blob: fbc0742b33af7133ee1a887d4248407e3c5bf592 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "skia/ext/skcolorspace_primaries.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_space_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
struct SkColorSpacePrimaries;
namespace gfx {
// High dynamic range mode.
enum class HDRMode : uint8_t {
// HLG and PQ content is HDR and tone mapped. All other content is clipped to
// SDR luminance.
// Values that extend beyond SDR luminance are shown as HDR. No tone mapping
// is performed.
// SMPTE ST 2086 color volume metadata.
struct COLOR_SPACE_EXPORT ColorVolumeMetadata {
SkColorSpacePrimaries primaries = SkNamedPrimariesExt::kInvalid;
float luminance_max = 0;
float luminance_min = 0;
ColorVolumeMetadata(const ColorVolumeMetadata& rhs);
ColorVolumeMetadata(const SkColorSpacePrimaries& primaries,
float luminance_max,
float luminance_min);
ColorVolumeMetadata& operator=(const ColorVolumeMetadata& rhs);
std::string ToString() const;
bool operator==(const ColorVolumeMetadata& rhs) const {
return (primaries == rhs.primaries && luminance_max == rhs.luminance_max &&
luminance_min == rhs.luminance_min);
bool operator!=(const ColorVolumeMetadata& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
// HDR metadata for extended range color spaces.
struct COLOR_SPACE_EXPORT ExtendedRangeBrightness {
// The current hdr/sdr ratio of the current buffer. For example if the buffer
// was rendered with a target SDR whitepoint of 100 nits and a max display
// brightness of 200 nits, this should be set to 2.0f.
float current_buffer_ratio = 1.0f;
// The desired hdr/sdr ratio. This can be used to communicate the max desired
// brightness range. This is similar to the "max luminance" value in other HDR
// metadata formats, but represented as a ratio of the target SDR whitepoint
// to the max display brightness.
float desired_ratio = 1.0f;
bool operator==(const ExtendedRangeBrightness& rhs) const {
return (current_buffer_ratio == rhs.current_buffer_ratio &&
desired_ratio == rhs.desired_ratio);
bool operator!=(const ExtendedRangeBrightness& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
// HDR metadata common for HDR10 and WebM/VP9-based HDR formats.
ColorVolumeMetadata color_volume_metadata;
// Max content light level (CLL), i.e. maximum brightness level present in the
// stream), in nits.
unsigned max_content_light_level = 0;
// Max frame-average light level (FALL), i.e. maximum average brightness of
// the brightest frame in the stream), in nits.
unsigned max_frame_average_light_level = 0;
// Brightness points for extended range color spaces.
// NOTE: Is not serialized over IPC.
absl::optional<ExtendedRangeBrightness> extended_range_brightness;
HDRMetadata(const ColorVolumeMetadata& color_volume_metadata,
unsigned max_content_light_level,
unsigned max_frame_average_light_level);
HDRMetadata(const HDRMetadata& rhs);
HDRMetadata& operator=(const HDRMetadata& rhs);
bool IsValid() const {
return !((max_content_light_level == 0) &&
(max_frame_average_light_level == 0) &&
(color_volume_metadata == ColorVolumeMetadata()) &&
// Return a copy of `hdr_metadata` with its `color_volume_metadata` fully
// populated. Any unspecified values are set to default values (in particular,
// the gamut is set to rec2020, minimum luminance to 0 nits, and maximum
// luminance to 10,000 nits). The `max_content_light_level` and
// `max_frame_average_light_level` values are not changed (they may stay
// zero).
static HDRMetadata PopulateUnspecifiedWithDefaults(
const absl::optional<gfx::HDRMetadata>& hdr_metadata);
std::string ToString() const;
bool operator==(const HDRMetadata& rhs) const {
return (
(max_content_light_level == rhs.max_content_light_level) &&
(max_frame_average_light_level == rhs.max_frame_average_light_level) &&
(color_volume_metadata == rhs.color_volume_metadata) &&
(extended_range_brightness == rhs.extended_range_brightness));
bool operator!=(const HDRMetadata& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
// HDR metadata types as described in
enum class HdrMetadataType : uint8_t {
} // namespace gfx