blob: 944b84cf33d03160c583ba0599293200b3614177 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was automatically generated with:
// ../../ui/gfx/x/ \
// ../../third_party/xcbproto/src \
// gen/ui/gfx/x \
// bigreq \
// composite \
// damage \
// dpms \
// dri2 \
// dri3 \
// ge \
// glx \
// present \
// randr \
// record \
// render \
// res \
// screensaver \
// shape \
// shm \
// sync \
// xc_misc \
// xevie \
// xf86dri \
// xf86vidmode \
// xfixes \
// xinerama \
// xinput \
// xkb \
// xprint \
// xproto \
// xselinux \
// xtest \
// xv \
// xvmc
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/error.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/ref_counted_fd.h"
#include "xfixes.h"
#include "xproto.h"
namespace x11 {
class Connection;
template <typename Reply>
struct Response;
template <typename Reply>
class Future;
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(X11) Input {
static constexpr unsigned major_version = 2;
static constexpr unsigned minor_version = 4;
Input(Connection* connection, const x11::QueryExtensionReply& info);
uint8_t present() const { return info_.present; }
uint8_t major_opcode() const { return info_.major_opcode; }
uint8_t first_event() const { return info_.first_event; }
uint8_t first_error() const { return info_.first_error; }
Connection* connection() const { return connection_; }
enum class EventClass : uint32_t {};
enum class KeyCode : uint8_t {};
enum class Fp1616 : int32_t {};
enum class DeviceUse : int {
IsXPointer = 0,
IsXKeyboard = 1,
IsXExtensionDevice = 2,
IsXExtensionKeyboard = 3,
IsXExtensionPointer = 4,
enum class InputClass : int {
Key = 0,
Button = 1,
Valuator = 2,
Feedback = 3,
Proximity = 4,
Focus = 5,
Other = 6,
enum class ValuatorMode : int {
Relative = 0,
Absolute = 1,
enum class EventTypeBase : uint8_t {};
enum class PropagateMode : int {
AddToList = 0,
DeleteFromList = 1,
enum class ModifierDevice : int {
UseXKeyboard = 255,
enum class DeviceInputMode : int {
AsyncThisDevice = 0,
SyncThisDevice = 1,
ReplayThisDevice = 2,
AsyncOtherDevices = 3,
AsyncAll = 4,
SyncAll = 5,
enum class FeedbackClass : int {
Keyboard = 0,
Pointer = 1,
String = 2,
Integer = 3,
Led = 4,
Bell = 5,
enum class ChangeFeedbackControlMask : int {
KeyClickPercent = 1 << 0,
Percent = 1 << 1,
Pitch = 1 << 2,
Duration = 1 << 3,
Led = 1 << 4,
LedMode = 1 << 5,
Key = 1 << 6,
AutoRepeatMode = 1 << 7,
String = 1 << 0,
Integer = 1 << 0,
AccelNum = 1 << 0,
AccelDenom = 1 << 1,
Threshold = 1 << 2,
enum class ValuatorStateModeMask : int {
DeviceModeAbsolute = 1 << 0,
OutOfProximity = 1 << 1,
enum class DeviceControl : int {
resolution = 1,
abs_calib = 2,
core = 3,
enable = 4,
abs_area = 5,
enum class PropertyFormat : int {
c_8Bits = 8,
c_16Bits = 16,
c_32Bits = 32,
enum class DeviceId : uint16_t {
All = 0,
AllMaster = 1,
enum class HierarchyChangeType : int {
AddMaster = 1,
RemoveMaster = 2,
AttachSlave = 3,
DetachSlave = 4,
enum class ChangeMode : int {
Attach = 1,
Float = 2,
enum class XIEventMask : int {
DeviceChanged = 1 << 1,
KeyPress = 1 << 2,
KeyRelease = 1 << 3,
ButtonPress = 1 << 4,
ButtonRelease = 1 << 5,
Motion = 1 << 6,
Enter = 1 << 7,
Leave = 1 << 8,
FocusIn = 1 << 9,
FocusOut = 1 << 10,
Hierarchy = 1 << 11,
Property = 1 << 12,
RawKeyPress = 1 << 13,
RawKeyRelease = 1 << 14,
RawButtonPress = 1 << 15,
RawButtonRelease = 1 << 16,
RawMotion = 1 << 17,
TouchBegin = 1 << 18,
TouchUpdate = 1 << 19,
TouchEnd = 1 << 20,
TouchOwnership = 1 << 21,
RawTouchBegin = 1 << 22,
RawTouchUpdate = 1 << 23,
RawTouchEnd = 1 << 24,
BarrierHit = 1 << 25,
BarrierLeave = 1 << 26,
enum class DeviceClassType : int {
Key = 0,
Button = 1,
Valuator = 2,
Scroll = 3,
Touch = 8,
Gesture = 9,
enum class DeviceType : int {
MasterPointer = 1,
MasterKeyboard = 2,
SlavePointer = 3,
SlaveKeyboard = 4,
FloatingSlave = 5,
enum class ScrollFlags : int {
NoEmulation = 1 << 0,
Preferred = 1 << 1,
enum class ScrollType : int {
Vertical = 1,
Horizontal = 2,
enum class TouchMode : int {
Direct = 1,
Dependent = 2,
enum class GrabOwner : int {
NoOwner = 0,
Owner = 1,
enum class EventMode : int {
AsyncDevice = 0,
SyncDevice = 1,
ReplayDevice = 2,
AsyncPairedDevice = 3,
AsyncPair = 4,
SyncPair = 5,
AcceptTouch = 6,
RejectTouch = 7,
enum class GrabMode22 : int {
Sync = 0,
Async = 1,
Touch = 2,
enum class GrabType : int {
Button = 0,
Keycode = 1,
Enter = 2,
FocusIn = 3,
TouchBegin = 4,
GesturePinchBegin = 5,
GestureSwipeBegin = 6,
enum class ModifierMask : int {
Any = 1 << 31,
enum class MoreEventsMask : int {
MoreEvents = 1 << 7,
enum class ClassesReportedMask : int {
OutOfProximity = 1 << 7,
DeviceModeAbsolute = 1 << 6,
ReportingValuators = 1 << 2,
ReportingButtons = 1 << 1,
ReportingKeys = 1 << 0,
enum class ChangeDevice : int {
NewPointer = 0,
NewKeyboard = 1,
enum class DeviceChange : int {
Added = 0,
Removed = 1,
Enabled = 2,
Disabled = 3,
Unrecoverable = 4,
ControlChanged = 5,
enum class ChangeReason : int {
SlaveSwitch = 1,
DeviceChange = 2,
enum class KeyEventFlags : int {
KeyRepeat = 1 << 16,
enum class PointerEventFlags : int {
PointerEmulated = 1 << 16,
enum class NotifyMode : int {
Normal = 0,
Grab = 1,
Ungrab = 2,
WhileGrabbed = 3,
PassiveGrab = 4,
PassiveUngrab = 5,
enum class NotifyDetail : int {
Ancestor = 0,
Virtual = 1,
Inferior = 2,
Nonlinear = 3,
NonlinearVirtual = 4,
Pointer = 5,
PointerRoot = 6,
None = 7,
enum class HierarchyMask : int {
MasterAdded = 1 << 0,
MasterRemoved = 1 << 1,
SlaveAdded = 1 << 2,
SlaveRemoved = 1 << 3,
SlaveAttached = 1 << 4,
SlaveDetached = 1 << 5,
DeviceEnabled = 1 << 6,
DeviceDisabled = 1 << 7,
enum class PropertyFlag : int {
Deleted = 0,
Created = 1,
Modified = 2,
enum class TouchEventFlags : int {
TouchPendingEnd = 1 << 16,
TouchEmulatingPointer = 1 << 17,
enum class TouchOwnershipFlags : int {
None = 0,
enum class BarrierFlags : int {
PointerReleased = 1 << 0,
DeviceIsGrabbed = 1 << 1,
enum class GesturePinchEventFlags : int {
GesturePinchCancelled = 1 << 0,
enum class GestureSwipeEventFlags : int {
GestureSwipeCancelled = 1 << 0,
struct Fp3232 {
bool operator==(const Fp3232& other) const {
return integral == other.integral && frac == other.frac;
int32_t integral{};
uint32_t frac{};
struct DeviceInfo {
bool operator==(const DeviceInfo& other) const {
return device_type == other.device_type && device_id == other.device_id &&
num_class_info == other.num_class_info &&
device_use == other.device_use;
Atom device_type{};
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t num_class_info{};
DeviceUse device_use{};
struct KeyInfo {
bool operator==(const KeyInfo& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
min_keycode == other.min_keycode &&
max_keycode == other.max_keycode && num_keys == other.num_keys;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
KeyCode min_keycode{};
KeyCode max_keycode{};
uint16_t num_keys{};
struct ButtonInfo {
bool operator==(const ButtonInfo& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
num_buttons == other.num_buttons;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
uint16_t num_buttons{};
struct AxisInfo {
bool operator==(const AxisInfo& other) const {
return resolution == other.resolution && minimum == other.minimum &&
maximum == other.maximum;
uint32_t resolution{};
int32_t minimum{};
int32_t maximum{};
struct ValuatorInfo {
bool operator==(const ValuatorInfo& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
mode == other.mode && motion_size == other.motion_size &&
axes == other.axes;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
ValuatorMode mode{};
uint32_t motion_size{};
std::vector<AxisInfo> axes{};
struct InputInfo {
uint8_t len{};
struct Key {
KeyCode min_keycode{};
KeyCode max_keycode{};
uint16_t num_keys{};
struct Button {
uint16_t num_buttons{};
struct Valuator {
ValuatorMode mode{};
uint32_t motion_size{};
std::vector<AxisInfo> axes{};
absl::optional<Key> key{};
absl::optional<Button> button{};
absl::optional<Valuator> valuator{};
struct DeviceName {
bool operator==(const DeviceName& other) const {
return string == other.string;
std::string string{};
struct InputClassInfo {
bool operator==(const InputClassInfo& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id &&
event_type_base == other.event_type_base;
InputClass class_id{};
EventTypeBase event_type_base{};
struct DeviceTimeCoord {
bool operator==(const DeviceTimeCoord& other) const {
return time == other.time && axisvalues == other.axisvalues;
Time time{};
std::vector<int32_t> axisvalues{};
struct KbdFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const KbdFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && pitch == other.pitch &&
duration == other.duration && led_mask == other.led_mask &&
led_values == other.led_values &&
global_auto_repeat == other.global_auto_repeat &&
click == && percent == other.percent &&
auto_repeats == other.auto_repeats;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint16_t pitch{};
uint16_t duration{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
uint8_t global_auto_repeat{};
uint8_t click{};
uint8_t percent{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> auto_repeats{};
struct PtrFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const PtrFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && accel_num == other.accel_num &&
accel_denom == other.accel_denom && threshold == other.threshold;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint16_t accel_num{};
uint16_t accel_denom{};
uint16_t threshold{};
struct IntegerFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const IntegerFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && resolution == other.resolution &&
min_value == other.min_value && max_value == other.max_value;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint32_t resolution{};
int32_t min_value{};
int32_t max_value{};
struct StringFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const StringFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && max_symbols == other.max_symbols &&
keysyms == other.keysyms;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint16_t max_symbols{};
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
struct BellFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const BellFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && percent == other.percent &&
pitch == other.pitch && duration == other.duration;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t percent{};
uint16_t pitch{};
uint16_t duration{};
struct LedFeedbackState {
bool operator==(const LedFeedbackState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && led_mask == other.led_mask &&
led_values == other.led_values;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct FeedbackState {
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
struct Keyboard {
uint16_t pitch{};
uint16_t duration{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
uint8_t global_auto_repeat{};
uint8_t click{};
uint8_t percent{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> auto_repeats{};
struct Pointer {
uint16_t accel_num{};
uint16_t accel_denom{};
uint16_t threshold{};
struct String {
uint16_t max_symbols{};
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
struct Integer {
uint32_t resolution{};
int32_t min_value{};
int32_t max_value{};
struct Led {
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct Bell {
uint8_t percent{};
uint16_t pitch{};
uint16_t duration{};
absl::optional<Keyboard> keyboard{};
absl::optional<Pointer> pointer{};
absl::optional<String> string{};
absl::optional<Integer> integer{};
absl::optional<Led> led{};
absl::optional<Bell> bell{};
struct KbdFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const KbdFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && key == other.key &&
auto_repeat_mode == other.auto_repeat_mode &&
key_click_percent == other.key_click_percent &&
bell_percent == other.bell_percent &&
bell_pitch == other.bell_pitch &&
bell_duration == other.bell_duration &&
led_mask == other.led_mask && led_values == other.led_values;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
KeyCode key{};
uint8_t auto_repeat_mode{};
int8_t key_click_percent{};
int8_t bell_percent{};
int16_t bell_pitch{};
int16_t bell_duration{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct PtrFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const PtrFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && num == other.num && denom == other.denom &&
threshold == other.threshold;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
int16_t num{};
int16_t denom{};
int16_t threshold{};
struct IntegerFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const IntegerFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && int_to_display == other.int_to_display;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
int32_t int_to_display{};
struct StringFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const StringFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && keysyms == other.keysyms;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
struct BellFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const BellFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && percent == other.percent &&
pitch == other.pitch && duration == other.duration;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
int8_t percent{};
int16_t pitch{};
int16_t duration{};
struct LedFeedbackCtl {
bool operator==(const LedFeedbackCtl& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && feedback_id == other.feedback_id &&
len == other.len && led_mask == other.led_mask &&
led_values == other.led_values;
FeedbackClass class_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct FeedbackCtl {
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint16_t len{};
struct Keyboard {
KeyCode key{};
uint8_t auto_repeat_mode{};
int8_t key_click_percent{};
int8_t bell_percent{};
int16_t bell_pitch{};
int16_t bell_duration{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct Pointer {
int16_t num{};
int16_t denom{};
int16_t threshold{};
struct String {
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
struct Integer {
int32_t int_to_display{};
struct Led {
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct Bell {
int8_t percent{};
int16_t pitch{};
int16_t duration{};
absl::optional<Keyboard> keyboard{};
absl::optional<Pointer> pointer{};
absl::optional<String> string{};
absl::optional<Integer> integer{};
absl::optional<Led> led{};
absl::optional<Bell> bell{};
struct KeyState {
bool operator==(const KeyState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
num_keys == other.num_keys && keys == other.keys;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
uint8_t num_keys{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> keys{};
struct ButtonState {
bool operator==(const ButtonState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
num_buttons == other.num_buttons && buttons == other.buttons;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
uint8_t num_buttons{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> buttons{};
struct ValuatorState {
bool operator==(const ValuatorState& other) const {
return class_id == other.class_id && len == other.len &&
mode == other.mode && valuators == other.valuators;
InputClass class_id{};
uint8_t len{};
ValuatorStateModeMask mode{};
std::vector<int32_t> valuators{};
struct InputState {
uint8_t len{};
struct Key {
uint8_t num_keys{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> keys{};
struct Button {
uint8_t num_buttons{};
std::array<uint8_t, 32> buttons{};
struct Valuator {
ValuatorStateModeMask mode{};
std::vector<int32_t> valuators{};
absl::optional<Key> key{};
absl::optional<Button> button{};
absl::optional<Valuator> valuator{};
struct DeviceResolutionState {
bool operator==(const DeviceResolutionState& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
resolution_values == other.resolution_values &&
resolution_min == other.resolution_min &&
resolution_max == other.resolution_max;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_values{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_min{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_max{};
struct DeviceAbsCalibState {
bool operator==(const DeviceAbsCalibState& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
min_x == other.min_x && max_x == other.max_x &&
min_y == other.min_y && max_y == other.max_y &&
flip_x == other.flip_x && flip_y == other.flip_y &&
rotation == other.rotation &&
button_threshold == other.button_threshold;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
int32_t min_x{};
int32_t max_x{};
int32_t min_y{};
int32_t max_y{};
uint32_t flip_x{};
uint32_t flip_y{};
uint32_t rotation{};
uint32_t button_threshold{};
struct DeviceAbsAreaState {
bool operator==(const DeviceAbsAreaState& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
offset_x == other.offset_x && offset_y == other.offset_y &&
width == other.width && height == other.height &&
screen == other.screen && following == other.following;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint32_t offset_x{};
uint32_t offset_y{};
uint32_t width{};
uint32_t height{};
uint32_t screen{};
uint32_t following{};
struct DeviceCoreState {
bool operator==(const DeviceCoreState& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
status == other.status && iscore == other.iscore;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t status{};
uint8_t iscore{};
struct DeviceEnableState {
bool operator==(const DeviceEnableState& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
enable == other.enable;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t enable{};
struct DeviceState {
uint16_t len{};
struct Resolution {
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_values{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_min{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_max{};
struct AbsCalib {
int32_t min_x{};
int32_t max_x{};
int32_t min_y{};
int32_t max_y{};
uint32_t flip_x{};
uint32_t flip_y{};
uint32_t rotation{};
uint32_t button_threshold{};
struct Core {
uint8_t status{};
uint8_t iscore{};
struct Enable {
uint8_t enable{};
struct AbsArea {
uint32_t offset_x{};
uint32_t offset_y{};
uint32_t width{};
uint32_t height{};
uint32_t screen{};
uint32_t following{};
absl::optional<Resolution> resolution{};
absl::optional<AbsCalib> abs_calib{};
absl::optional<Core> core{};
absl::optional<Enable> enable{};
absl::optional<AbsArea> abs_area{};
struct DeviceResolutionCtl {
bool operator==(const DeviceResolutionCtl& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
first_valuator == other.first_valuator &&
resolution_values == other.resolution_values;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t first_valuator{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_values{};
struct DeviceAbsCalibCtl {
bool operator==(const DeviceAbsCalibCtl& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
min_x == other.min_x && max_x == other.max_x &&
min_y == other.min_y && max_y == other.max_y &&
flip_x == other.flip_x && flip_y == other.flip_y &&
rotation == other.rotation &&
button_threshold == other.button_threshold;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
int32_t min_x{};
int32_t max_x{};
int32_t min_y{};
int32_t max_y{};
uint32_t flip_x{};
uint32_t flip_y{};
uint32_t rotation{};
uint32_t button_threshold{};
struct DeviceAbsAreaCtrl {
bool operator==(const DeviceAbsAreaCtrl& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
offset_x == other.offset_x && offset_y == other.offset_y &&
width == other.width && height == other.height &&
screen == other.screen && following == other.following;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint32_t offset_x{};
uint32_t offset_y{};
int32_t width{};
int32_t height{};
int32_t screen{};
uint32_t following{};
struct DeviceCoreCtrl {
bool operator==(const DeviceCoreCtrl& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
status == other.status;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t status{};
struct DeviceEnableCtrl {
bool operator==(const DeviceEnableCtrl& other) const {
return control_id == other.control_id && len == other.len &&
enable == other.enable;
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t enable{};
struct DeviceCtl {
uint16_t len{};
struct Resolution {
uint8_t first_valuator{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_values{};
struct AbsCalib {
int32_t min_x{};
int32_t max_x{};
int32_t min_y{};
int32_t max_y{};
uint32_t flip_x{};
uint32_t flip_y{};
uint32_t rotation{};
uint32_t button_threshold{};
struct Core {
uint8_t status{};
struct Enable {
uint8_t enable{};
struct AbsArea {
uint32_t offset_x{};
uint32_t offset_y{};
int32_t width{};
int32_t height{};
int32_t screen{};
uint32_t following{};
absl::optional<Resolution> resolution{};
absl::optional<AbsCalib> abs_calib{};
absl::optional<Core> core{};
absl::optional<Enable> enable{};
absl::optional<AbsArea> abs_area{};
struct GroupInfo {
bool operator==(const GroupInfo& other) const {
return base == other.base && latched == other.latched &&
locked == other.locked && effective == other.effective;
uint8_t base{};
uint8_t latched{};
uint8_t locked{};
uint8_t effective{};
struct ModifierInfo {
bool operator==(const ModifierInfo& other) const {
return base == other.base && latched == other.latched &&
locked == other.locked && effective == other.effective;
uint32_t base{};
uint32_t latched{};
uint32_t locked{};
uint32_t effective{};
struct AddMaster {
bool operator==(const AddMaster& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
send_core == other.send_core && enable == other.enable &&
name ==;
HierarchyChangeType type{};
uint16_t len{};
uint8_t send_core{};
uint8_t enable{};
std::string name{};
struct RemoveMaster {
bool operator==(const RemoveMaster& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
deviceid == other.deviceid && return_mode == other.return_mode &&
return_pointer == other.return_pointer &&
return_keyboard == other.return_keyboard;
HierarchyChangeType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
ChangeMode return_mode{};
DeviceId return_pointer{};
DeviceId return_keyboard{};
struct AttachSlave {
bool operator==(const AttachSlave& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
deviceid == other.deviceid && master == other.master;
HierarchyChangeType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
DeviceId master{};
struct DetachSlave {
bool operator==(const DetachSlave& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
deviceid == other.deviceid;
HierarchyChangeType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
struct HierarchyChange {
uint16_t len{};
struct AddMaster {
uint8_t send_core{};
uint8_t enable{};
std::string name{};
struct RemoveMaster {
DeviceId deviceid{};
ChangeMode return_mode{};
DeviceId return_pointer{};
DeviceId return_keyboard{};
struct AttachSlave {
DeviceId deviceid{};
DeviceId master{};
struct DetachSlave {
DeviceId deviceid{};
absl::optional<AddMaster> add_master{};
absl::optional<RemoveMaster> remove_master{};
absl::optional<AttachSlave> attach_slave{};
absl::optional<DetachSlave> detach_slave{};
struct EventMask {
bool operator==(const EventMask& other) const {
return deviceid == other.deviceid && mask == other.mask;
DeviceId deviceid{};
std::vector<XIEventMask> mask{};
struct ButtonClass {
bool operator==(const ButtonClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && state == other.state &&
labels == other.labels;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
std::vector<uint32_t> state{};
std::vector<Atom> labels{};
struct KeyClass {
bool operator==(const KeyClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && keys == other.keys;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
std::vector<uint32_t> keys{};
struct ScrollClass {
bool operator==(const ScrollClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && number == other.number &&
scroll_type == other.scroll_type && flags == other.flags &&
increment == other.increment;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
uint16_t number{};
ScrollType scroll_type{};
ScrollFlags flags{};
Fp3232 increment{};
struct TouchClass {
bool operator==(const TouchClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && mode == other.mode &&
num_touches == other.num_touches;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
TouchMode mode{};
uint8_t num_touches{};
struct GestureClass {
bool operator==(const GestureClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && num_touches == other.num_touches;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
uint8_t num_touches{};
struct ValuatorClass {
bool operator==(const ValuatorClass& other) const {
return type == other.type && len == other.len &&
sourceid == other.sourceid && number == other.number &&
label == other.label && min == other.min && max == other.max &&
value == other.value && resolution == other.resolution &&
mode == other.mode;
DeviceClassType type{};
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
uint16_t number{};
Atom label{};
Fp3232 min{};
Fp3232 max{};
Fp3232 value{};
uint32_t resolution{};
ValuatorMode mode{};
struct DeviceClass {
uint16_t len{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
struct Key {
std::vector<uint32_t> keys{};
struct Button {
std::vector<uint32_t> state{};
std::vector<Atom> labels{};
struct Valuator {
uint16_t number{};
Atom label{};
Fp3232 min{};
Fp3232 max{};
Fp3232 value{};
uint32_t resolution{};
ValuatorMode mode{};
struct Scroll {
uint16_t number{};
ScrollType scroll_type{};
ScrollFlags flags{};
Fp3232 increment{};
struct Touch {
TouchMode mode{};
uint8_t num_touches{};
struct Gesture {
uint8_t num_touches{};
absl::optional<Key> key{};
absl::optional<Button> button{};
absl::optional<Valuator> valuator{};
absl::optional<Scroll> scroll{};
absl::optional<Touch> touch{};
absl::optional<Gesture> gesture{};
struct XIDeviceInfo {
DeviceId deviceid{};
DeviceType type{};
DeviceId attachment{};
uint8_t enabled{};
std::string name{};
std::vector<DeviceClass> classes{};
struct GrabModifierInfo {
bool operator==(const GrabModifierInfo& other) const {
return modifiers == other.modifiers && status == other.status;
uint32_t modifiers{};
GrabStatus status{};
struct BarrierReleasePointerInfo {
bool operator==(const BarrierReleasePointerInfo& other) const {
return deviceid == other.deviceid && barrier == other.barrier &&
eventid == other.eventid;
DeviceId deviceid{};
XFixes::Barrier barrier{};
uint32_t eventid{};
struct DeviceValuatorEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 20;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 0;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint16_t device_state{};
uint8_t num_valuators{};
uint8_t first_valuator{};
std::array<int32_t, 6> valuators{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct LegacyDeviceEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 21;
enum Opcode {
DeviceKeyPress = 1,
DeviceKeyRelease = 2,
DeviceButtonPress = 3,
DeviceButtonRelease = 4,
DeviceMotionNotify = 5,
ProximityIn = 8,
ProximityOut = 9,
} opcode{};
uint8_t detail{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
int16_t root_x{};
int16_t root_y{};
int16_t event_x{};
int16_t event_y{};
KeyButMask state{};
uint8_t same_screen{};
uint8_t device_id{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct DeviceFocusEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 22;
enum Opcode {
In = 6,
Out = 7,
} opcode{};
x11::NotifyDetail detail{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
Window window{};
x11::NotifyMode mode{};
uint8_t device_id{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&window); }
struct DeviceStateNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 23;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 10;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
uint8_t num_keys{};
uint8_t num_buttons{};
uint8_t num_valuators{};
ClassesReportedMask classes_reported{};
std::array<uint8_t, 4> buttons{};
std::array<uint8_t, 4> keys{};
std::array<uint32_t, 3> valuators{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DeviceMappingNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 24;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 11;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Mapping request{};
KeyCode first_keycode{};
uint8_t count{};
Time time{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct ChangeDeviceNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 25;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 12;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
ChangeDevice request{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DeviceKeyStateNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 26;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 13;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::array<uint8_t, 28> keys{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DeviceButtonStateNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 27;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 14;
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::array<uint8_t, 28> buttons{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DevicePresenceNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 28;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 15;
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
DeviceChange devchange{};
uint8_t device_id{};
uint16_t control{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DevicePropertyNotifyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 29;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 16;
Property state{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Time time{};
Atom property{};
uint8_t device_id{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DeviceChangedEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 30;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 1;
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
ChangeReason reason{};
std::vector<DeviceClass> classes{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct DeviceEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 31;
enum Opcode {
KeyPress = 2,
KeyRelease = 3,
ButtonPress = 4,
ButtonRelease = 5,
Motion = 6,
TouchBegin = 18,
TouchUpdate = 19,
TouchEnd = 20,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t detail{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp1616 event_x{};
Fp1616 event_y{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
KeyEventFlags flags{};
ModifierInfo mods{};
GroupInfo group{};
std::vector<uint32_t> button_mask{};
std::vector<uint32_t> valuator_mask{};
std::vector<Fp3232> axisvalues{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct CrossingEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 32;
enum Opcode {
Enter = 7,
Leave = 8,
FocusIn = 9,
FocusOut = 10,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
NotifyMode mode{};
NotifyDetail detail{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp1616 event_x{};
Fp1616 event_y{};
uint8_t same_screen{};
uint8_t focus{};
ModifierInfo mods{};
GroupInfo group{};
std::vector<uint32_t> buttons{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct HierarchyInfo {
bool operator==(const HierarchyInfo& other) const {
return deviceid == other.deviceid && attachment == other.attachment &&
type == other.type && enabled == other.enabled &&
flags == other.flags;
DeviceId deviceid{};
DeviceId attachment{};
DeviceType type{};
uint8_t enabled{};
HierarchyMask flags{};
struct HierarchyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 33;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 11;
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
HierarchyMask flags{};
std::vector<HierarchyInfo> infos{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct PropertyEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 34;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 12;
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
Atom property{};
PropertyFlag what{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct RawDeviceEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 35;
enum Opcode {
RawKeyPress = 13,
RawKeyRelease = 14,
RawButtonPress = 15,
RawButtonRelease = 16,
RawMotion = 17,
RawTouchBegin = 22,
RawTouchUpdate = 23,
RawTouchEnd = 24,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t detail{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
KeyEventFlags flags{};
std::vector<uint32_t> valuator_mask{};
std::vector<Fp3232> axisvalues{};
std::vector<Fp3232> axisvalues_raw{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return nullptr; }
struct TouchOwnershipEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 36;
static constexpr uint8_t opcode = 21;
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t touchid{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
TouchOwnershipFlags flags{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct BarrierEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 37;
enum Opcode {
Hit = 25,
Leave = 26,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t eventid{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
XFixes::Barrier barrier{};
uint32_t dtime{};
BarrierFlags flags{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp3232 dx{};
Fp3232 dy{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct GesturePinchEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 38;
enum Opcode {
Begin = 27,
Update = 28,
End = 29,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t detail{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp1616 event_x{};
Fp1616 event_y{};
Fp1616 delta_x{};
Fp1616 delta_y{};
Fp1616 delta_unaccel_x{};
Fp1616 delta_unaccel_y{};
Fp1616 scale{};
Fp1616 delta_angle{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
ModifierInfo mods{};
GroupInfo group{};
GesturePinchEventFlags flags{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
struct GestureSwipeEvent {
static constexpr int type_id = 39;
enum Opcode {
Begin = 30,
Update = 31,
End = 32,
} opcode{};
uint16_t sequence{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
Time time{};
uint32_t detail{};
Window root{};
Window event{};
Window child{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp1616 event_x{};
Fp1616 event_y{};
Fp1616 delta_x{};
Fp1616 delta_y{};
Fp1616 delta_unaccel_x{};
Fp1616 delta_unaccel_y{};
DeviceId sourceid{};
ModifierInfo mods{};
GroupInfo group{};
GestureSwipeEventFlags flags{};
x11::Window* GetWindow() { return reinterpret_cast<x11::Window*>(&event); }
using EventForSend = std::array<uint8_t, 32>;
struct DeviceError : public x11::Error {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t bad_value{};
uint16_t minor_opcode{};
uint8_t major_opcode{};
std::string ToString() const override;
struct EventError : public x11::Error {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t bad_value{};
uint16_t minor_opcode{};
uint8_t major_opcode{};
std::string ToString() const override;
struct ModeError : public x11::Error {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t bad_value{};
uint16_t minor_opcode{};
uint8_t major_opcode{};
std::string ToString() const override;
struct DeviceBusyError : public x11::Error {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t bad_value{};
uint16_t minor_opcode{};
uint8_t major_opcode{};
std::string ToString() const override;
struct ClassError : public x11::Error {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint32_t bad_value{};
uint16_t minor_opcode{};
uint8_t major_opcode{};
std::string ToString() const override;
struct GetExtensionVersionRequest {
std::string name{};
struct GetExtensionVersionReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint16_t server_major{};
uint16_t server_minor{};
uint8_t present{};
using GetExtensionVersionResponse = Response<GetExtensionVersionReply>;
Future<GetExtensionVersionReply> GetExtensionVersion(
const GetExtensionVersionRequest& request);
Future<GetExtensionVersionReply> GetExtensionVersion(
const std::string& name = {});
struct ListInputDevicesRequest {};
struct ListInputDevicesReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<DeviceInfo> devices{};
std::vector<InputInfo> infos{};
std::vector<Str> names{};
using ListInputDevicesResponse = Response<ListInputDevicesReply>;
Future<ListInputDevicesReply> ListInputDevices(
const ListInputDevicesRequest& request);
Future<ListInputDevicesReply> ListInputDevices();
struct OpenDeviceRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct OpenDeviceReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<InputClassInfo> class_info{};
using OpenDeviceResponse = Response<OpenDeviceReply>;
Future<OpenDeviceReply> OpenDevice(const OpenDeviceRequest& request);
Future<OpenDeviceReply> OpenDevice(const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct CloseDeviceRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
using CloseDeviceResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> CloseDevice(const CloseDeviceRequest& request);
Future<void> CloseDevice(const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct SetDeviceModeRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
ValuatorMode mode{};
struct SetDeviceModeReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using SetDeviceModeResponse = Response<SetDeviceModeReply>;
Future<SetDeviceModeReply> SetDeviceMode(const SetDeviceModeRequest& request);
Future<SetDeviceModeReply> SetDeviceMode(const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const ValuatorMode& mode = {});
struct SelectExtensionEventRequest {
Window window{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using SelectExtensionEventResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> SelectExtensionEvent(const SelectExtensionEventRequest& request);
Future<void> SelectExtensionEvent(
const Window& window = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
struct GetSelectedExtensionEventsRequest {
Window window{};
struct GetSelectedExtensionEventsReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<EventClass> this_classes{};
std::vector<EventClass> all_classes{};
using GetSelectedExtensionEventsResponse =
Future<GetSelectedExtensionEventsReply> GetSelectedExtensionEvents(
const GetSelectedExtensionEventsRequest& request);
Future<GetSelectedExtensionEventsReply> GetSelectedExtensionEvents(
const Window& window = {});
struct ChangeDeviceDontPropagateListRequest {
Window window{};
PropagateMode mode{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using ChangeDeviceDontPropagateListResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(
const ChangeDeviceDontPropagateListRequest& request);
Future<void> ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(
const Window& window = {},
const PropagateMode& mode = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
struct GetDeviceDontPropagateListRequest {
Window window{};
struct GetDeviceDontPropagateListReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using GetDeviceDontPropagateListResponse =
Future<GetDeviceDontPropagateListReply> GetDeviceDontPropagateList(
const GetDeviceDontPropagateListRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceDontPropagateListReply> GetDeviceDontPropagateList(
const Window& window = {});
struct GetDeviceMotionEventsRequest {
Time start{};
Time stop{};
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetDeviceMotionEventsReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t num_axes{};
ValuatorMode device_mode{};
std::vector<DeviceTimeCoord> events{};
using GetDeviceMotionEventsResponse = Response<GetDeviceMotionEventsReply>;
Future<GetDeviceMotionEventsReply> GetDeviceMotionEvents(
const GetDeviceMotionEventsRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceMotionEventsReply> GetDeviceMotionEvents(
const Time& start = {},
const Time& stop = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct ChangeKeyboardDeviceRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using ChangeKeyboardDeviceResponse = Response<ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply>;
Future<ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply> ChangeKeyboardDevice(
const ChangeKeyboardDeviceRequest& request);
Future<ChangeKeyboardDeviceReply> ChangeKeyboardDevice(
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct ChangePointerDeviceRequest {
uint8_t x_axis{};
uint8_t y_axis{};
uint8_t device_id{};
struct ChangePointerDeviceReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using ChangePointerDeviceResponse = Response<ChangePointerDeviceReply>;
Future<ChangePointerDeviceReply> ChangePointerDevice(
const ChangePointerDeviceRequest& request);
Future<ChangePointerDeviceReply> ChangePointerDevice(
const uint8_t& x_axis = {},
const uint8_t& y_axis = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct GrabDeviceRequest {
Window grab_window{};
Time time{};
GrabMode this_device_mode{};
GrabMode other_device_mode{};
uint8_t owner_events{};
uint8_t device_id{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
struct GrabDeviceReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using GrabDeviceResponse = Response<GrabDeviceReply>;
Future<GrabDeviceReply> GrabDevice(const GrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<GrabDeviceReply> GrabDevice(
const Window& grab_window = {},
const Time& time = {},
const GrabMode& this_device_mode = {},
const GrabMode& other_device_mode = {},
const uint8_t& owner_events = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
struct UngrabDeviceRequest {
Time time{};
uint8_t device_id{};
using UngrabDeviceResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> UngrabDevice(const UngrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<void> UngrabDevice(const Time& time = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct GrabDeviceKeyRequest {
Window grab_window{};
ModMask modifiers{};
uint8_t modifier_device{};
uint8_t grabbed_device{};
uint8_t key{};
GrabMode this_device_mode{};
GrabMode other_device_mode{};
uint8_t owner_events{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using GrabDeviceKeyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> GrabDeviceKey(const GrabDeviceKeyRequest& request);
Future<void> GrabDeviceKey(const Window& grab_window = {},
const ModMask& modifiers = {},
const uint8_t& modifier_device = {},
const uint8_t& grabbed_device = {},
const uint8_t& key = {},
const GrabMode& this_device_mode = {},
const GrabMode& other_device_mode = {},
const uint8_t& owner_events = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
struct UngrabDeviceKeyRequest {
Window grabWindow{};
ModMask modifiers{};
uint8_t modifier_device{};
uint8_t key{};
uint8_t grabbed_device{};
using UngrabDeviceKeyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> UngrabDeviceKey(const UngrabDeviceKeyRequest& request);
Future<void> UngrabDeviceKey(const Window& grabWindow = {},
const ModMask& modifiers = {},
const uint8_t& modifier_device = {},
const uint8_t& key = {},
const uint8_t& grabbed_device = {});
struct GrabDeviceButtonRequest {
Window grab_window{};
uint8_t grabbed_device{};
uint8_t modifier_device{};
ModMask modifiers{};
GrabMode this_device_mode{};
GrabMode other_device_mode{};
uint8_t button{};
uint8_t owner_events{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using GrabDeviceButtonResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> GrabDeviceButton(const GrabDeviceButtonRequest& request);
Future<void> GrabDeviceButton(const Window& grab_window = {},
const uint8_t& grabbed_device = {},
const uint8_t& modifier_device = {},
const ModMask& modifiers = {},
const GrabMode& this_device_mode = {},
const GrabMode& other_device_mode = {},
const uint8_t& button = {},
const uint8_t& owner_events = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
struct UngrabDeviceButtonRequest {
Window grab_window{};
ModMask modifiers{};
uint8_t modifier_device{};
uint8_t button{};
uint8_t grabbed_device{};
using UngrabDeviceButtonResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> UngrabDeviceButton(const UngrabDeviceButtonRequest& request);
Future<void> UngrabDeviceButton(const Window& grab_window = {},
const ModMask& modifiers = {},
const uint8_t& modifier_device = {},
const uint8_t& button = {},
const uint8_t& grabbed_device = {});
struct AllowDeviceEventsRequest {
Time time{};
DeviceInputMode mode{};
uint8_t device_id{};
using AllowDeviceEventsResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> AllowDeviceEvents(const AllowDeviceEventsRequest& request);
Future<void> AllowDeviceEvents(const Time& time = {},
const DeviceInputMode& mode = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct GetDeviceFocusRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetDeviceFocusReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Window focus{};
Time time{};
InputFocus revert_to{};
using GetDeviceFocusResponse = Response<GetDeviceFocusReply>;
Future<GetDeviceFocusReply> GetDeviceFocus(
const GetDeviceFocusRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceFocusReply> GetDeviceFocus(const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct SetDeviceFocusRequest {
Window focus{};
Time time{};
InputFocus revert_to{};
uint8_t device_id{};
using SetDeviceFocusResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> SetDeviceFocus(const SetDeviceFocusRequest& request);
Future<void> SetDeviceFocus(const Window& focus = {},
const Time& time = {},
const InputFocus& revert_to = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct GetFeedbackControlRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetFeedbackControlReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<FeedbackState> feedbacks{};
using GetFeedbackControlResponse = Response<GetFeedbackControlReply>;
Future<GetFeedbackControlReply> GetFeedbackControl(
const GetFeedbackControlRequest& request);
Future<GetFeedbackControlReply> GetFeedbackControl(
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct ChangeFeedbackControlRequest {
ChangeFeedbackControlMask mask{};
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
FeedbackCtl feedback{};
using ChangeFeedbackControlResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> ChangeFeedbackControl(
const ChangeFeedbackControlRequest& request);
struct Keyboard {
KeyCode key{};
uint8_t auto_repeat_mode{};
int8_t key_click_percent{};
int8_t bell_percent{};
int16_t bell_pitch{};
int16_t bell_duration{};
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct Pointer {
int16_t num{};
int16_t denom{};
int16_t threshold{};
struct String {
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
struct Integer {
int32_t int_to_display{};
struct Led {
uint32_t led_mask{};
uint32_t led_values{};
struct Bell {
int8_t percent{};
int16_t pitch{};
int16_t duration{};
Future<void> ChangeFeedbackControl(const ChangeFeedbackControlMask& mask = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& feedback_id = {},
const FeedbackCtl& feedback = {
struct GetDeviceKeyMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
KeyCode first_keycode{};
uint8_t count{};
struct GetDeviceKeyMappingReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t keysyms_per_keycode{};
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
using GetDeviceKeyMappingResponse = Response<GetDeviceKeyMappingReply>;
Future<GetDeviceKeyMappingReply> GetDeviceKeyMapping(
const GetDeviceKeyMappingRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceKeyMappingReply> GetDeviceKeyMapping(
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const KeyCode& first_keycode = {},
const uint8_t& count = {});
struct ChangeDeviceKeyMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
KeyCode first_keycode{};
uint8_t keysyms_per_keycode{};
uint8_t keycode_count{};
std::vector<KeySym> keysyms{};
using ChangeDeviceKeyMappingResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> ChangeDeviceKeyMapping(
const ChangeDeviceKeyMappingRequest& request);
Future<void> ChangeDeviceKeyMapping(const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const KeyCode& first_keycode = {},
const uint8_t& keysyms_per_keycode = {},
const uint8_t& keycode_count = {},
const std::vector<KeySym>& keysyms = {});
struct GetDeviceModifierMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetDeviceModifierMappingReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t keycodes_per_modifier{};
std::vector<uint8_t> keymaps{};
using GetDeviceModifierMappingResponse =
Future<GetDeviceModifierMappingReply> GetDeviceModifierMapping(
const GetDeviceModifierMappingRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceModifierMappingReply> GetDeviceModifierMapping(
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct SetDeviceModifierMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t keycodes_per_modifier{};
std::vector<uint8_t> keymaps{};
struct SetDeviceModifierMappingReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
MappingStatus status{};
using SetDeviceModifierMappingResponse =
Future<SetDeviceModifierMappingReply> SetDeviceModifierMapping(
const SetDeviceModifierMappingRequest& request);
Future<SetDeviceModifierMappingReply> SetDeviceModifierMapping(
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& keycodes_per_modifier = {},
const std::vector<uint8_t>& keymaps = {});
struct GetDeviceButtonMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetDeviceButtonMappingReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<uint8_t> map{};
using GetDeviceButtonMappingResponse = Response<GetDeviceButtonMappingReply>;
Future<GetDeviceButtonMappingReply> GetDeviceButtonMapping(
const GetDeviceButtonMappingRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceButtonMappingReply> GetDeviceButtonMapping(
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct SetDeviceButtonMappingRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
std::vector<uint8_t> map{};
struct SetDeviceButtonMappingReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
MappingStatus status{};
using SetDeviceButtonMappingResponse = Response<SetDeviceButtonMappingReply>;
Future<SetDeviceButtonMappingReply> SetDeviceButtonMapping(
const SetDeviceButtonMappingRequest& request);
Future<SetDeviceButtonMappingReply> SetDeviceButtonMapping(
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const std::vector<uint8_t>& map = {});
struct QueryDeviceStateRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct QueryDeviceStateReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<InputState> classes{};
using QueryDeviceStateResponse = Response<QueryDeviceStateReply>;
Future<QueryDeviceStateReply> QueryDeviceState(
const QueryDeviceStateRequest& request);
Future<QueryDeviceStateReply> QueryDeviceState(const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct DeviceBellRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t feedback_id{};
uint8_t feedback_class{};
int8_t percent{};
using DeviceBellResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> DeviceBell(const DeviceBellRequest& request);
Future<void> DeviceBell(const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& feedback_id = {},
const uint8_t& feedback_class = {},
const int8_t& percent = {});
struct SetDeviceValuatorsRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t first_valuator{};
std::vector<int32_t> valuators{};
struct SetDeviceValuatorsReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using SetDeviceValuatorsResponse = Response<SetDeviceValuatorsReply>;
Future<SetDeviceValuatorsReply> SetDeviceValuators(
const SetDeviceValuatorsRequest& request);
Future<SetDeviceValuatorsReply> SetDeviceValuators(
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& first_valuator = {},
const std::vector<int32_t>& valuators = {});
struct GetDeviceControlRequest {
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint8_t device_id{};
struct GetDeviceControlReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t status{};
DeviceState control{};
using GetDeviceControlResponse = Response<GetDeviceControlReply>;
Future<GetDeviceControlReply> GetDeviceControl(
const GetDeviceControlRequest& request);
Future<GetDeviceControlReply> GetDeviceControl(
const DeviceControl& control_id = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct ChangeDeviceControlRequest {
DeviceControl control_id{};
uint8_t device_id{};
DeviceCtl control{};
struct ChangeDeviceControlReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t status{};
using ChangeDeviceControlResponse = Response<ChangeDeviceControlReply>;
Future<ChangeDeviceControlReply> ChangeDeviceControl(
const ChangeDeviceControlRequest& request);
struct Resolution {
uint8_t first_valuator{};
std::vector<uint32_t> resolution_values{};
struct AbsCalib {
int32_t min_x{};
int32_t max_x{};
int32_t min_y{};
int32_t max_y{};
uint32_t flip_x{};
uint32_t flip_y{};
uint32_t rotation{};
uint32_t button_threshold{};
struct Core {
uint8_t status{};
struct Enable {
uint8_t enable{};
struct AbsArea {
uint32_t offset_x{};
uint32_t offset_y{};
int32_t width{};
int32_t height{};
int32_t screen{};
uint32_t following{};
Future<ChangeDeviceControlReply> ChangeDeviceControl(
const DeviceControl& control_id = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const DeviceCtl& control = {{},
struct ListDevicePropertiesRequest {
uint8_t device_id{};
struct ListDevicePropertiesReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<Atom> atoms{};
using ListDevicePropertiesResponse = Response<ListDevicePropertiesReply>;
Future<ListDevicePropertiesReply> ListDeviceProperties(
const ListDevicePropertiesRequest& request);
Future<ListDevicePropertiesReply> ListDeviceProperties(
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct ChangeDevicePropertyRequest {
Atom property{};
Atom type{};
uint8_t device_id{};
PropMode mode{};
uint32_t num_items{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> data8{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>> data16{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>> data32{};
using ChangeDevicePropertyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> ChangeDeviceProperty(const ChangeDevicePropertyRequest& request);
Future<void> ChangeDeviceProperty(
const Atom& property = {},
const Atom& type = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const PropMode& mode = {},
const uint32_t& num_items = {},
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data8 = absl::nullopt,
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>>& data16 = absl::nullopt,
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>>& data32 = absl::nullopt);
struct DeleteDevicePropertyRequest {
Atom property{};
uint8_t device_id{};
using DeleteDevicePropertyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> DeleteDeviceProperty(const DeleteDevicePropertyRequest& request);
Future<void> DeleteDeviceProperty(const Atom& property = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {});
struct GetDevicePropertyRequest {
Atom property{};
Atom type{};
uint32_t offset{};
uint32_t len{};
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t c_delete{};
struct GetDevicePropertyReply {
uint8_t xi_reply_type{};
uint16_t sequence{};
Atom type{};
uint32_t bytes_after{};
uint32_t num_items{};
uint8_t device_id{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> data8{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>> data16{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>> data32{};
using GetDevicePropertyResponse = Response<GetDevicePropertyReply>;
Future<GetDevicePropertyReply> GetDeviceProperty(
const GetDevicePropertyRequest& request);
Future<GetDevicePropertyReply> GetDeviceProperty(
const Atom& property = {},
const Atom& type = {},
const uint32_t& offset = {},
const uint32_t& len = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& c_delete = {});
struct XIQueryPointerRequest {
Window window{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
struct XIQueryPointerReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
Window root{};
Window child{};
Fp1616 root_x{};
Fp1616 root_y{};
Fp1616 win_x{};
Fp1616 win_y{};
uint8_t same_screen{};
ModifierInfo mods{};
GroupInfo group{};
std::vector<uint32_t> buttons{};
using XIQueryPointerResponse = Response<XIQueryPointerReply>;
Future<XIQueryPointerReply> XIQueryPointer(
const XIQueryPointerRequest& request);
Future<XIQueryPointerReply> XIQueryPointer(const Window& window = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIWarpPointerRequest {
Window src_win{};
Window dst_win{};
Fp1616 src_x{};
Fp1616 src_y{};
uint16_t src_width{};
uint16_t src_height{};
Fp1616 dst_x{};
Fp1616 dst_y{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XIWarpPointerResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIWarpPointer(const XIWarpPointerRequest& request);
Future<void> XIWarpPointer(const Window& src_win = {},
const Window& dst_win = {},
const Fp1616& src_x = {},
const Fp1616& src_y = {},
const uint16_t& src_width = {},
const uint16_t& src_height = {},
const Fp1616& dst_x = {},
const Fp1616& dst_y = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIChangeCursorRequest {
Window window{};
Cursor cursor{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XIChangeCursorResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIChangeCursor(const XIChangeCursorRequest& request);
Future<void> XIChangeCursor(const Window& window = {},
const Cursor& cursor = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIChangeHierarchyRequest {
std::vector<HierarchyChange> changes{};
using XIChangeHierarchyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIChangeHierarchy(const XIChangeHierarchyRequest& request);
Future<void> XIChangeHierarchy(
const std::vector<HierarchyChange>& changes = {});
struct XISetClientPointerRequest {
Window window{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XISetClientPointerResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XISetClientPointer(const XISetClientPointerRequest& request);
Future<void> XISetClientPointer(const Window& window = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIGetClientPointerRequest {
Window window{};
struct XIGetClientPointerReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint8_t set{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XIGetClientPointerResponse = Response<XIGetClientPointerReply>;
Future<XIGetClientPointerReply> XIGetClientPointer(
const XIGetClientPointerRequest& request);
Future<XIGetClientPointerReply> XIGetClientPointer(const Window& window = {});
struct XISelectEventsRequest {
Window window{};
std::vector<EventMask> masks{};
using XISelectEventsResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XISelectEvents(const XISelectEventsRequest& request);
Future<void> XISelectEvents(const Window& window = {},
const std::vector<EventMask>& masks = {});
struct XIQueryVersionRequest {
uint16_t major_version{};
uint16_t minor_version{};
struct XIQueryVersionReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
uint16_t major_version{};
uint16_t minor_version{};
using XIQueryVersionResponse = Response<XIQueryVersionReply>;
Future<XIQueryVersionReply> XIQueryVersion(
const XIQueryVersionRequest& request);
Future<XIQueryVersionReply> XIQueryVersion(
const uint16_t& major_version = {},
const uint16_t& minor_version = {});
struct XIQueryDeviceRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
struct XIQueryDeviceReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<XIDeviceInfo> infos{};
using XIQueryDeviceResponse = Response<XIQueryDeviceReply>;
Future<XIQueryDeviceReply> XIQueryDevice(const XIQueryDeviceRequest& request);
Future<XIQueryDeviceReply> XIQueryDevice(const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XISetFocusRequest {
Window window{};
Time time{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XISetFocusResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XISetFocus(const XISetFocusRequest& request);
Future<void> XISetFocus(const Window& window = {},
const Time& time = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIGetFocusRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
struct XIGetFocusReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
Window focus{};
using XIGetFocusResponse = Response<XIGetFocusReply>;
Future<XIGetFocusReply> XIGetFocus(const XIGetFocusRequest& request);
Future<XIGetFocusReply> XIGetFocus(const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIGrabDeviceRequest {
Window window{};
Time time{};
Cursor cursor{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
GrabMode mode{};
GrabMode paired_device_mode{};
GrabOwner owner_events{};
std::vector<uint32_t> mask{};
struct XIGrabDeviceReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
GrabStatus status{};
using XIGrabDeviceResponse = Response<XIGrabDeviceReply>;
Future<XIGrabDeviceReply> XIGrabDevice(const XIGrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<XIGrabDeviceReply> XIGrabDevice(
const Window& window = {},
const Time& time = {},
const Cursor& cursor = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const GrabMode& mode = {},
const GrabMode& paired_device_mode = {},
const GrabOwner& owner_events = {},
const std::vector<uint32_t>& mask = {});
struct XIUngrabDeviceRequest {
Time time{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
using XIUngrabDeviceResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIUngrabDevice(const XIUngrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<void> XIUngrabDevice(const Time& time = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIAllowEventsRequest {
Time time{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
EventMode event_mode{};
uint32_t touchid{};
Window grab_window{};
using XIAllowEventsResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIAllowEvents(const XIAllowEventsRequest& request);
Future<void> XIAllowEvents(const Time& time = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const EventMode& event_mode = {},
const uint32_t& touchid = {},
const Window& grab_window = {});
struct XIPassiveGrabDeviceRequest {
Time time{};
Window grab_window{};
Cursor cursor{};
uint32_t detail{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
GrabType grab_type{};
GrabMode22 grab_mode{};
GrabMode paired_device_mode{};
GrabOwner owner_events{};
std::vector<uint32_t> mask{};
std::vector<uint32_t> modifiers{};
struct XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<GrabModifierInfo> modifiers{};
using XIPassiveGrabDeviceResponse = Response<XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply>;
Future<XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply> XIPassiveGrabDevice(
const XIPassiveGrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<XIPassiveGrabDeviceReply> XIPassiveGrabDevice(
const Time& time = {},
const Window& grab_window = {},
const Cursor& cursor = {},
const uint32_t& detail = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const GrabType& grab_type = {},
const GrabMode22& grab_mode = {},
const GrabMode& paired_device_mode = {},
const GrabOwner& owner_events = {},
const std::vector<uint32_t>& mask = {},
const std::vector<uint32_t>& modifiers = {});
struct XIPassiveUngrabDeviceRequest {
Window grab_window{};
uint32_t detail{};
DeviceId deviceid{};
GrabType grab_type{};
std::vector<uint32_t> modifiers{};
using XIPassiveUngrabDeviceResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIPassiveUngrabDevice(
const XIPassiveUngrabDeviceRequest& request);
Future<void> XIPassiveUngrabDevice(
const Window& grab_window = {},
const uint32_t& detail = {},
const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const GrabType& grab_type = {},
const std::vector<uint32_t>& modifiers = {});
struct XIListPropertiesRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
struct XIListPropertiesReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<Atom> properties{};
using XIListPropertiesResponse = Response<XIListPropertiesReply>;
Future<XIListPropertiesReply> XIListProperties(
const XIListPropertiesRequest& request);
Future<XIListPropertiesReply> XIListProperties(const DeviceId& deviceid = {});
struct XIChangePropertyRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
PropMode mode{};
Atom property{};
Atom type{};
uint32_t num_items{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> data8{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>> data16{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>> data32{};
using XIChangePropertyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIChangeProperty(const XIChangePropertyRequest& request);
Future<void> XIChangeProperty(
const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const PropMode& mode = {},
const Atom& property = {},
const Atom& type = {},
const uint32_t& num_items = {},
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data8 = absl::nullopt,
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>>& data16 = absl::nullopt,
const absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>>& data32 = absl::nullopt);
struct XIDeletePropertyRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
Atom property{};
using XIDeletePropertyResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIDeleteProperty(const XIDeletePropertyRequest& request);
Future<void> XIDeleteProperty(const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const Atom& property = {});
struct XIGetPropertyRequest {
DeviceId deviceid{};
uint8_t c_delete{};
Atom property{};
Atom type{};
uint32_t offset{};
uint32_t len{};
struct XIGetPropertyReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
Atom type{};
uint32_t bytes_after{};
uint32_t num_items{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> data8{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint16_t>> data16{};
absl::optional<std::vector<uint32_t>> data32{};
using XIGetPropertyResponse = Response<XIGetPropertyReply>;
Future<XIGetPropertyReply> XIGetProperty(const XIGetPropertyRequest& request);
Future<XIGetPropertyReply> XIGetProperty(const DeviceId& deviceid = {},
const uint8_t& c_delete = {},
const Atom& property = {},
const Atom& type = {},
const uint32_t& offset = {},
const uint32_t& len = {});
struct XIGetSelectedEventsRequest {
Window window{};
struct XIGetSelectedEventsReply {
uint16_t sequence{};
std::vector<EventMask> masks{};
using XIGetSelectedEventsResponse = Response<XIGetSelectedEventsReply>;
Future<XIGetSelectedEventsReply> XIGetSelectedEvents(
const XIGetSelectedEventsRequest& request);
Future<XIGetSelectedEventsReply> XIGetSelectedEvents(
const Window& window = {});
struct XIBarrierReleasePointerRequest {
std::vector<BarrierReleasePointerInfo> barriers{};
using XIBarrierReleasePointerResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> XIBarrierReleasePointer(
const XIBarrierReleasePointerRequest& request);
Future<void> XIBarrierReleasePointer(
const std::vector<BarrierReleasePointerInfo>& barriers = {});
struct SendExtensionEventRequest {
Window destination{};
uint8_t device_id{};
uint8_t propagate{};
std::vector<EventForSend> events{};
std::vector<EventClass> classes{};
using SendExtensionEventResponse = Response<void>;
Future<void> SendExtensionEvent(const SendExtensionEventRequest& request);
Future<void> SendExtensionEvent(const Window& destination = {},
const uint8_t& device_id = {},
const uint8_t& propagate = {},
const std::vector<EventForSend>& events = {},
const std::vector<EventClass>& classes = {});
Connection* const connection_;
x11::QueryExtensionReply info_{};
} // namespace x11
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceUse operator|(x11::Input::DeviceUse l,
x11::Input::DeviceUse r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceUse>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceUse>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceUse operator&(x11::Input::DeviceUse l,
x11::Input::DeviceUse r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceUse>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceUse>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::InputClass operator|(x11::Input::InputClass l,
x11::Input::InputClass r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::InputClass>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::InputClass>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::InputClass operator&(x11::Input::InputClass l,
x11::Input::InputClass r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::InputClass>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::InputClass>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ValuatorMode operator|(
x11::Input::ValuatorMode l,
x11::Input::ValuatorMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ValuatorMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ValuatorMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ValuatorMode operator&(
x11::Input::ValuatorMode l,
x11::Input::ValuatorMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ValuatorMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ValuatorMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropagateMode operator|(
x11::Input::PropagateMode l,
x11::Input::PropagateMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropagateMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropagateMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropagateMode operator&(
x11::Input::PropagateMode l,
x11::Input::PropagateMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropagateMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropagateMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ModifierDevice operator|(
x11::Input::ModifierDevice l,
x11::Input::ModifierDevice r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ModifierDevice>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ModifierDevice>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ModifierDevice operator&(
x11::Input::ModifierDevice l,
x11::Input::ModifierDevice r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ModifierDevice>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ModifierDevice>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceInputMode operator|(
x11::Input::DeviceInputMode l,
x11::Input::DeviceInputMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceInputMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceInputMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceInputMode operator&(
x11::Input::DeviceInputMode l,
x11::Input::DeviceInputMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceInputMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceInputMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::FeedbackClass operator|(
x11::Input::FeedbackClass l,
x11::Input::FeedbackClass r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::FeedbackClass>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::FeedbackClass>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::FeedbackClass operator&(
x11::Input::FeedbackClass l,
x11::Input::FeedbackClass r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::FeedbackClass>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::FeedbackClass>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask operator|(
x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask l,
x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask operator&(
x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask l,
x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeFeedbackControlMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask operator|(
x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask l,
x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask operator&(
x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask l,
x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ValuatorStateModeMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceControl operator|(
x11::Input::DeviceControl l,
x11::Input::DeviceControl r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceControl>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceControl>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceControl operator&(
x11::Input::DeviceControl l,
x11::Input::DeviceControl r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceControl>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceControl>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropertyFormat operator|(
x11::Input::PropertyFormat l,
x11::Input::PropertyFormat r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropertyFormat>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropertyFormat>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropertyFormat operator&(
x11::Input::PropertyFormat l,
x11::Input::PropertyFormat r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropertyFormat>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropertyFormat>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceId operator|(x11::Input::DeviceId l,
x11::Input::DeviceId r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceId>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceId>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceId operator&(x11::Input::DeviceId l,
x11::Input::DeviceId r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceId>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceId>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType operator|(
x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType l,
x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType operator&(
x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType l,
x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::HierarchyChangeType>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeMode operator|(x11::Input::ChangeMode l,
x11::Input::ChangeMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeMode operator&(x11::Input::ChangeMode l,
x11::Input::ChangeMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::XIEventMask operator|(x11::Input::XIEventMask l,
x11::Input::XIEventMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::XIEventMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::XIEventMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::XIEventMask operator&(x11::Input::XIEventMask l,
x11::Input::XIEventMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::XIEventMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::XIEventMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceClassType operator|(
x11::Input::DeviceClassType l,
x11::Input::DeviceClassType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceClassType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceClassType>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceClassType operator&(
x11::Input::DeviceClassType l,
x11::Input::DeviceClassType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceClassType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceClassType>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceType operator|(x11::Input::DeviceType l,
x11::Input::DeviceType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceType>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceType operator&(x11::Input::DeviceType l,
x11::Input::DeviceType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceType>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ScrollFlags operator|(x11::Input::ScrollFlags l,
x11::Input::ScrollFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ScrollFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ScrollFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ScrollFlags operator&(x11::Input::ScrollFlags l,
x11::Input::ScrollFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ScrollFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ScrollFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ScrollType operator|(x11::Input::ScrollType l,
x11::Input::ScrollType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ScrollType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ScrollType>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ScrollType operator&(x11::Input::ScrollType l,
x11::Input::ScrollType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ScrollType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ScrollType>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchMode operator|(x11::Input::TouchMode l,
x11::Input::TouchMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchMode operator&(x11::Input::TouchMode l,
x11::Input::TouchMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabOwner operator|(x11::Input::GrabOwner l,
x11::Input::GrabOwner r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabOwner>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabOwner>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabOwner operator&(x11::Input::GrabOwner l,
x11::Input::GrabOwner r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabOwner>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabOwner>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::EventMode operator|(x11::Input::EventMode l,
x11::Input::EventMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::EventMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::EventMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::EventMode operator&(x11::Input::EventMode l,
x11::Input::EventMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::EventMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::EventMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabMode22 operator|(x11::Input::GrabMode22 l,
x11::Input::GrabMode22 r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabMode22>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabMode22>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabMode22 operator&(x11::Input::GrabMode22 l,
x11::Input::GrabMode22 r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabMode22>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabMode22>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabType operator|(x11::Input::GrabType l,
x11::Input::GrabType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabType>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::GrabType operator&(x11::Input::GrabType l,
x11::Input::GrabType r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GrabType>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GrabType>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ModifierMask operator|(
x11::Input::ModifierMask l,
x11::Input::ModifierMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ModifierMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ModifierMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ModifierMask operator&(
x11::Input::ModifierMask l,
x11::Input::ModifierMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ModifierMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ModifierMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::MoreEventsMask operator|(
x11::Input::MoreEventsMask l,
x11::Input::MoreEventsMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::MoreEventsMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::MoreEventsMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::MoreEventsMask operator&(
x11::Input::MoreEventsMask l,
x11::Input::MoreEventsMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::MoreEventsMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::MoreEventsMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask operator|(
x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask l,
x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask operator&(
x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask l,
x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ClassesReportedMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeDevice operator|(
x11::Input::ChangeDevice l,
x11::Input::ChangeDevice r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeDevice>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeDevice>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeDevice operator&(
x11::Input::ChangeDevice l,
x11::Input::ChangeDevice r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeDevice>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeDevice>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceChange operator|(
x11::Input::DeviceChange l,
x11::Input::DeviceChange r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceChange>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceChange>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::DeviceChange operator&(
x11::Input::DeviceChange l,
x11::Input::DeviceChange r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::DeviceChange>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::DeviceChange>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeReason operator|(
x11::Input::ChangeReason l,
x11::Input::ChangeReason r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeReason>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeReason>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::ChangeReason operator&(
x11::Input::ChangeReason l,
x11::Input::ChangeReason r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::ChangeReason>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::ChangeReason>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::KeyEventFlags operator|(
x11::Input::KeyEventFlags l,
x11::Input::KeyEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::KeyEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::KeyEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::KeyEventFlags operator&(
x11::Input::KeyEventFlags l,
x11::Input::KeyEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::KeyEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::KeyEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::PointerEventFlags operator|(
x11::Input::PointerEventFlags l,
x11::Input::PointerEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PointerEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PointerEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::PointerEventFlags operator&(
x11::Input::PointerEventFlags l,
x11::Input::PointerEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PointerEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PointerEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::NotifyMode operator|(x11::Input::NotifyMode l,
x11::Input::NotifyMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::NotifyMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::NotifyMode>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::NotifyMode operator&(x11::Input::NotifyMode l,
x11::Input::NotifyMode r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::NotifyMode>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::NotifyMode>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::NotifyDetail operator|(
x11::Input::NotifyDetail l,
x11::Input::NotifyDetail r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::NotifyDetail>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::NotifyDetail>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::NotifyDetail operator&(
x11::Input::NotifyDetail l,
x11::Input::NotifyDetail r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::NotifyDetail>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::NotifyDetail>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::HierarchyMask operator|(
x11::Input::HierarchyMask l,
x11::Input::HierarchyMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::HierarchyMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::HierarchyMask>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::HierarchyMask operator&(
x11::Input::HierarchyMask l,
x11::Input::HierarchyMask r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::HierarchyMask>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::HierarchyMask>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropertyFlag operator|(
x11::Input::PropertyFlag l,
x11::Input::PropertyFlag r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropertyFlag>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropertyFlag>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::PropertyFlag operator&(
x11::Input::PropertyFlag l,
x11::Input::PropertyFlag r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::PropertyFlag>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::PropertyFlag>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchEventFlags operator|(
x11::Input::TouchEventFlags l,
x11::Input::TouchEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchEventFlags operator&(
x11::Input::TouchEventFlags l,
x11::Input::TouchEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags operator|(
x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags l,
x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags operator&(
x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags l,
x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::TouchOwnershipFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::BarrierFlags operator|(
x11::Input::BarrierFlags l,
x11::Input::BarrierFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::BarrierFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::BarrierFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::BarrierFlags operator&(
x11::Input::BarrierFlags l,
x11::Input::BarrierFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::BarrierFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::BarrierFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags operator|(
x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags l,
x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags operator&(
x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags l,
x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GesturePinchEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &
inline constexpr x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags operator|(
x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags l,
x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) |
inline constexpr x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags operator&(
x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags l,
x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags r) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags>;
return static_cast<x11::Input::GestureSwipeEventFlags>(static_cast<T>(l) &