blob: de96bad3e0d6c4778fd2bf5c19d2cc23a0b93c91 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Storage histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.AllowedRequests" enum="StorageAccessResult"
Removed 2021/09.
Records if various requests to access storage are allowed or not and if the
Storage Access API unblocked the request or not. Recorded whenever a
decision to access storage like getting/setting cookies or opening an
indexeddb connection is made in CookieSettings.
This histogram erroneously recorded ALLOW when cookies were globally
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.AllowedRequests2" enum="StorageAccessResult"
Records if various requests to access storage are allowed or not and if the
Storage Access API unblocked the request or not. Recorded whenever a
decision to access storage like getting/setting cookies or opening an
indexeddb connection is made in CookieSettings.
Warning: this histogram was expired from 2022-03-27 to 08-12-2022; data may
be missing.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.DocumentInheritedStorageAccess"
enum="BooleanInherited" expires_after="M124">
Records whether or not a document inherited the `has_storage_access` bit
from the previous document.
Recorded once at document commit, for every document.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.DocumentLoadedWithStorageAccess"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M124">
Records whether or not a document was loaded with the `has_storage_access`
bit set to true.
Recorded once at document commit, for every document.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.GrantIsImplicit" enum="BooleanAvailable"
Records if a generated grant was implicit or explicit at the time it was
Warning: this histogram was expired from 2020-11-27 to 08-12-2022; data may
be missing.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.RequestOutcome"
enum="StorageAccessAPIRequestOutcome" expires_after="2023-08-31">
Records the outcome of a particular Storage Access API permission request.
Recorded at the time of the request, for every request.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.RequestStorageAccess"
enum="RequestStorageResult" expires_after="2023-10-22">
Records requests to use document.requestStorageAccess and reasons the
request may be approved or rejected.
Warning: this histogram was expired from 2020-11-27 to 08-12-2022; data may
be missing.
<histogram name="API.StorageAccess.RequestStorageAccessForOrigin"
enum="RequestStorageResult" expires_after="2023-07-16">
Metric collection is being separated from the standard Storage Access API.
See API.TopLevelStorageAccess.RequestStorageAccessForOrigin. Note that
future re-consolidation of these metrics may be possible.
Records invocations of document.requestStorageAccessForOrigin and reasons
the request was approved or rejected. Recorded for every call to the
function, regardless of outcome. Note that
API.StorageAccess.RequestStorageAccess is similar, but for the other variant
of this API.
<histogram name="API.TopLevelStorageAccess.RequestOutcome"
enum="StorageAccessAPIRequestOutcome" expires_after="2023-08-31">
Records the outcome of a particular Top-Level Storage Access API permission
Recorded at the time of the request, for every request.
<histogram name="API.TopLevelStorageAccess.RequestStorageAccessFor"
enum="RequestStorageResult" expires_after="2023-08-31">
Records invocations of document.requestStorageAccessFor and reasons the
request was approved or rejected. Recorded for every call to the function,
regardless of outcome. Note that API.StorageAccess.RequestStorageAccess is
similar, but for the other variant of this API.
<histogram name="API.TopLevelStorageAccess.RequestStorageAccessForOrigin"
enum="RequestStorageResult" expires_after="2023-08-31">
The function was renamed. See
Records invocations of document.requestStorageAccessForOrigin and reasons
the request was approved or rejected. Recorded for every call to the
function, regardless of outcome. Note that
API.StorageAccess.RequestStorageAccess is similar, but for the other variant
of this API.
<histogram name="Clipboard.ExtensionContentScriptReadHasUserActivation"
units="proportion" expires_after="2021-08-09">
Removed February 2021 as enough data was collected.
For calls to document.execCommand('paste') by extensions via content
scripts, record the proportion of calls with user activation.
<histogram name="Clipboard.Read" enum="ClipboardFormatRead"
Counts how often each Clipboard format is read by the platform clipboard.
These reads generally imply that an application requested this format after
checking that the format is available, but there are some cases where Chrome
reads a format to check for existence (outside the
ui::Clipboard::ReadAvailableTypes() function). Please prefer interpreting
these numbers as relative use changes, as opposed to absolute user usage.
<histogram name="Clipboard.RegisterClipboardFormatFailure" units="count"
Removed July 2021 as enough data was collected.
Counts how often the Windows clipboard fails to register a format. Recorded
when RegisterClipbaordFormat fails (returns 0). Failure rates will inform
whether we implement error handling.
<histogram name="Clipboard.TimeIntervalBetweenCommitAndRead" units="ms"
Records the time interval between when clipboard data was committed to the
clipboard and the same clipboard data was read from the clipboard. The same
clipboard data may be read multiple times. Emitted at the moment the
clipboard data was read. Currently only implemented for Chrome OS' in-memory
clipboard (`ui::ClipboardNonBacked`).
<histogram name="Clipboard.Write" enum="ClipboardFormatWrite"
Counts how often each Clipboard format is written by the platform clipboard.
These writes all imply that an application had this format available, and
therefore wrote this format.
<histogram name="LevelDBEnv.DeleteTableBackupFile" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Tracks the success rate of deleting an unused leveldb table backup file.
<histogram name="LevelDBEnv.IOError" enum="LevelDBIOErrorMethods"
<summary>Methods where leveldb's Chromium environment has IO errors.</summary>
<histogram name="LevelDBEnv.MissingFiles" units="files"
Number of backup files found without corresponding ldb files. As measured by
GetChildren when used in LevelDB clients other than IndexedDB.
<histogram name="LevelDBWrapper.CommitDelay" units="ms"
Delay between the browser process receiving changes and those changes being
written to the DB.
<histogram name="MojoLevelDBEnv.IOError" enum="LevelDBIOErrorMethods"
Methods where leveldb's Mojo environment has IO errors. This histogram has
expired between M87-106.
<histogram name="NativeFileSystemAPI.FileChooserResult.{Type}" units="units"
The number of files a user picked using the file picker in the File System
Access API. Recorded as 0 if the user cancelled the picker.
<token key="Type">
<variant name="OpenDirectory" summary=""/>
<variant name="OpenFile" summary=""/>
<variant name="OpenMultipleFiles" summary=""/>
<variant name="SaveFile" summary=""/>
<histogram name="Sqlite.RecoveryStep" enum="SqliteErrorCode"
<summary>Error from sqlite3_backup_step() in sql::Recovery.</summary>
<histogram name="Storage.BlacklistedImportantSites.Reason"
enum="ClearDataSiteBlacklistCrossedReason" expires_after="2023-08-01">
This is recorded for every site that the user blocklists when they when they
clear browsing data. It indicates which signals were used to show the given
site to the user that the user then chose to exclude from clearing. This
histogram has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.Blob.RegisterURLTimeWithoutPartitioningSupport"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-15">
Recorded when the PublicURLManager::RegisterURL method calls the per-process
BlobURLStore::Register mojo interface method. The value recorded is the time
taken for the call to complete. This histogram is only logged when the
SupportPartitionedBlobUrl feature is disabled.
<histogram name="Storage.Blob.RegisterURLTimeWithPartitioningSupport.{Type}"
units="ms" expires_after="M115">
Recorded when the PublicURLManager::RegisterURL method calls the
BlobURLStore::Register mojo interface method. The value recorded is the time
taken for the call to complete. This variation of the histogram records
results from {Type}. This histogram is only logged when the
SupportPartitionedBlobUrl feature is enabled.
<token key="Type">
<variant name="Frame" summary="frame execution contexts"/>
<variant name="Worker" summary="worker execution contexts"/>
<histogram name="Storage.Buckets.BucketCount" units="buckets"
Counts the number of storage buckets in existence for a StorageKey when a
new one is created (including the new one). This is intended to give an idea
of the number of buckets individual apps use. Note: the count in histogram
bucket 1 correlates to the total number of sites that use the buckets API
(per Chrome client). The count in histogram bucket N, divided by the size of
the bucket, correlates to the number of sites for that Chrome client which
use at least that many buckets.
<histogram name="Storage.Buckets.Parameters.Durability"
enum="StorageBucketDurabilityParameter" expires_after="2024-04-01">
<summary>The requested durability for a bucket when it is open()ed.</summary>
<histogram name="Storage.Buckets.Parameters.Expiration" units="minutes"
The expiration time for a bucket, in minutes, if provided when it is
open()ed. If not provided, the underflow bucket is used.
<histogram name="Storage.Buckets.Parameters.Persisted"
enum="StorageBucketPersistedParameter" expires_after="2024-04-01">
<summary>The requested persistence for a bucket when it is open()ed.</summary>
<histogram name="Storage.Buckets.Parameters.QuotaKb" units="KB"
The requested quota for a bucket, in kB, if provided. If not provided, the
underflow bucket is used. Logged when the bucket is open()ed.
<histogram name="Storage.ClearSiteDataHeader.Parameters"
enum="ClearSiteDataParameters" expires_after="2024-04-01">
A Clear-Site-Data response header was seen with the given values.
<histogram name="Storage.FileSystemAccess.PersistedPermissions.Age.{Type}"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-05-01">
Age of a persisted permission when attempting to auto-grant via this
<token key="Type">
<variant name="NonPWA" summary="Origins which are not installed PWAs"/>
<variant name="PWA" summary="Origins with installed PWAs"/>
<histogram name="Storage.FileSystemAccess.PersistedPermissions.Count"
units="paths" expires_after="2024-05-01">
Number of paths with permissions being persisted via the File System Access
API. This is recorded shortly after instantiation of a new
ChromeFileSystemAccessPermissionContext, as well as sampled periodically via
a RepeatingTimer every 3 hours. See
ChromeFileSystemAccessPermissionContext::UpdatePersistedPermissions() and
its call sites for details.
units="ms" expires_after="2024-05-01">
Time taken to sweep persisted permissions to automatically renew permissions
with active grants or revoke permissions which have expired.
<token key="Type">
<variant name="All" summary="Update all persisted permissions"/>
<variant name="Origin" summary="Update one origin's persisted permissions"/>
enum="FileSystemAccessPermissionRequestOutcome" expires_after="2024-05-01">
The result of an attempt to request permission to a file or directory via
the File System Access API.
<token key="OpType">
<variant name="Read" summary="Read permission requested"/>
<variant name="Write" summary="Write permission requested"/>
<token key="EntryType">
<variant name="Directory" summary="Requested permission to a directory"/>
<variant name="File" summary="Requested permission to a file"/>
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.CBDChosenReason"
enum="ImportantSitesReason" expires_after="2023-08-01">
When a user chooses to blocklist one or more sites when they clear browsing
data, this is recorded for every reason each chosen site was marked as
important. It indicates which signals were used to show the given site to
the user that the user then chose to exclude from clearing. This histogram
has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.CBDChosenReasonCount" units="count"
This records the number of reasons each important site had that the user
chose to blocklist when clearing browsing data. This histogram has expired
between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.CBDIgnoredReason"
enum="ImportantSitesReason" expires_after="2023-08-01">
When a user chooses to blocklist one or more sites when they clear browsing
data, this is recorded for every reason each unchosen site was marked as
important. It indicates which signals were used to show the given site to
the user, which the user then ignored and did not select to blocklist from
clearing data. This histogram has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.CBDIgnoredReasonCount" units="count"
This records the number of reasons each important site had that the user
chose to NOT blocklist when clearing browsing data. This histogram has
expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.GeneratedReason"
enum="ImportantSitesReason" expires_after="2023-08-01">
Recorded when we generate a list of important sites. This can happen when
the user opens the Clear Browsing Data dialog on Android, views the Storage
tab in Site Settings on Android, or launches 'Manage Storage' from Android
System Settings for Chrome. We record every reason each site was chosen in
this metric. This means that we can report this metric multiple times for a
single site. This histogram has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.GeneratedReasonCount" units="count"
This records the number of reasons qualifying a site for being 'important'.
We record this for every site when we generate a list of important sites,
described in &quot;Storage.ImportantSites.GeneratedReason&quot;. This
histogram has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.ImportantSites.GenerationTime" units="ms"
The time it takes to generate the list of 'important' sites. This list is
generated when the user enters the 'Clear Browsing Dialog' or the 'Manage
Space' screens for Chrome, both of which are on Android. This histogram has
expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.IndexedDB.PutBlobSizeKB" units="KB"
Records the size of a blob used in an IndexedDB add/put operation. Recorded
for every put operation that contains a blob. This histogram has expired
between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.IndexedDB.PutValidBlob" enum="Boolean"
Records if a blob intended to be used in an IndexedDB add/put operation is a
valid blob. Recorded for every put operation that contains a blob. This
histogram has expired between M95-M106.
<histogram name="Storage.InterestGroup.DBErrors" units="count"
Records the number of database errors that occur when accessing interest
group storage.
<histogram name="Storage.InterestGroup.DBMaintenanceTime" units="microseconds"
Records the time spent performing database maintenance on the interest group
storage. Recorded when maintenance is run (approximately once an hour).
Note that clients without high-resolution clocks will report 0 for very
short times.
<histogram name="Storage.InterestGroup.DBSize" units="KB"
Records the size of the InterestGroup database. Collected prior to database
<histogram name="Storage.InterestGroup.PerSiteCount" units="groups"
Records the number of interest groups loaded for a single group owner when
running an ad auction. Recorded for each owner involved in a running ad
<histogram name="Storage.SessionStorage.RendererAreaCacheHit"
enum="LocalStorageRendererAreaCacheHitEnum" expires_after="2023-08-01">
The renderer side cache hit rate metrics for new HTML5 SessionStorage DB
opened. This histogram has expired between M97-106.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.AsyncIterator.EntriesQueuedCount"
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Count of database entries queued to be sent to the async iterator. Recorded
in `SharedStorageIterator::DidReadEntries()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.AsyncIterator.IteratedEntriesBenchmarks"
units="BenchmarksMet" expires_after="2023-07-31">
For each of a set of benchmark percentages, we record that benchmark when
the async iterator first iterates through at least that percentage of queued
entries. Recorded in `SharedStorageIterator::NextHelper()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.AsyncIterator.ReceivedEntriesBenchmarks"
units="BenchmarksMet" expires_after="2023-07-31">
For each of a set of benchmark percentages, we record that benchmark when
the async iterator first receives from the database at least that percentage
of queued entries. Recorded in `SharedStorageIterator::DidReadEntries()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.Destruction"
units="BooleanDestroyed" expires_after="2023-10-08">
Whether destruction was successful after a catastrophic error that occurred
in Shared Storage. Recorded by
SharedStorageDatabase::DatabaseErrorCallback() just after the SQLite
database called RazeAndClose() and then, if it was file-backed,
SharedStorageDatabase attempted to delete the file.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.Error" enum="SqliteErrorCode"
Errors that occur in Shared Storage. Recorded by
SharedStorageDatabase::DatabaseErrorCallback() just before the SQLite
database determines whether the error is catastrophic and handles it
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.FileBacked.FileSize.GB"
units="GB" expires_after="2023-07-31">
The size in gigabytes of the SQL database file backing
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured only for file-backed databases of size at
least one gigabyte. Recorded in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via
`LogInitHistograms()` when initialization is successful.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.FileBacked.FileSize.KB"
units="KB" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The size in kilobytes of the SQL database file backing
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded
in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Maximum origin length, according to the `per_origin_mapping` of
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded
in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Median origin length, according to the `per_origin_mapping` of
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded
in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Minimum origin length, according to the `per_origin_mapping` of
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded
in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Lower quartile of the origin lengths, as listed in the `per_origin_mapping`
of `SharedStorageDatabase` (calculated through Method 1 from Measured for file-backed databases
only. Recorded in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via
`LogInitHistograms()` when initialization is successful.
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Upper quartile of the origin lengths, as listed in the `per_origin_mapping`
of `SharedStorageDatabase` (calculated through Method 1 from Measured for file-backed databases
only. Recorded in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via
`LogInitHistograms()` when initialization is successful.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.FileBacked.NumEntries.Total"
units="Entries" expires_after="2023-10-01">
The total count of entries in the `values_mapping` of
`SharedStorageDatabase`. Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded
in `SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.FileBacked.NumOrigins"
units="Origins" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Number of origins in the `per_origin_mapping` of `SharedStorageDatabase`.
Measured for file-backed databases only. Recorded in
`SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Database.IsFileBacked"
units="BooleanIsFileBacked" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Whether or not the database is file-backed. Recorded in
`SharedStorageDatabase::InitImpl()` via `LogInitHistograms()` when
initialization is successful.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.AddModule" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`blink::SharedStorageWorklet::AddModule()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in the lambda function callback for
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Append" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to `blink::SharedStorage::Append()`
to when the callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing
of calls that end in an error. Recorded in
`blink::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Clear" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to `blink::SharedStorage::Clear()`
to when the callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing
of calls that end in an error. Recorded in
`blink::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Delete" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to `blink::SharedStorage::Delete()`
to when the callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing
of calls that end in an error. Recorded in
`blink::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Run" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to `blink::SharedStorage::Run()` to
when the callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of
calls that end in an error. Recorded in
`blink::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Run.ExecutedInWorklet"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Measures the time from when the end of the call to
`SharedStorageWorkletHost::RunOperationOnWorklet()` to the end of
`SharedStorageWorkletHost::OnRunOperationOnWorkletFinished()`. Recorded in
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.SelectURL" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`blink::SharedStorage::SelectURL()` to when the callback has successfully
completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an error.
Recorded in the lambda function callback for
units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Measures the time from when the mojo callback runs in
`SharedStorageWorkletHost::RunURLSelectionOperationOnWorklet()` to the end
Only measured for calls where the mojo callback has run with a parameter
`success` equal to true. Recorded in
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Document.Timing.Set" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to `blink::SharedStorage::Set()` to
when the callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of
calls that end in an error. Recorded in
`blink::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.OnShutdown.NumSqlErrors" units="Errors"
Count of SQL errors that have occurred in Shared Storage. Recorded by
SharedStorageManager::RecordShutdownMetrics() when the StoragePartitionImpl
is destroyed.
units="BooleanRecoveryAttempted" expires_after="2023-01-31">
Whether or not the SharedStorageManager tried to recover from
SharedStorageDatabase::InitStatus::kInitFailure. Recorded by
SharedStorageManager::RecordShutdownMetrics() when the StoragePartitionImpl
is destroyed.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.OnShutdown.RecoveryOnDiskAttempted"
units="BooleanRecoveryOnDiskAttempted" expires_after="2023-06-11">
Whether or not the SharedStorageManager tried to recover from
SharedStorageDatabase::InitStatus::kInitFailure on disk. Recorded by
SharedStorageManager::RecordShutdownMetrics() when the StoragePartitionImpl
is destroyed.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Timing.UrlMappingDuringNavigation"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-12-08">
Measures the time for a URN to resolve during a navigation. Recorded for
every navigation to a URN that originates from sharedStorage.selectURL().
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Context.IsDefined"
units="BooleanIsDefined" expires_after="2023-12-31">
Records true if a given call to `sharedStorage.context()` returns a defined
string, false if the call to `sharedStorage.context()` returns undefined.
Recorded in the worklet service in the call to `SharedStorage::Context()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.DestroyedStatus"
enum="SharedStorageWorkletDestroyedStatus" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Whether or not the worklet entered keep-alive phase before destruction, and
if it did enter keep-alive, whether the keep-alive was terminated by
operations finishing or due to timeout. Recorded in the destructor of
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Error.Type"
enum="SharedStorageWorkletErrorType" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Type of error encountered by the SharedStorageWorklet in either
`addModule()`, `run()`, or `selectURL()`. Recorded after an exception is
thrown, after a callback is run with `/*success=*/false`, after a call to
`ReportBadMessage()`, and/or just before the rejected promise is returned,
via the utility method `LogWorkletError()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.NumPerPage"
units="WorkletsCreated" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Measures the number of `SharedStorageWorkletHost`'s created by a given page.
Recorded in
`SharedStoragePageLoadMetricsObserver::RecordSessionEndHistogram()` when
metrics are flushed due to the pageload completing or the app entering the
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Append" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Append()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Clear" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Clear()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Delete" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Delete()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Entries.Next" units="ms"
Measures the time from the start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorageiterator::Next()` to just before the
promise is returned, for the iterator in `Mode::kKeyValue`. Includes only
calls where `has_error_` is false. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorageIterator::NextHelper()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Get" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Get()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
units="ms" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Measures the time from entering keep alive until the start of the call to
`FinishKeepAlive()` for keep-alives that are terminated when operations end
(i.e. excludes worklets whose keep-alives are terminated via timeout).
Recorded in `SharedStorageWokletHost::FinishKeepAlive()`.
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Keys.Next" units="ms"
Measures the time from the start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorageiterator::Next()` to just before the
promise is returned, for the iterator in `Mode::kKey`. Includes only calls
where `has_error_` is false. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorageIterator::NextHelper()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Length" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Length()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.RemainingBudget"
units="ms" expires_after="2023-07-31">
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::RemainingBudget()` to when the
callback has successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls
that end in an error. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.Set" units="ms"
Measures the time from start of the call to
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::Set()` to when the callback has
successfully completed. Does not measure the timing of calls that end in an
error. Recorded in
`shared_storage_worklet::SharedStorage::OnVoidOperationFinished()` via
<histogram name="Storage.SharedStorage.Worklet.Timing.UsefulResourceDuration"
units="%" expires_after="2023-10-01">
Measures the percentage of the time duration between a
`SharedStorageWorkletHost`'s creation and destruction that occurs before the
time of its last finished operation. For worklets that are destroyed before
completing their outstanding operations, we record 100. Recorded in the
destructor of `SharedStorageWorkletHost`.
<histogram name="Storage.StoragePressure.Bubble"
enum="StoragePressureBubbleUserAction" expires_after="2024-02-01">
How did the user interact with the StoragePressure Bubble? Ignored means the
user did not click on the positive button before the bubble is closed
(either manually closed or when the browser closes).
<histogram name="websql.OpenDatabase" enum="BooleanSecure"
<!-- expires-never: core storage metric; consumed in separate dashboard (go/chrome-storage-dashboard) -->
Counts the number of WebSQL databases opened for secure vs insecure origins.