blob: 84e57ccaf3b30f9b05328fdc6f705ee9051abda4 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of FastPair histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="FastPair.CreateBond.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for Fast Pair to finish creating a bond with
the peripheral. Emitted when bonding completes. No metric is emitted on
<histogram name="FastPair.GattConnection" enum="FastPairGattConnectionSteps"
Records each sucessful step in the GATT Connection flow. These steps are: on
connection start, on connection ready, on key-based characteristic found, on
notifications enabled for the key-based pairing characteristic, and on
connection established.
<histogram name="FastPair.GattServiceDiscovery.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for GATT service discovery. Emitted when
GATT discovery is completed for service. No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.Handshake.AttemptCount" units="count"
Records the number of attempts needed to successfully create a handshake.
Currently the highest allowed attempt number is 3. Emitted following a
successful handshake. No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.Handshake.EffectiveSuccessRate" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records the effective success rate of creating a handshake during the Fast
Pair pairing protocol. Emitted following the attempted creation of the
handshake and all retries.
<histogram name="FastPair.InitialPairing"
enum="FastPairInitialSuccessFunnelEvent" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records each successful step in the Initial Pairing flow. These steps are:
on notification click, on initialization start, on pairing start, on pairing
complete, V1 device detected, guest mode detected, device already associated
with the user's account, preparing to write the account key, account key
written successfully, and on completion of the entire pairing process.
<histogram name="FastPair.KeyBasedNotify.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for the Fast Pair key based pairing notify
session to begin. Emitted when a key based notify session has been
successfully started. No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.KeyBasedWriteRequest.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for the Fast Pair key based write request to
complete. Emitted when a key based write request has completed successfully.
No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.PasskeyNotify.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for the Fast Pair passkey notify session to
begin. Emitted when a passkey notify session has been successfully started.
No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.PasskeyWriteRequest.Latency" units="ms"
Records the total time it takes for the Fast Pair passkey request to
complete. Emitted when a passkey write request has completed successfully.
No metric is emitted on failure.
<histogram name="FastPair.RetroactivePairing"
enum="FastPairRetroactiveSuccessFunnelEvent" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Records each successful step in the Retroactive Pairing flow. Emitted on:
device detected, GATT initialization started, writing account key, timed out
writing account key, account key successfully written to the device, BLE
address rotated, notification displayed to user, save requested by user
(notification clicked), and account key saved to Footprints.
<histogram name="FastPair.SubsequentPairing"
enum="FastPairSubsequentSuccessFunnelEvent" expires_after="2023-09-10">
Records each sucessful step in the Subsequent Pairing flow. These steps are:
on notification click, on initialization start, on pairing start, and on
completion of the entire pairing process.
<histogram name="FastPair.{FastPairPairingProtocol}.Pairing"
enum="FastPairProtocolPairingSteps" expires_after="2023-07-02">
Records each sucessful step in the Protocol-based Pairing flow. These steps
are: on pairing start, when retries have been exhausted, when device is
already paired, on successful bond, on passkey negotiated, on passkey
characteristic found, on notifications enabled for passkey characteristic,
on passkey response, on passkey validation, on passkey confirmation, and on
pairing complete.
<token key="FastPairPairingProtocol">
<variant name="InitialPairing" summary="Initial pairing protocol"/>
<variant name="SubsequentPairing" summary="Subsequent pairing protocol"/>
<histogram name="FastPair.{PairingScenario}.Initialization"
enum="FastPairInitializePairingProcessEvent" expires_after="2023-06-01">
Records the flow for the initialization of the GATT connection and the
process for grabbing the classic address for the Bluetooth device and
validating encryption keys. This flow is common across all three Fast Pair
pairing scenarios. Emitted on the following steps: initialization started
(when the process is kicked off), already pairing failure (when the device
is already pairing when the notification is clicked), passed to pairing
dialog (when a V1 device is detected, indicated that the device will not be
logging the subsequent metrics in the flow), exhausted retries failure (on
failure after three retry attempts), handshake reused (when a GATT handshake
already exists, bypassing the GATT handshake flow for this attempt), and
initialization complete (after the GATT handshake has completed, and the
classic address for the device is known).
<token key="PairingScenario">
<variant name="InitialPairing"
summary="the first time a user pairs a device via Fast Pair, device
needs to be in pairing mode, account key written to the
device to save it to their account, discovered via BLE
<variant name="RetroactivePairing"
summary="user elects to save a device paired via classic Bluetooth
settings to their Google account, account key written to
<variant name="SubsequentPairing"
summary="device is already saved to the user's account and is
discovered via not-discoverable advertisement, which means
the device does not have to be in pairing mode, no account
key saved to device, discovered via BLE scanning"/>
<histogram name="FastPair.{PairingScenario}.Initialization.FailureReason"
enum="FastPairPairFailure" expires_after="2023-06-01">
Records the failure reason for initialization of the GATT connection and
handshake (process for grabbing the classic address for the Bluetooth device
and validating encryption keys). Emitted on every failure attempt. The
initialization can succeed overall on a third retry, and still emit to this
bucket on previous failed attempts. No metric is emitted on success. The
only `FastPairPairFailure`s that will be related to this flow are: Pairing
Device Lost, Data Encryptor Retrieval, Key-based Pairing Response Decrypt,
Incorrect Key-based Pairing Response Type, Create GATT Connection, Pairing
Device Lost Between GATT Connection Attempts, GATT Service Discovery
Timeout, Key-based Pairing Characteristic Discovery, Key-based Pairing
Characteristic Notify Session, Key-based Pairing Response Timeout, and
Key-based Pairing Characteristic Write.
<token key="PairingScenario">
<variant name="InitialPairing"
summary="the first time a user pairs a device via Fast Pair, device
needs to be in pairing mode, discovered via BLE scanning,
account key written to the device and saved to their account"/>
<variant name="RetroactivePairing"
summary="user elects to save a device paired via classic Bluetooth
settings to their Google account, account key written to
<variant name="SubsequentPairing"
summary="device is already saved to the user's account and is
discovered via not-discoverable advertisement over BLE
scanning, the device does not have to be in pairing mode, no
account key saved to device"/>
units="count" expires_after="2023-06-01">
Records the number of retries that occurred before the successful completion
of the initialization flow for the GATT connection and handshake. Emitted
only on success of the initialization flow. No metric is emitted on failure.
<token key="PairingScenario">
<variant name="InitialPairing"
summary="the first time a user pairs a device via Fast Pair, device
needs to be in pairing mode, discovered via BLE scanning,
account key written to the device and saved to their account"/>
<variant name="RetroactivePairing"
summary="user elects to save a device paired via classic Bluetooth
settings to their Google account, account key written to
<variant name="SubsequentPairing"
summary="device is already saved to the user's account and is
discovered via not-discoverable advertisement over BLE
scanning, the device does not have to be in pairing mode, no
account key saved to device"/>