blob: 4cd1c486fae8bf9f71dab875fccf801e2db4fdc7 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Software histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
The SoftwareReporterEngine variants used to be defined as suffixes with a _
separator. The leading _ keeps the generated histogram names the same.
<variants name="SoftwareReporterEngine">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name="_ESET" summary="the ESET engine"/>
<variant name="_URZA" summary="the discontinued legacy engine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.ChromePromptChannelError"
enum="SoftwareReporterChromePromptChannelError" expires_after="2023-05-14">
Keeps a tally of IPC related errors between chrome_cleaner and chrome. The
first two bytes of the bucket represent the error category and the two last
bytes represent the actual error code. Warning: this histogram was expired
in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.CleaningTime" units="ms"
The time between sending the user's response to the Chrome Cleaner process
and the Cleaner process terminating. This histogram is logged only for
successfully completed runs of the cleaner. Warning: this histogram was
expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.DownloadStatusErrorCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2023-08-25">
The HTTP response or net error code when trying to download the Chrome
Cleanup Tool. Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended in
M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.RunningTime" units="ms"
How long it took to run the software reporter cleaner tool. Warning: this
histogram was expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.ScanningTime" units="ms"
The time between launching the Chrome Cleaner process and the cleaner having
scanned the user's machine and Chrome receiving an IPC call with the
results. Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended in M92;
data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.Cleaner.TimeToCompleteDownload" units="ms"
Expired in 2021-07-21 so there may be some missing data. The time between
the first attempt to download the Chrome Cleanup tool and a successful
download or the last unsuccessful attempt to download without retrying.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.CleanerLogsAcceptance" enum="BooleanAccepted"
Whether the user accepted to upload logs from Chrome Cleanup Tool. This is
logged when the user accepts the Chrome prompt to start a cleanup either
from the prompt dialog or from the cleanup card in the Settings page.
Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be
missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.CleanupStarted"
enum="SoftwareReporterCleanupStarted" expires_after="2022-03-16">
Removed 03-2022 due to lack of use
Indicates where the user started a cleanup from (e.g. from the prompt dialog
or the settings page). Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and
extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.ConfigurationErrors"
enum="SoftwareReporterConfigurationError" expires_after="2023-08-25">
Whether a configuration error prevented the experimental Software Reporter
from running.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.CreateJobResult{Engine}"
enum="WinGetLastError" expires_after="2022-08-21">
Removed 08-2022 since it only ever logged SUCCESS
The Windows error code from CreateJobObject, which is called just before
launching the Software Reporter using {Engine}. If this is not
ERROR_SUCCESS, the reporter process is not attached to a job and may outlive
the browser. Not logged on Windows 7, where CreateJobObject is not called
because nested job objects aren't supported.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.FoundUwSReadError{Engine}"
enum="BooleanError" expires_after="2023-05-25">
Whether there was an error reading the registry key containing UwS found by
the Software Removal Tool when using {Engine}.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.IPCDisconnected"
enum="SoftwareReporterIPCDisconnected" expires_after="2023-08-25">
Indicates when the IPC with the Chrome Cleanup Tool process is disconnected
from Chrome. Success is logged when it's disconnected and no longer needed
(the user already responded to the prompt in Chrome or the cleaner process
terminated normally); failures are logged when the IPC is disconnected, but
communication between Chrome and the cleaner process is still required (e.g.
while Chrome is waiting for scanning results or when the cleaner is waiting
for the user's response from Chrome). Warning: this histogram was expired in
M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.LastUploadResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<summary>The result of the most recent SRT log upload.</summary>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.LogsUploadEnabled{Engine}"
enum="SoftwareReporterLogsUploadEnabled" expires_after="2023-08-25">
If logs uploads are enabled in the Software Reporter or the reason why it is
disabled. Recorded before each run of the Software Reporter using {Engine}.
Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be
missing in M91.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.LogsUploadResultRegistryError{Engine}"
Error encountered when reading the Software Reporter logs upload result from
the registry for. Recorded at the same time as
SoftwareReporter.LogsUploadResult after the SoftwareReporter finishes when
using {Engine}. Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended in
M92; data may be missing in M91.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.LogsUploadResult{Engine}"
enum="SoftwareReporterLogsUploadResult" expires_after="2023-08-25">
The result of the most recent Software Reporter logs upload. Written by the
Software Reporter in the registry and sent by Chrome after the reporter
finishes when using {Engine}. Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and
extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.MajorVersion{Engine}" units="units"
As SoftwareReporter.MinorVersion, but a double word combination of the other
components of the version of the software reporter. The high word is the
first component when there are more than one, and the low word is either the
second or third one, depending if there are at least 3, or 4 components.
Recorded after the reporter finishes when using {Engine}.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.MemoryUsed{Engine}" units="KB"
The memory used by the software reporter tool as reported by the tool itself
via the registry. Logged just after the software reporter tool has finished
when using {Engine}.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.MinorVersion{Engine}" units="units"
The last component of the version of the software reporter that was executed
so we can identify when users are not getting their component updated as
quickly as we expect it. Recorded after the reporter finishes when using
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.NoPromptReason"
enum="SoftwareReporterNoPromptReason" expires_after="2023-08-05">
The reason why the user has not been prompted to run the Chrome Cleanup Tool
(e.g. no unwanted software found, user recently prompted). Warning: this
histogram was expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.OnDemandUpdateSucceeded"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2023-08-25">
Whether an on-demand update of the Software Reporter component succeeded,
when needed for a user-initiated cleanup. Warning: this histogram was
expired in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.PostCleanupSettingsReset" units="counts"
The number of profiles whose settings will be reset once a successful
cleanup completes. Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and extended
in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.PromptDialogResponse"
enum="SoftwareReporterPromptDialogResponse" expires_after="2023-07-30">
The user response on the modal Chrome Cleanup Tool prompt dialog (e.g.
accepted, cancelled). Warning: this histogram was expired in M91 and
extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.ReporterSequenceType"
enum="SoftwareReporterSequenceType" expires_after="2023-08-25">
Indicates the type of a reporter sequence run on the user system. Logged
when the sequence is scheduled to start. Warning: this histogram was expired
in M91 and extended in M92; data may be missing in M91.
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeAccordingToChrome2{Engine}"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-08-21">
The amount of time from the Software Reporter process launch to the time it
exits, in milliseconds. This includes time the computer was asleep or
hibernating. SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeWithoutSleep2 excludes those
periods. This replaces SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeAccordingToChrome which
also included queuing time of tasks before and after launch. Recorded after
the reporter finishes when using {Engine}.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>
<histogram name="SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeWithoutSleep2{Engine}" units="ms"
The amount of time from the Software Reporter process launch to the time it
exits, in milliseconds. This does not include time the computer was asleep
or hibernating. SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeAccordingToChrome2 includes
those periods. This replaces SoftwareReporter.RunningTimeWithoutSleep which
also included queuing time of tasks before and after launch. Recorded after
the reporter finishes when using {Engine}.
<token key="Engine" variants="SoftwareReporterEngine"/>