blob: cb53f85957d002590583c4a4763d7e530821e7a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This script is called by as part of the build process. It
* parses DevTools frontend .js and module.json files, collects localizable strings, checks
* if frontend strings are in .grd/.grdp files and reports error if present, and generates
* {jsonKey, IDS_KEY} mappings if there is no error.
* Usage:
* --root_gen_dir The root directory of the output .h and .cc files
* --output_header Absolute path of the output .h file for the id mappings
* --output_cc Absolute path of the output .cc file for the id mappings
const checkLocalizedStrings = require('../localization_utils/check_localized_strings');
const localizationUtils = require('../localization_utils/localization_utils');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const {promisify} = require('util');
const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
class Arguments {
constructor(rootGenDir, outputHeaderFilePath, outputCCFilePath) {
this.rootGenDir = rootGenDir;
this.outputHeaderFilePath = outputHeaderFilePath;
this.outputCCFilePath = outputCCFilePath;
function parseArguments(args) {
const rootGenDirIndex = args.indexOf('--root_gen_dir');
const outputHeaderIndex = args.indexOf('--output_header');
const outputCCIndex = args.indexOf('--output_cc');
return new Arguments(args[rootGenDirIndex + 1], args[outputHeaderIndex + 1], args[outputCCIndex + 1]);
async function main() {
const args = parseArguments(process.argv);
let frontendStrings;
try {
[frontendStrings, _] = await checkLocalizedStrings.parseLocalizableResourceMaps();
} catch (e) {
const toAddError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportResourcesToAdd();
const toModifyError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportIDSKeysToModify();
const toRemoveError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportResourcesToRemove();
let error = `${toAddError ? `${toAddError}\n` : ''}${toModifyError ? `${toModifyError}\n` : ''}${
toRemoveError ? `${toRemoveError}\n` : ''}`;
if (error !== '') {
error +=
'\nThe errors are potentially fixable with `node third_party/devtools-frontend/src/scripts/check_localizable_resources.js --autofix`'
// Since it's part of the build system, only fail if there are strings to be added to GRD/GRDP files
// or if there are wrong IDS_ keys.
if (toAddError || toModifyError)
try {
await generateDevToolsLocalizedStrings(args, frontendStrings);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error generating id map files:');
// Generates {jsonKey, IDS_KEY} mappings according to frontendStrings
async function generateDevToolsLocalizedStrings(args, frontendStrings) {
const promises = [];
const outputAbsoluteHeaderFilePath = path.join(args.rootGenDir, args.outputHeaderFilePath);
const outputAbsoluteCCFilePath = path.join(args.rootGenDir, args.outputCCFilePath);
const doNotEditStr =
`// This file is automatically generated by //third_party/devtools-frontend/src/scripts/build/generate_devtools_ui_strings.js. Do not edit.`;
const outputHeaderFileContent = `${doNotEditStr}
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/localized_string.h"
namespace devtools {
constexpr unsigned int kLocalizedStringsSize = ${frontendStrings.size};
extern const LocalizedString kLocalizedStrings[kLocalizedStringsSize];
} // namespace devtools
promises.push(writeFileAsync(outputAbsoluteHeaderFilePath, outputHeaderFileContent));
let mappingsStr = '';
frontendStrings.forEach((frontendString, idsKey) => {
mappingsStr += ` {"${localizationUtils.sanitizeStringIntoCppFormat(frontendString.string)}", ${idsKey}},\n`;
const outputCCFileContent = `${doNotEditStr}
#include "${args.outputHeaderFilePath}"
#include "third_party/devtools-frontend/src/front_end/langpacks/devtools_ui_strings.h"
namespace devtools {
const LocalizedString kLocalizedStrings[] = {
} // namespace devtools
promises.push(writeFileAsync(outputAbsoluteCCFilePath, outputCCFileContent));
return Promise.all(promises);