blob: 4526b25ffec1f87adc46ee0700b16208079523db [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Sharing histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="Sharing.AnyShareStarted" enum="ShareSourceAndroid"
<improvement direction="HIGHER_IS_BETTER"/>
The UI surface that started any share attempt. Android only.
This is a vital metric for the sharing team; please do not remove it or
change its behavior without consulting the metric owners.
<histogram name="Sharing.AnyShareStartedDesktop" enum="ShareSourceDesktop"
<improvement direction="HIGHER_IS_BETTER"/>
The UI surface that started any share attempt. Desktop only.
This is a vital metric for the sharing team; please do not remove it or
change its behavior without consulting the metric owners.
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallDevicesToShow" units="devices"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SharingClickToCallUi" -->
The number of available devices that are about to be shown in a UI for
picking a device to start a phone call on. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallDialerPresent" enum="BooleanPresent"
Logged when we try to fire a dial intent in click to call. Distinguishes
between if the user has an app that can handle dial intent or not. Android
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallDialogShown" enum="SharingDialogType"
Logged whenever a dialog is shown for the Click to Call feature. Desktop
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallPhoneNumberValid" enum="BooleanValid"
Records if a received phone number is valid. Invalid numbers might suggest
that the remote device tried to send malicious data. Logged when handling a
Click to Call message on Android received from a Chrome desktop instance.
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallSelectedAppIndex" units="index"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SharingClickToCallUi" -->
The index of the app selected by the user for Click to Call. Zero based.
Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.ClickToCallSelectedDeviceIndex" units="index"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SharingClickToCallUi" -->
The index of the device selected by the user for Click to Call. Zero based.
Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.DefaultSharesheetAndroid.Opened" enum="ShareOrigin"
Records the origin of the share that opened the default sharesheet. Recorded
when the sharesheeet is opened.
<histogram name="Sharing.DeviceRegistrationResult"
enum="SharingDeviceRegistrationResult" expires_after="M97">
Result of Sharing device registration. Logged after Sharing registration is
<histogram name="Sharing.DeviceUnregistrationResult"
enum="SharingDeviceRegistrationResult" expires_after="M97">
Result of Sharing device un-registration. Logged after Sharing
un-registration is attempted.
<histogram name="Sharing.MessageAckTime" units="ms" expires_after="2022-06-26">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SharingChannelType",
name="SharingDevicePlatform" and name="SharingMessage" -->
The time from sending a FCM message from the Sharing service until an ack
message is received for it.
<histogram name="Sharing.MessageHandlerTime" units="ms" expires_after="M97">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffix name="SharingMessage" -->
The time from receiving a SharingMessage in SharingFCMHandler until an ack
is sent back. Recorded when SendAckMessage callback is run in
<histogram name="Sharing.MessageReceivedType" enum="SharingMessageType"
The type of SharingMessage (aka the PayloadCase). This is logged when a
message is received through FCM by the handler in the Sharing service. All
<histogram name="Sharing.PreparePreviewFaviconDuration" units="ms"
The time to download the favicon as the image preview for sharing an link
using Android share sheet. Recorded when sharing a link with Android share
sheet only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyDecodeImageTime" units="ms"
<summary>The time to decode an image for Remote Copy. Desktop only.</summary>
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyHandleMessageResult"
enum="SharingRemoteCopyHandleMessageResult" expires_after="M97">
The result of handling a Remote Copy message. Logged once per message, when
the handler for the Remote Copy FCM message is finished handling it. Desktop
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyLoadImageStatusCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="M97">
Result code from loading an image for Remote Copy. Logs net::Error if it's
not net::OK. Logs net::OK if response header is not present. Otherwise, logs
HTTP status code. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyLoadImageTime" units="ms"
<summary>The time to load an image for Remote Copy. Desktop only.</summary>
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyReceivedImageSizeAfterDecode" units="bytes"
The size of the image loaded from the image URL specified in a Remote Copy
message received from FCM, after decoding. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyReceivedImageSizeBeforeDecode" units="bytes"
The size of the image loaded from the image URL specified in a Remote Copy
message received from FCM, before decoding. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyReceivedTextSize" units="bytes"
The size of the text in a Remote Copy message received from FCM. Desktop
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyWriteImageDetectionTime" units="ms"
The time to detect a clipboard image write for Remote Copy. Logged after
writing the image. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyWriteImageTime" units="ms"
The time to write an image to the clipboard for Remote Copy. Logged after
writing the image. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyWriteTextDetectionTime" units="ms"
The time to detect a clipboard text write for Remote Copy. Logged after
writing the text. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.RemoteCopyWriteTextTime" units="ms"
The time to write text to the clipboard for Remote Copy. Logged after
writing the text. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.Screenshot.Action" enum="SharingScreenshotAction"
Logged when actions are taken in the sharing screenshot image editing
<histogram name="Sharing.ScreenshotFallback.Action"
enum="SharingScreenshotFallbackAction" expires_after="2022-12-25">
Logged when actions are taken in the sharing screenshot fallback feature.
<histogram name="Sharing.ScreenshotsAndroid.IsEditorDismissedOnStart"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-09-11">
<summary>Whether the editor was dismissed during editor recreation.</summary>
<histogram name="Sharing.ScrollCapture.BitmapGeneratorStatus"
Records the status of the Bitmap Generator when capturing scroll capture
long screenshot. Recorded after the page capture request is sent to the
paint_preview capture service and compositor, when the service is no longer
busy. This metric is only emitted on Android S+.
<histogram name="Sharing.ScrollCapture.SuccessfulCaptureDuration" units="ms"
Records the total time spent capturing a long screenshot of a page using
scroll capture. It is recorded when a scroll capture request successfully
finishes. This metric is only emitted on Android S+.
<histogram name="Sharing.SendAckMessageResult" enum="SharingSendMessageResult"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SharingChannelType",
name="SharingDevicePlatform" and name="SharingMessage" -->
Result of sending an ack for a SharingMessage by the Sharing service. Logged
in the callback for sending the message to FCM. All platforms.
<histogram name="Sharing.SendMessageResult" enum="SharingSendMessageResult"
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes SharingChannelType,
SharingDevicePlatform, SharingMessage, and SharingPulseInterval. -->
Result of sending a SharingMessage by the Sharing service. Logged after the
send message callback is run. Not logged for sending ack messages. All
<histogram name="Sharing.SendTabToSelf.NotificationStatus"
enum="SendTabToSelfNotificationStatus" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Status of STTS notifications. Recorded whenever a target device is chosen, a
recieved notification is shown, or an action is taken on the notification.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharedClipboardDevicesToShow" units="devices"
The number of available devices that are about to be shown in a UI for
picking a device to share the clipboard with. On desktop, it gets recorded
when the user right clicks on selected text. On Android, it gest recorded
when the user does long press, share and &quot;Send text to Your
<histogram name="Sharing.SharedClipboardDialogShown" enum="SharingDialogType"
Logged whenever a dialog is shown for the Shared Clipboard feature.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharedClipboardSelectedDeviceIndex" units="index"
The index of the device selected by the user for Shared Clipboard gets
recorded when the user chooses the destination device for sharing text. Zero
<histogram name="Sharing.SharedClipboardSelectedTextSize" units="characters"
The size of the selected text in Shared Clipboard gets recorded when the
user shares selected text.
<histogram name="Sharing.ShareTargetUpdate.DynamicUpdateResult"
enum="ShareTargetUpdateResult" expires_after="2022-09-11">
The result of reading/parsing/accepting a new proto for the third party
Share Targets.
This is for the file types loaded from the component-update system. This
includes both those loaded from disk shortly after startup, and those
received over the network when the component version changes.
<histogram name="Sharing.ShareTargetUpdate.ResourceBundleResult"
enum="ShareTargetUpdateResult" expires_after="2022-09-11">
The result of reading/parsing/accepting a new proto for the third party
Share Targets.
This is for the file types loaded from the resource bundle packaged with
Chrome, which is always loaded at startup.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubAndroid.Opened" enum="ShareOrigin"
Records the origin of the share that opened the sharing hub. Recorded when
the sharing hub is opened.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubAndroid.ThirdPartyAppUsage"
enum="SharingHubBottomRowIndex" expires_after="2023-07-26">
Records the index of the third party app selected from the bottom row of the
sharing hub.
units="ms" expires_after="M110">
No longer gathered for several milestones as of M111. Not sure precisely
when gathering of this metric stopped.
Records the amount of time taken to save the output bitmap from the image
editor to temporary storage and generate a URI. Recorded when the followup
share actions panel is displayed.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubAndroid.TimeToShare" units="ms"
Records the amount of time taken for the user to select a share target after
initiating a share.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubAndroid.TimeToShowShareSheet" units="ms"
Records the amount of time taken for the custom share sheet to open after a
share was initiated.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubAndroid.{DetailedContentType}.{ShareStatus}"
enum="LinkToggleState" expires_after="M115">
Records what the link toggle state is when a share of a
{DetailedContentType} is {ShareStatus}.
<token key="DetailedContentType">
<variant name="Gif"/>
<variant name="HighlightedText"/>
<variant name="Image"/>
<variant name="LightweightReaction"/>
<variant name="NotSpecified"/>
<variant name="Screenshot"/>
<variant name="Webnotes"/>
<token key="ShareStatus">
<variant name="Completed"/>
<variant name="InProgress"/>
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubDesktop.CrOSSharesheetResult"
enum="SharingHubSharesheetResult" expires_after="2023-09-03">
Records whether the user selects a share target after opening the Chrome OS
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubDesktop.TimeToFetchFaviconPreviewImage"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-03-12">
Never actually logged in production, removed in M111.
Records the elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the sharing hub becoming
visible on screen and the favicon image (if there is one) replacing the
default image. Only logged for cases where the favicon is both present and
is delivered to the sharing hub asynchronously, so this metric tracks how
slow async favicon fetching is.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubDesktop.TimeToFetchHQPreviewImage"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-03-12">
Never actually logged in production, removed in M111.
Records the elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the sharing hub becoming
visible on screen and the high-quality image (if there is one) replacing the
default image. Only logged for cases where such a replacement eventually
happens - pages with no high-quality image do not produce an entry. This
metric essentially tracks how slow asynchronous HQ image fetching is.
<histogram name="Sharing.SharingHubDesktop.TimeToShow" units="ms"
Records the elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the user gesture that
should summon the sharing hub and the sharing hub actually becoming visible
on screen.
<histogram name="Sharing.SmsFetcherAvailableDeviceCount" units="devices"
The number of available devices when making a request on desktop which is
triggered by calling the WebOTP API. This is logged once per API call.
Desktop only.
<histogram name="Sharing.SmsFetcherClientNameIsEmpty" enum="BooleanEmpty"
Records whether the remote client name is empty. This could happen on early
version of Chrome. This is logged once per notification when asking for user
permission to submit the one-time-passwords on the remote device.
<histogram name="Sharing.SmsFetcherScreenOnAndUnlocked" enum="Boolean"
Records whether the phone is on and unlocked when we show the notification
to users. False if either the phone is locked or the phone does not have a
screen lock but the screen is off. This is logged once per notification.
<histogram name="Sharing.SmsFetcherTapWithChromeDestroyed" enum="Boolean"
Records whether a user taps/dismisses the notification after Chrome is
destroyed. This could happen if the user manually swipes away Chrome from
the task switcher or the OS decides to destroy Chrome due to lack of memory
etc. This is logged once per user action on the notification.
<histogram name="Sharing.WebRtc.IceConfigFetched" units="ice_servers"
Number of ice servers fetched by network traversal API call. Logged after
receiving response of API call.
<histogram name="Sharing.{ShareSurface}.ShareContentType"
enum="SharingContentTypeAndroid" expires_after="2023-10-13">
The content type being shared when using a share sheet. Recorded when share
is sent to share sheet for {ShareSurface}. Android only.
<token key="ShareSurface">
<variant name="DefaultSharesheetAndroid" summary="System share sheet"/>
<variant name="SharingHubAndroid" summary="Chrome's sharing hub"/>