blob: d6f61ea27fcae426503280264be2fc8b72660fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Scan app histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="Scanning.CombinedImageSizeInKbBeforePdf" units="KB"
Records the total size of the scanned images stored in memory right before
they are converted into the final PDF.
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.CombinedImageSizeInKbBeforePdf"
units="KB" expires_after="2024-01-04">
During a multi-page scan session, records the total size of the scanned
images stored in memory at the moment the user clicks save to convert them
into the final PDF.
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.NumPagesScanned" units="pages"
Records the number of pages scanned in a saved multi-page scan session.
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.PageScanResult"
enum="ScanJobFailureReason" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the success status of each page scan in a multi-page scan session.
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.PDFGenerationTime" units="ms"
Records the amount of time it takes from the user clicking save on their
multi-page scan session to the PDF file being generated and saved.
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.SessionDuration" units="ms"
Records the time between a user starting the first scan in a multi-page scan
session to the time the user clicks save to end the session. This does not
record when a multi-page scan session ends prematurely without the PDF being
<histogram name="Scanning.MultiPageScan.ToolbarAction"
enum="ScanMultiPageToolbarAction" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records when a user clicks an action on the action toolbar in a multi-page
scan session.
<histogram name="Scanning.NumCompletedScansInSession" units="scans"
Records the number of completed scans in a single session of the Scan app
being open. This value gets recorded whenever the Scan app is closed or
<histogram name="Scanning.NumDetectedScanners" units="scanners"
Records the number of detected scanners. Recorded each time detected
scanners are received.
<histogram name="Scanning.NumDetectedScannersAtLogin" units="scanners"
Records the number of detected scanners. Recorded after a 5 minute delay
after login when the CupsPrintersManager is created.
<histogram name="Scanning.NumFilesCreated" units="files"
<summary>Records the number of files created in a successful scan.</summary>
<histogram name="Scanning.NumPagesScanned" units="pages"
<summary>Records the number of pages scanned in a successful scan.</summary>
<histogram name="Scanning.NumScanSettingChanges" units="changes"
Records the number of scan setting changes before a scan is initiated.
<histogram name="Scanning.PDFGenerationTime" units="ms"
Records the amount of time it takes from the final document in a scan job
being scanned to the PDF file being generated and saved.
<histogram name="Scanning.ReadyTime" units="ms" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the time between sending a request for scanners and receiving
capabilities for the selected scanner, which is essentially the time between
the user launching the Scan app and being able to interact with it to select
a scanner, change scan settings, or start a scan.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanCompleteAction" enum="ScanCompleteAction"
Records the action taken by a user after a successful scan job on Chrome OS.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobFailureReason" enum="ScanJobFailureReason"
<summary>Records the reason a scan job failed.</summary>
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSettings.ColorMode"
enum="ScanJobSettingsColorMode" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the selected Color Mode setting for a submitted scan job.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSettings.FileType"
enum="ScanJobSettingsFileType" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the selected File Type setting for a submitted scan job.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSettings.PageSize"
enum="ScanJobSettingsPageSize" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the selected Page Size setting for a submitted scan job.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSettings.Resolution"
enum="ScanJobSettingsResolution" expires_after="2024-01-04">
Records the selected Resolution setting for a submitted scan job.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSettings.Source" enum="ScanJobSettingsSource"
Records the selected Source setting for a submitted scan job.
<histogram name="Scanning.ScanJobSuccessful" enum="Boolean"
Records true if the attempted scan job completed successfully and false if
the scan job failed for any reason. This metric will not include canceled
scan jobs.