
CrOS secagentd daemon. Emits event was complete or the reason it was not. It
is recorded once per XDR event.
<token key="EventType">
<variant name="Exec" summary="Process exec events"/>
<variant name="Terminate" summary="Process terminate events"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.SendMessageResult"
enum="SecagentdSendMessageResult" expires_after="2023-09-24">
Records the status response of all events sent by the CrOS secagentd daemon.
Emits either a success or the failure reason. It is recorded once per XDR
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Secagentd.Tpm" enum="SecagentdTpm"
Records whether the TPM for the device was successfully found for devices
running the CrOS secagentd daemon. Emits either success or the failure
reason. When XDR reporting is enabled it will be recorded once per daemon
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SecurityAnomaly" enum="SecurityAnomaly"
Records when an event representing a deviation from the ChromeOS security
posture happens.
The list of writable+executable mounts is updated every thirty seconds, and
only new anomalous mounts are recorded. This list is cleared every two hours
so existing anomalies get recorded again after the two-hour window.
Memfd execution attempts are checked every thirty seconds and new attempts
are recorded. memfd_create events are only recorded once per boot. Prior to
M111 memfd_create events were recorded up to ten times per boot.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SecurityAnomalyUploadSuccess" enum="Boolean"
Records the result (boolean success or failure) of attempting to report a
Chrome OS system as anomalous via the crash reporting service.
Reporting is only attempted if one or more anomalies are detected (see the
previous histogram's description for the types of anomalies considered),
*and* once per boot, even if reporting fails.
So this histogram will be recorded at most once per boot, and only if a
system is detected as anomalous (i.e. presents any of the tracked
enum="KeyboardModifierRemappingKeys" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the configured modifier remapping for the {Modifier} key when the
{KeyboardType} keyboard is updated.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="ExternalChromeOs"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
<token key="Modifier">
<variant name="Alt"/>
<variant name="Assistant"/>
<variant name="Backspace"/>
<variant name="CapsLock"/>
<variant name="Control"/>
<variant name="Escape"/>
<variant name="Meta"/>
enum="KeyboardModifierRemappingKeys" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the configured modifier remapping for the {Modifier} key when the
{KeyboardType} keyboard is first initialized.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="ExternalChromeOs"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
<token key="Modifier">
<variant name="Alt"/>
<variant name="Assistant"/>
<variant name="Backspace"/>
<variant name="CapsLock"/>
<variant name="Control"/>
<variant name="Escape"/>
<variant name="Meta"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {KeyboardSetting} setting when the {KeyboardType}
keyboard is updated.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="ExternalChromeOs"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
<token key="KeyboardSetting">
<variant name="BlockMetaFKeyRewrites"/>
<variant name="TopRowAreFKeys"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {KeyboardSetting} setting when the {KeyboardType}
keyboard is first initialized.
<token key="KeyboardType">
<variant name="External"/>
<variant name="ExternalChromeOs"/>
<variant name="Internal"/>
<token key="KeyboardSetting">
<variant name="BlockMetaFKeyRewrites"/>
<variant name="TopRowAreFKeys"/>
enum="PointerSensitivity" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the sensitivity setting when the {TouchpadType}
touchpad settings are updated.
<token key="TouchpadType">
<variant name="External" summary="external touchpad"/>
<variant name="Internal" summary="internal touchpad"/>
enum="PointerSensitivity" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the sensitivity setting when the {TouchpadType}
touchpad is first initialized.
<token key="TouchpadType">
<variant name="External" summary="external touchpad"/>
<variant name="Internal" summary="internal touchpad"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {TouchpadSetting} settings when the {TouchpadType}
touchpad settings are updated.
<token key="TouchpadType">
<variant name="External" summary="external touchpad"/>
<variant name="Internal" summary="internal touchpad"/>
<token key="TouchpadSetting">
<variant name="AccelerationEnabled"/>
<variant name="ReverseScrolling"/>
<variant name="TapDragging"/>
<variant name="TapToClick"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {TouchpadSetting} settings when the {TouchpadType}
touchpad is first initialized.
<token key="TouchpadType">
<variant name="External" summary="external touchpad"/>
<variant name="Internal" summary="internal touchpad"/>
<token key="TouchpadSetting">
<variant name="AccelerationEnabled"/>
<variant name="ReverseScrolling"/>
<variant name="TapDragging"/>
<variant name="TapToClick"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Device.{DeviceType}.SetSettingsSucceeded"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-29">
Records if the {DeviceType} settings are set successfully. Set settings will
fail if the id or the settings object is invalid.
<token key="DeviceType">
<variant name="Keyboard"/>
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
<variant name="Touchpad"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Device.{Peripheral}.Sensitivity.Changed"
enum="PointerSensitivity" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the sensitivity setting when the {Peripheral} device
settings are updated. The value ranges from 1 to 5.
<token key="Peripheral">
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Settings.Device.{Peripheral}.Sensitivity.Initial"
enum="PointerSensitivity" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the sensitivity setting when the {Peripheral} device is
is first initialized. The value ranges from 1 to 5.
<token key="Peripheral">
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {PeripheralSetting} settings when the {Peripheral}
device settings are updated.
<token key="Peripheral">
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
<token key="PeripheralSetting">
<variant name="AccelerationEnabled"/>
<variant name="ReverseScrolling"/>
<variant name="SwapPrimaryButtons"/>
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2024-03-22">
Records the value of the {PeripheralSetting} settings when the {Peripheral}
device is first initialized.
<token key="Peripheral">
<variant name="Mouse"/>
<variant name="PointingStick"/>
<token key="PeripheralSetting">
<variant name="AccelerationEnabled"/>
<variant name="ReverseScrolling"/>
<variant name="SwapPrimaryButtons"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.AppCount2.{AppType}" units="apps"
Records number of {AppType} apps found for a given intent in the Sharesheet
when the sharesheet is invoked. Has 100 exponential buckets. (The original
histogram had 1000 linear buckets).
Warning: this histogram was expired from M95 to M96; data may be missing.
<token key="AppType">
<variant name="All" summary="all apps"/>
<variant name="Arc" summary="arc app"/>
<variant name="Web" summary="web app"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.CopyToClipboard.FormFactor"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetFormFactor" expires_after="2023-08-19">
Records the form factor when the Copy To Clipboard option is selected from
the sharesheet.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.FileCount" units="files"
Records the number of files a user is trying to share from the Sharesheet
when the sharesheet is invoked.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.FormFactor"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetFormFactor" expires_after="2023-08-19">
<summary>Records the form factor when the Sharesheet is invoked.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.IsDriveFolder" enum="Boolean"
If the value is true, the data being shared from the Sharesheet is a folder
from Drive. Recorded when the sharesheet is invoked.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.IsImagePreviewPressed"
enum="BooleanSelected" expires_after="2023-08-19">
If the value is true, the image preview was pressed during the current
invocation. Recorded when the sharesheet closes.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.LaunchSource"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetLaunchSource" expires_after="2023-08-27">
Records the source from which the Sharesheet is invoked.
Warning: this histogram was expired from M95 to M96; data may be missing.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.ShareActionCount"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetAction" expires_after="2023-08-19">
Records each action found for a given intent when the Sharesheet is invoked.
Warning: this histogram was expired from M95 to M96; data may be missing.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.UserAction"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetAction" expires_after="2023-08-27">
<summary>Records user action on sharesheet invocations.</summary>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sharesheet.{Location}.MimeType"
enum="ChromeOSSharesheetMimeType" expires_after="2023-08-19">
Records the mime type of the content being copied at the {Location} point in
the Sharesheet flow.
This histogram could record multiple times in a single share in the event
that the user shares data of mime types at once. However, a single share
will not record the same mime type twice. E.g. sharing 2 images in one share
will record the image mimetype once.
<token key="Location">
<variant name="CopyToClipboard"
summary="After copy to clipboard is selected"/>
<variant name="Invocation" summary="When the sharesheet is first invoked"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Sync.PreferencesMigrated" enum="BooleanMigrated"
Tracks whether browser sync preferences were migrated to the new OS sync
feature (project SplitSettingsSync). Recorded once per session during login.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.AnimationSmoothness" units="%"
<!-- Name completed by histogram suffixes
name="SystemTrayTransitionType" -->
Tracks the animation smoothness for the collapse / expand animation of the
system tray.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.BlockedNotifiersAfterUpdate"
units="notifiers" expires_after="2023-05-10">
Tracks the number of blocked notifiers in the system tray after the user
blocks one or multiple notifiers. Note that this metric records the number
of blocked notifiers *after* the update.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.BlockedNotifiersOnOpen" units="notifiers"
Tracks the number of blocked notifiers in the system tray when it is opened.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.FirstInteraction"
enum="CrosSystemTrayFirstInteraction" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Records the first interaction the user has with the system tray, which can
be a click/tap on the quick settings or message center bubble. Note that
this interaction could be at any time after the user opens the tray (e.g. 30
seconds later before the first click).
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Interaction"
enum="CrosSystemTrayInteraction" expires_after="2023-08-08">
An enum value how system tray bubble is interacted e.g. by tap (touch
screen), or click (mouse, trackpad, etc.) Reported every time the region
inside system tray bubble is tapped or clicked.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.IsExpandedOnOpen" enum="Boolean"
If the value is true, SystemTray is expanded when it's opened. Otherwise,
it's closed when it's opened.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Network.RowClickedAction"
enum="NetworkRowClickedAction" expires_after="2023-10-22">
This metric will record each action taken as a result of a user clicking a
Network from Network list within system tray. Metric emitted each time a
user clicks on a network list row.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Network.SectionShown"
enum="DetailedViewSection" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records when different sections within the detailed network view in the
system tray shown. This metric is emitted each time a user opens the system
tray and each time a different network section is newly shown.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Network.{NetworkType}.Toggled"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2023-06-20">
Records the new value of the WiFi/Mobile toggle button in system tray.
Metric emitted each time a user clicks on the enable/disable WiFi or Mobile
<token key="NetworkType">
<variant name="Mobile"/>
<variant name="WiFi"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.NotificationsRemovedByClearAll"
units="notifications" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Records the number of notifications that are removed in a single clear all
action by the user.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.ShelfPodCount" units="count"
The number of status area item pods (e.g. IME, Palette, Dictation, etc.) in
the shelf status area whenever a pod appears/disappears. This histogram is
only logged when the device is not in tablet mode, otherwise
ChromeOS.SystemTray.Tablet.ShelfPodCount is logged.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Tablet.ShelfPodCount" units="count"
The number of status area item pods (e.g. IME, Palette, Dictation, etc.) in
the shelf status area whenever a pod appears/disappears. This histogram is
only logged when the device is in tablet mode, otherwise
ChromeOS.SystemTray.ShelfPodCount is logged.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.TimeToClick" units="ms"
The amount of time a user took from clicking on the button in status area,
to clicking on an item in the system tray bubble. (Obsolete M90 onwards).
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.TimeToClick2" units="ms"
The amount of time a user took after opening the system tray bubble, to
clicking on an item in the system tray bubble.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.ToggleExpanded"
enum="CrosSystemTrayToggleExpanded" expires_after="2023-09-10">
An enum value how system tray bubble is expanded or collapsed. It can be
toggled by the button and touch gesture.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.CableSpeed" enum="CableSpeedMetric"
This value represents the speed of the USB Type-C cable which is connected
to a device. It is recorded every time a new peripheral is connected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.DpSuccess" enum="DpSuccessMetric"
This value represents DisplayPort (DP) alternate mode entry success (or
failure) for USB Type-C peripherals that support this alternate mode. This
metric gets recorded by the Chrome OS Type-C system daemon (typecd) when a
peripheral that supports DP alternate mode is connected to the systems that
support this metric.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.PartnerLocation" enum="PartnerLocationMetric"
This value represents the location and order of a USB Type-C peripheral
(partner) which is connected to a device. It is recorded every time a new
peripheral is connected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.PartnerType" enum="PartnerTypeMetric"
This value represents the type of a USB Type-C peripheral (the Partner)
which is connected to a device. It is recorded every time a new peripheral
is connected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.PowerSourceLocation"
enum="PowerSourceLocationMetric" expires_after="2023-09-03">
This value represents the location and order of a USB Type-C power source
which is connected to a device. It is recorded every time a new power source
is connected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.TypeC.WrongConfiguration"
enum="WrongConfigurationMetric" expires_after="2023-10-15">
This value represents events where a USB Type-C peripheral couldn't be
configured correctly, or experienced some other unexpected behaviour. It is
recorded every time a new peripheral is connected.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.UrlXattrsCount" units="units"
The number of files with URL extended attributes found in the users' home
directories. This is emitted once per boot. See and for more details.
<histogram base="true" name="ChromeOS.USB.DeviceAttached"
enum="ChromeOSUsbEventTiming" expires_after="2023-10-08">
<summary>Timing and number of USB devices attached.</summary>
enum="ChromeOSUsbEventTiming" expires_after="2023-09-30">
Timing and number of external USB devices attached. This is emitted each
time an external device is attached via USB and when user logs in with an
external device attached.
<token key="USBDeviceRecognized">
<variant name="Recognized"
summary="A device that was already added to the list of trusted
<variant name="Unrecognized"
summary="A device that was not in the list of trusted devices yet"/>
<token key="USBDeviceClass">
<variant name="App"
summary="A device with only the application specific interface class"/>
<variant name="Audio" summary="An audio device"/>
<variant name="AV" summary="An audio/video device"/>
<variant name="Card" summary="A smart card reader"/>
<variant name="Comm" summary="A communication device"/>
<variant name="Health" summary="A personal healthcare device"/>
<variant name="HID" summary="A human-interface device"/>
<variant name="Hub" summary="A USB hub"/>
<variant name="Image" summary="A still image capture device"/>
<variant name="Misc"
summary="A device with only the misc. interface class"/>
<variant name="Other"
summary="All devices not covered by the other groups"/>
<variant name="Phys" summary="A physical device"/>
<variant name="Print" summary="A printer"/>
<variant name="Sec" summary="A security device (e.g. fingerprint reader)"/>
<variant name="Storage" summary="A storage device"/>
<variant name="Vendor"
summary="A device with only the vendor specific interface class"/>
<variant name="Video" summary="A video device"/>
<variant name="Wireless" summary="A wireless controller device"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.USB.ExternalDeviceAttached.{USBPortType}.DeviceClass"
enum="ChromeOSUsbDeviceClass" expires_after="2023-06-30">
USB device class per {USBPortType}. This is emitted each time an external
device is attached via USB and when user logs in with an external device
<token key="USBPortType">
<variant name="TypeA"/>
<variant name="TypeC"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.USB.ExternalDeviceAttached.{USBPortType}.DeviceSpeed"
enum="ChromeOSUsbDeviceSpeed" expires_after="2023-06-30">
USB device speed per {USBPortType}. This is emitted each time an external
device is attached via USB and when user logs in with an external device
<token key="USBPortType">
<variant name="TypeA"/>
<variant name="TypeC"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.UserTypeByDeviceType.LogSegment"
enum="UserDeviceMatrix" expires_after="2023-08-27">
This value is reported at the start of a user session, and is a 32-bit value
that reports the primary user account type and the device type (umanaged
user on managed device, K12 user on an education device, etc.). The upper
16-bits represent the device type (found at http://shortn/_3iFWcdjy0P), and
the lower 16-bits represent the user type (found at
http://shortn/_uK3ZM4pC0a). So a nonprofit user (0x03) on an enterprise
device (0x02) would be 0x00020003 or 131075.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.WebAPK.{InstallType}.Result"
enum="WebApkInstallResultChromeOS" expires_after="2023-10-14">
Records the overall final state of a WebAPK {InstallType} operation on
ChromeOS. A WebAPK is generated and installed when a PWA which supports Web
Share Target is installed in the browser, and updated when the PWA's
manifest updates.
<token key="InstallType">
<variant name="Install"/>
<variant name="Update"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.WXMountCount" units="count"
Records the number of writable+executable mounts on the system. The count
itself is updated every 30 seconds, but this metric is reported every two
hours of runtime. This metric is reported regardless of whether users are
logged in or not. This metric is only reported on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Zram.PSISomeOrigDataSizeMB" units="MB"
This is a multi-dimensional metric that includes information from two
existing metrics: ChromeOS.Zram.OrigDataSizeMB and
ChromeOS.CWP.PSIMemPressure.Some. There are exactly 300 buckets. To
interpret the bucket label, divide the bucket by 20 to get OrigDataSizeMB.
The result is memory usage in gigabytes. The ranges are [0, 1), [1, 2), ...,
[14, infinity). Modulus the bucket by 20 to get PSIMemPressure.Some (ranges
of 0.05, 20 buckets). The metric is logged every 10 seconds.
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Zram.{CountMetric}" units="count"
Records {CountMetric}. Recorded every 10s from boot to shutdown.
<token key="CountMetric">
<variant name="BdCount"
summary="the number of blocks currently written on the backing device"/>
<variant name="BdReads"
summary="the number of block reads from backing device"/>
<variant name="BdWrites"
summary="the number of block writes to backing device"/>
<variant name="FailedReads" summary="the number of failed reads in zram"/>
<variant name="FailedWrites" summary="the number of failed writes in zram"/>
<variant name="HugePages" summary="the number of incompressible pages"/>
<variant name="HugePagesSince"
summary="number of huge pages since zram set up"/>
<variant name="InvalidIo"
summary="number of non-page-size-aligned I/O requests in zram"/>
<variant name="NotifyFree"
summary="depending on device usage scenario it may account a) the
number of pages freed because of swap slot free
notifications or b) the number of pages freed because of
REQ_OP_DISCARD requests sent by bio"/>
<variant name="PagesCompacted"
summary="the number of pages freed during compaction"/>
<variant name="SamePages"
summary="the number of same element filled pages written to this disk"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Zram.{HugePageActivityMetric}" units="pages"
Records the {HugePageActivityMetric} in a period of time. Recorded every 10s
from boot to shutdown. Period is the time between recordings (10s).
<token key="HugePageActivityMetric">
<variant name="HugePagesRemoved"
summary="number of incompressible(huge) pages removed"/>
<variant name="HugePagesStored"
summary="number of incompressible(huge) pages added"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Zram.{PctMetric}" units="%"
Records {PctMetric}. Recorded every 10s from boot to shutdown.
<token key="PctMetric">
<variant name="CompressedSizePct"
summary="the overall compression ratio of data store in zram disk"/>
<variant name="HugePagesPct"
summary="the percentage of incompressible pages in zram"/>
<variant name="SamePagesPct"
summary="the percentage of stored pages which are same pages, these
pages have only repeated content"/>
<histogram name="ChromeOS.Zram.{SizeMetric}" units="MB"
Records {SizeMetric}. Recorded every 10s from boot to shutdown.
<token key="SizeMetric">
<variant name="ComprDataSizeMB"
summary="the compressed size of data stored in zram disk"/>
<variant name="MemLimitMB"
summary="the maximum amount of memory zram can use to store The
compressed data"/>
<variant name="MemUsedMaxMB" summary="the peak memory that has zram used"/>
<variant name="MemUsedTotalMB"
summary="the total amount of memory in use for a zram disk"/>
<variant name="OrigDataSizeMB"
summary="the uncompressed size of data stored in zram disk"/>