blob: 20257d9ace1939fc0430fa19fed1d88ed5500465 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import("//build/config/sysroot.gni") # Imports android/config.gni.
declare_args() {
# Whether unstripped binaries, i.e. compiled with debug symbols, should be
# considered runtime_deps rather than stripped ones.
android_unstripped_runtime_outputs = true
template("android_clang_toolchain") {
clang_toolchain(target_name) {
"toolchain_args must be defined for android_clang_toolchain()")
# Android toolchains need to declare .dwp files as outputs, so need to know
# the value of "use_debug_fission" when defining them.
# The derived value of "use_debug_fission" varies based on current_os, but
# toolchain definitions are evaluated under the default toolchain.
# Rather than computing the value under current_os="android", just disable
# it if target_os != "android".
_use_debug_fission = use_debug_fission && target_os == "android"
toolchain_args = {
forward_variables_from(invoker.toolchain_args, "*")
current_os = "android"
use_debug_fission = _use_debug_fission
# Output linker map files for binary size analysis.
enable_linker_map = true
strip = rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin/llvm-strip", root_build_dir)
if (_use_debug_fission) {
# llvm-dwp does not work with thin lto, so use binutils one.
if (toolchain_args.current_cpu == "arm") {
_dwp = "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-dwp"
} else if (toolchain_args.current_cpu == "arm64") {
_dwp = "aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-dwp"
} else if (toolchain_args.current_cpu == "x86") {
_dwp = "x86-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/i686-linux-android-dwp"
} else if (toolchain_args.current_cpu == "x64") {
_dwp = "x86_64-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/x86_64-linux-android-dwp"
} else {
_dwp = "llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/llvm-dwp"
dwp = rebase_path("$android_ndk_root/toolchains/$_dwp", root_build_dir)
use_unstripped_as_runtime_outputs = android_unstripped_runtime_outputs
# Don't use for loadable_modules since they are always loaded via
# absolute path.
loadable_module_extension = ".so"
# We propagate configs to allow cross-toolchain JNI include directories to
# work. This flag does not otherwise affect our build, but if applied to
# non-android toolchains, it causes unwanted configs from perfetto to
# propagate from host_toolchain deps.
propagates_configs = true
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_x86") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "x86"
# We lack the libclang_rt.profile library for x86 and x86_64, so we cannot
# link any binaries that are generated with coverage instrumentation.
# Therefore we need to turn off 'use_clang_coverage' for this toolchain.
use_clang_coverage = false
# This turns off all of the LaCrOS-specific flags. A LaCrOS related build
# may use |ash_clang_x64| or |lacros_clang_x64| toolchain, which are
# chromeos toolchains, to build Ash-Chrome or Lacros-Chrome in a
# subdirectory, and because chromeos toolchain uses android toolchain, which
# eventually resulted in that android toolchains being used inside a LaCrOS
# build.
also_build_ash_chrome = false
also_build_lacros_chrome = false
chromeos_is_browser_only = false
ozone_platform = ""
ozone_platform_wayland = false
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_arm") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "arm"
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_mipsel") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "mipsel"
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_x64") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "x64"
# We lack the libclang_rt.profile library for x86 and x86_64, so we cannot
# link any binaries that are generated with coverage instrumentation.
# Therefore we need to turn off 'use_clang_coverage' for this toolchain.
use_clang_coverage = false
# This turns off all of the LaCrOS-specific flags. A LaCrOS related build
# may use |ash_clang_x64| or |lacros_clang_x64| toolchain, which are
# chromeos toolchains, to build Ash-Chrome or Lacros-Chrome in a
# subdirectory, and because chromeos toolchain uses android toolchain, which
# eventually resulted in that android toolchains being used inside a LaCrOS
# build.
also_build_ash_chrome = false
also_build_lacros_chrome = false
chromeos_is_browser_only = false
ozone_platform = ""
ozone_platform_wayland = false
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_arm64") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "arm64"
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_arm64_hwasan") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "arm64"
is_hwasan = true
android64_ndk_api_level = 29
android_clang_toolchain("android_clang_mips64el") {
toolchain_args = {
current_cpu = "mips64el"
# Toolchain for creating native libraries that can be used by
# robolectric_binary targets. It does not emulate NDK APIs nor make available
# NDK header files.
# Targets that opt into defining JNI entrypoints should use the
# //third_party/jdk:jdk config to make jni.h available.
# This toolchain will set:
# is_linux = true
# is_android = false
# is_robolectric = true
clang_toolchain("robolectric_$host_cpu") {
toolchain_args = {
current_os = host_os
current_cpu = host_cpu
is_robolectric = true