| # Starboard Version Changelog |
| |
| This document records all changes made to the Starboard interface, up to the |
| current version, but not including the experimental version. This file will |
| be updated each time a new Starboard version is released. Each section in |
| this file describes the changes made to the Starboard interface since the |
| version previous to it. |
| |
| **NOTE: Starboard versions 9 and below are no longer supported.** |
| |
| ## Experimental Version |
| |
| A description of all changes currently in the experimental Starboard version |
| can be found in the comments of the "Experimental Feature Defines" section of |
| [configuration.h](configuration.h). |
| |
| ## Version 13 |
| ### Changed lifecycle events to add support for a concealed state. |
| |
| * The *Pause* event is renamed to *Blur*. |
| * The *Unpause* event is renamed to *Focus*. |
| * The *Suspend* event is replaced by *Conceal* and *Freeze*. |
| * The *Resume* event is replaced by *Unfreeze* and *Reveal*. |
| |
| Most platforms should only need to replace 'Pause' with 'Blur', 'Unpause' with |
| 'Focus', 'Suspend' with 'Freeze', and 'Resume' with 'Reveal'. |
| |
| Since there is no longer a special *Preloading* state, applications should no |
| longer use the *Start* event when a preloaded application is brought to the |
| foreground. Instead, the same event(s) used for backgrounded applications |
| (*Concealed* or *Frozen*) should be used. |
| |
| See `cobalt/doc/lifecycle.md` for more details. |
| |
| ### Added network connectivity events and function. |
| |
| Added `kSbEventTypeOsNetworkDisconnected` and `kSbEventTypeOsNetworkConnected` |
| so the platform can provide hints to the application of network connectivity |
| changes. |
| |
| Added function `SbSystemNetworkIsDisconnected()` to allow the application to |
| query the network connectivity status. |
| |
| ### Added an event for date/time configuration changes. |
| |
| If the platform detects a change in the date/time configuration (e.g. timezone |
| change), then it should send the new `kSbEventDateTimeConfigurationChanged` |
| event. |
| |
| ### Deprecated speech recognizer API. |
| |
| The `starboard/speech_recognizer.h` APIs have been deprecated -- even for |
| platforms that define SB_HAS(SPEECH_RECOGNIZER). Instead, the application is |
| expected to use the `starboard/microphone.h` APIs. |
| |
| ### Updated platform-based UI navigation API. |
| |
| Added functions to direct the platform's UI engine to maintain focus on an item |
| for a specific time before allowing focus to change. Also added a function to |
| perform a batch of UI updates so that UI changes are atomic. |
| |
| Functionality for a few existing APIs were clarified without changing the API |
| itself. |
| |
| ### Fixed spelling on accessibility events. |
| |
| Changed `kSbEventTypeAccessiblityTextToSpeechSettingsChanged` to |
| `kSbEventTypeAccessibilityTextToSpeechSettingsChanged`. |
| |
| Changed `kSbEventTypeAccessiblitySettingsChanged` to |
| `kSbEventTypeAccessibilitySettingsChanged`. |
| |
| ### Deprecated some starboard macros. |
| |
| The following macros have been removed: |
| |
| * `SB_TRUE` |
| * `SB_FALSE` |
| |
| ### Deprecated some standalone starboard functions. |
| |
| The following starboard functions have been removed: |
| |
| * `SbCharacterIsAlphanumeric` |
| * `SbCharacterIsDigit` |
| * `SbCharacterIsHexDigit` |
| * `SbCharacterIsSpace` |
| * `SbCharacterIsUpper` |
| * `SbCharacterToLower` |
| * `SbCharacterToUpper` |
| * `SbStringConcat` |
| * `SbStringConcatUnsafe` |
| * `SbStringConcatWide` |
| * `SbDoubleAbsolute` |
| * `SbDoubleExponent` |
| * `SbDoubleFloor` |
| * `SbDoubleIsFinite` |
| * `SbDoubleIsNan` |
| * `SbMemoryAlignToPageSize` |
| * `SbMemoryCompare` |
| * `SbMemoryCopy` |
| * `SbMemoryFindByte` |
| * `SbMemoryIsAligned` |
| * `SbMemoryIsZero` |
| * `SbMemoryMove` |
| * `SbMemorySet` |
| * `SbStringCompare` |
| * `SbStringCompareAll` |
| * `SbStringCompareWide` |
| * `SbStringCopy` |
| * `SbStringCopyUnsafe` |
| * `SbStringCopyWide` |
| * `SbStringFindCharacter` |
| * `SbStringFindLastCharacter` |
| * `SbStringFindString` |
| * `SbStringGetLength` |
| * `SbStringGetLengthWide` |
| * `SbStringParseDouble` |
| * `SbStringParseSignedInteger` |
| * `SbStringParseUInt64` |
| * `SbStringParseUnsignedInteger` |
| * `SbSystemBinarySearch` |
| * `SbSystemSort` |
| |
| ### Add SbTimeMonotonic timestamp into SbEvent. |
| |
| ### Remove SbTimeMonotonic timestamp from SbInputData. |
| |
| ### Deprecated kSbSystemCapabilitySetsInputTimestamp from SbSystemCapabilityId. |
| |
| The new timestamp field from `SbEvent` will be used instead of the deprecated |
| timestamp in `SbInputData`. |
| |
| ### Moved `SbMediaIsSupported()` from `media.h` to `media_support_internal.h`. |
| |
| It has never been used by Cobalt. It is only used inside Starboard by functions |
| like `CanPlayMimeAndKeySystem()`, and is no longer exposed as a Starboard |
| interface function. |
| |
| ## Version 12 |
| ### Add support for platform-based UI navigation. |
| |
| The system can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbUiNavGetInterface()` to return `false`. Platform-based UI navigation |
| allows the platform to receive feedback on where UI elements are located and |
| also lets the platform control what is selected and what the scroll |
| parameters are. |
| |
| NOTE: This API is not used in the production web app yet, so please use the |
| stub implementation for `SbUiNavGetInterface()` for now. |
| |
| ### Require the OpenGL and Skia renderers on all platforms. |
| |
| The system must implement `SbGetGlesInterface()` in `starboard/gles.h` |
| or use the provided stub implementation. |
| |
| This change also effectively deprecates the gyp variable |
| "enable_map_to_mesh" in favor of CobaltGraphicsExtensionApi function |
| `IsMapToMeshEnabled()` and the command line switch --disable_map_to_mesh. |
| Now, Cobalt will assume the platform supports map_to_mesh, so platforms that |
| do not will have to have return |false| from `IsMapToMeshEnabled()` or use |
| the provided command line switch. |
| |
| ### Require the captions API. |
| |
| The system must implement the captions functions in |
| `starboard/accessibility.h` or use the provided stub implementations. |
| System caption can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbAccessibilityGetCaptionSettings(SbAccessibilityCaptionSettings* |
| caption_settings)` to return false as the stub implementation does. |
| This change also deprecates the SB_HAS_CAPTIONS flag. |
| |
| ### Require compilation with IPv6. |
| |
| Cobalt must be able to determine at runtime if the system supports IPv6. |
| IPv6 can be disabled by defining SB_HAS_IPV6 to 0. |
| |
| ### Require the microphone API. |
| |
| The system must implement the microphone functions in |
| `starboard/microphone.h` or use the provided stub functions. |
| The microphone can be disabled by having `SbMicrophoneCreate()` return |
| |kSbMicrophoneInvalid|. |
| This change also deprecates the SB_HAS_MICROPHONE flag. |
| |
| ### Require the memory mapping API. |
| |
| The system must implement the memory mapping functions in |
| `starboard/memory.h` and `starboard/shared/dlmalloc.h` or use the provided |
| stub implementations. |
| This change also deprecates the SB_HAS_MMAP flag. |
| |
| ### Require the on screen keyboard API. |
| |
| The system must implement the on screen keyboard functions in |
| `starboard/window.h` or use the provided stub implementations. |
| The on screen keyboard can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbWindowOnScreenKeyboardIsSupported()` to return false |
| as the stub implementation does. |
| |
| ### Require speech recognizer API. |
| |
| The system must implement the functions in `starboard/speech_recognizer.h` |
| or use the provided stub implementations. |
| The speech recognizer can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbSpeechRecognizerIsSupported()` to return `false` as the stub |
| implementation does. |
| |
| ### Require the speech synthesis API. |
| |
| The system must implement the speech synthesis function in |
| `starboard/speech_synthesis.h` or use the provided stub implementations. |
| Speech synthesis can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbSpeechSynthesisIsSupported()` to return false as the stub |
| implementation does. |
| |
| ### Require the time thread now API. |
| |
| The system must implement the time thread now functions in |
| `starboard/time.h` or use the provided stub implementations. |
| Time thread now can be disabled by implementing the function |
| `SbTimeIsTimeThreadNowSupported()` to return false as the stub |
| implementation does. |
| |
| ### Add SbFileAtomicReplace API. |
| |
| Introduce the Starboard function SbFileAtomicReplace() to provide the ability |
| to atomically replace the content of a file. |
| |
| ### Introduces new system property kSbSystemPathStorageDirectory. |
| |
| Path to directory for permanent storage. Both read and write |
| access are required. |
| |
| ### Introduce Starboard Application Binary Interface (SABI) files. |
| |
| SABI files are used to describe the configuration for targets such that two |
| targets, built with the same SABI file and varying toolchains, have |
| compatible Starboard APIs and ABIs. |
| |
| With this define, we have: |
| 1) Moved architecture specific defines and configurations from |
| configuration_public.h and *.gyp[i] files into SABI files. |
| 2) Included the appropriate SABI file in each platform configuration. |
| 3) Included the //starboard/sabi/sabi.gypi file in each platform |
| configuration which consumes SABI file fields and defines a set of |
| constants that are accessible when building. |
| 4) Provided a set of tests that ensure the toolchain being used produces |
| an executable or shared library that conforms to the included SABI file. |
| |
| For further information on what is provided by SABI files, or how these |
| values are consumed, take a look at //starboard/sabi. |
| |
| ### Updates the API guarantees of SbMutexAcquireTry. |
| |
| SbMutexAcquireTry now has undefined behavior when it is invoked on a mutex |
| that has already been locked by the calling thread. In addition, since |
| SbMutexAcquireTry was used in SbMutexDestroy, SbMutexDestroy now has |
| undefined behavior when invoked on a locked mutex. |
| |
| ### Migrate the Starboard configuration variables from macros to extern consts. |
| |
| The migration allows Cobalt to make platform level decisions at runtime |
| instead of compile time which lets us create a more comprehensive Cobalt |
| binary. |
| |
| This means Cobalt must remove all references to these macros that would not |
| translate well to constants, i.e. in compile time references or initializing |
| arrays. Therefore, we needed to change the functionality of the function |
| `SbDirectoryGetNext` in "starboard/directory.h". Because we do not want to |
| use variable length arrays, we pass in a c-string and length to the function |
| to achieve the same result as before when passing in a `SbDirectoryEntry`. |
| |
| A platform will define the extern constants declared in |
| "starboard/configuration_constants.h". The definitions are done in |
| "starboard/<PLATFORM_PATH>/configuration_constants.cc". |
| |
| The exact mapping between macros and extern variables can be found in |
| "starboard/shared/starboard/configuration_constants_compatibility_defines.h" |
| though the naming scheme is very nearly the same: the old SB_FOO macro will |
| always become the constant kSbFoo. |
| |
| ### Improve player creation and output mode query. |
| |
| 1. Introduce the new type SbPlayerCreationParam that holds the common |
| parameters used to create an SbPlayer() and to query for the output mode |
| support. |
| |
| 2. Replace SbPlayerOutputModeSupported() by SbPlayerGetPreferredOutputMode() |
| so the SbPlayer implementation can explicitly indicate its preference on |
| output mode, when all output modes are supported. |
| For example, Cobalt used to always query for |kSbPlayerOutputModePunchOut| |
| first, without providing details about the video going to be played, and |
| not query for output modes if punch out is supported. The new interface |
| allows the implementation to fine tune its output mode. For example, it |
| may decide to use |kSbPlayerOutputModeDecodeToTexture| for low resolution |
| videos. |
| |
| ### Introduce error handling into reference SbAudioSinkPrivate. |
| |
| The implementation is in: |
| "starboard/shared/starboard/audio_sink/audio_sink_internal.*". |
| |
| ### Change the thread types to be portable with stable ABI. |
| |
| The following types were updated: |
| SbThread, SbMutex, SbOnce and SbConditionVariable. |
| |
| ### Introduce support of cbcs encryption scheme into SbDrmSystem. |
| |
| The definition follows ISO/IEC 23001 part 7. |
| |
| ### Add link register to SbThreadContext. |
| |
| ### Make GYP configuration variables cobalt extensions instead. |
| |
| This change moves all of the GYP configuration variables to be members of |
| the struct declared in "cobalt/extension/configuration.h". All members are |
| function pointers that can be set for each platform, otherwise defaults |
| will be used. These can be referenced through functions declared in |
| "cobalt/configuration/configuration.h", which will use the extension API if |
| available, but will otherwise fall back onto default values. |
| |
| ### Add the PCLMULQDQ instruction feature. |
| |
| The PCLMULQDQ was added to the Starboard CPU features interface |
| for x86 architectures. |
| |
| ### |content_type| is added to SbMediaIsVideoSupported() and |
| SbMediaIsAudioSupported(). |
| |
| ### Enables a test that checks that Opus is supported. |
| |
| ### Add `kSbSystemPropertySystemIntegratorName` |
| |
| This change also deprecates `kSbSystemPropertyOriginalDesignManufacturerName`. |
| The `kSbSystemPropertySystemIntegratorName` value will represent the corporate |
| entity responsible for submitting the device to YouTube certification and for |
| the device maintenance/updates. |
| |
| ### Deprecated the Blitter API. |
| |
| Blitter API is no longer supported on any platform. Use the OpenGL ES |
| interface instead. |
| |
| ### Deprecated the Crypto API. |
| |
| Crypto API is no longer supported on any platform. BoringSSL CPU |
| optimizations are used instead. |
| |
| ### Deprecate the SB_HAS_VIRTUAL_REGIONS flag as all platforms define it to 0. |
| |
| ### Deprecate the usage of SB_MUST_FREQUENTLY_FLIP_DISPLAY_BUFFER. |
| |
| ### Deprecated unused enums |kSbPlayerDecoderStateBufferFull| and |
| |kSbPlayerDecoderStateDestroyed|. |
| |
| ### Deprecated the usage of |SbMediaIsOutputProtected()| and |
| |SbMediaSetOutputProtection()|. |
| |
| ### Deprecated the |SB_HAS_QUIRK_SEEK_TO_KEYFRAME| macro. |
| |
| ### Deprecated the |SB_HAS_ASYNC_AUDIO_FRAMES_REPORTING| macro. |
| |
| ### Deprecated 'cobalt_minimum_frame_time_in_milliseconds'. |
| |
| The variable 'cobalt_minimum_frame_time_in_milliseconds' is deprecated |
| in favor of the usage of |
| 'CobaltExtensionGraphicsApi::GetMinimumFrameIntervalInMilliseconds' API. |
| The declaration of 'GetMinimumFrameIntervalInMilliseconds' can be found |
| in cobalt/renderer/backend/graphics_context.h |
| |
| ### Deprecate support for GLES3 features. |
| |
| ### Deprecate Web Extension support. |
| |
| The Platform Services API should be used |
| instead. See cobalt/doc/platform_services.md. |
| |
| ### Add event for text-to-speech settings changes. |
| |
| If the platform supports text-to-speech settings, it must use the new |
| kSbEventTypeAccessiblityTextToSpeechSettingsChanged event to inform the app |
| when those settings change. For older starboard versions, use |
| kSbEventTypeAccessiblitySettingsChanged instead. |
| |
| ### Add extension to SbMediaCanPlayMimeAndKeySystem() for encryptionScheme. |
| |
| Now the Starboard implementation may choose to support |key_system| with extra |
| attributes, in order to selectively support encryption schemes on particular |
| containers or codecs. |
| The Starboard implementation needn't support |key_system| with extra attributes |
| if it meets the requirements for the default implementation of |
| `Navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess()`, which assumes that: |
| 1. When the Widevine DRM system is used, all the encryption schemes ('cenc', |
| 'cbcs', 'cbcs-1-9') should be supported across all containers and codecs |
| supported by the platform. |
| 2. When the PlayReady DRM system is used, only 'cenc' is supported across all |
| containers and codecs supported by the platform. |
| |
| Please see the comment of `SbMediaCanPlayMimeAndKeySystem()` in `media.h` for |
| more details. |
| |
| ## Version 11 |
| |
| ### Add arguments to `SbMediaIsVideoSupported`. |
| |
| Add arguments for profile, level, bit depth, color primaries, |
| transfer characteristics, and matrix coefficients. See comments of |
| `SbMediaIsVideoSupported` for more details. Also, the function |
| `SbMediaIsTransferCharacteristicsSupported()` is no longer necessary and is |
| removed. |
| |
| ### Add support for AC3 audio. |
| |
| ### Replace `kSbMediaVideoCodecVp10` with `kSbMediaVideoCodecAv1`. |
| |
| ### Add a new enum `kSbPlayerErrorMax` in `starboard/player.h`. |
| |
| ### Add new parameter `max_video_capabilities` to `SbPlayerCreate()`. |
| |
| This gives the application the option to specify to the `SbPlayer` object |
| what the maximum video specifications will be, as a hint to the platform |
| on how to allocate resources for the `SbPlayer`. For example, if the player |
| will never exceed a 240p playback resolution, then a software decoder may |
| be initialized. Please see comment in `SbPlayerCreate()` for more details. |
| |
| ### Refactor `SbPlayerSampleInfo` to reuse `SbPlayerSampleInfo` in filter based player. |
| |
| Additionally, add audio and codec info for every sample. |
| |
| ### Introduce audio write duration |
| |
| Add a function `SbMediaSetAudioWriteDuration()` to `starboard/media.h` |
| which communicates to the platform how much audio will be sent to the |
| platform at a time. |
| |
| ### Introduce Cobalt Extensions using the SbSystemGetExtension interface. |
| |
| Cobalt extensions implement app & platform specific functionality. |
| |
| ### Deprecate unused function `SbSystemClearPlatformError()`. |
| |
| ### Deprecate `kSbEventTypeNetworkDisconnect` and `kSbEventTypeNetworkConnect`. |
| |
| ### Add support for using C++11 standard unordered maps and sets. |
| |
| By setting `SB_HAS_STD_UNORDERED_HASH` to 1, a platform can be configured |
| to use C++11 standard hash table implementations, specifically, using: |
| |
| - `std::unordered_map<>` for `base::hash_map<>` |
| - `std::unordered_multimap<>` for `base::hash_multimap<>` |
| - `std::unordered_set<>` for `base::hash_set<>` |
| - `std::unordered_multiset<>` for `base::hash_multiset<>` |
| |
| When `SB_HAS_STD_UNORDERED_HASH` is used, it is no longer necessary to |
| |
| ### Adds support for specifying screen diagonal length. |
| |
| When a platform knows its physical screen diagonal length, it can now provide |
| that data to the application via `SbWindowGetDiagonalSizeInInches()`. |
| |
| |
| ### Add support for device authentication system properties. |
| |
| The system properties `kSbSystemPropertyCertificationScope` and |
| `kSbSystemPropertyBase64EncodedCertificationSecret` have been added to enable |
| client apps to perform device authentication. The values will be queried by |
| calls to `SbSystemGetProperty()` in `starboard/system.h`. An alternative to |
| providing the `kSbSystemPropertyBase64EncodedCertificationSecret` property is |
| to implement the SbSystemSignWithCertificationSecretKey() function, enabling |
| the key to remain private and secure. |
| |
| ### Add support for `SbThreadSampler` and `SbThreadContext`. |
| |
| This is helpful for enabling the implementation of sampling-based profilers. |
| A full implementation is only required if the new function |
| `SbThreadSamplerIsSupported()` returns `true`. A valid implementation will need |
| to implement the new `starboard/thread.h` functions, |
| `SbThreadContextGetPointer()`, `SbThreadSamplerIsSupported()`, |
| `SbThreadSamplerCreate()`, `SbThreadSamplerDestroy()`, |
| `SbThreadSamplerFreeze()`, `SbThreadSamplerThaw()`. |
| |
| ### Introduce functions for supplying suggestions to the on screen keyboard. |
| |
| A new API in `starboard/window.h` is introduced which declares the functions |
| `SbWindowUpdateOnScreenKeyboardSuggestions()` and |
| `SbWindowOnScreenKeyboardSuggestionsSupported()`. This is only relevant if |
| |
| ### Introduce new file error code `kSbFileErrorIO`. |
| |
| The new code, added to `starboard/file.h`, should match "EIO" on Posix |
| platforms. |
| |
| ### Move the definition of `FormatString()` from `starboard/string.h` to `starboard/format_string.h`. |
| |
| ### Make the decode target content region parameters floats instead of ints. |
| |
| The `SbDecodeTargetInfoContentRegion` struct is modified to accept `float`s |
| instead of `int`s. The primary motivation for this change is to make it so that |
| on platforms where it is difficult to obtain the width and height of a texture, |
| we can still correctly identify a precise fractional "normalized" content region |
| with the texture width and height set to 1. |
| |
| ### Add `kSbSystemPropertyOriginalDesignManufacturerName` enum value. |
| |
| This change also deprecates `kSbSystemPropertyNetworkOperatorName`. |
| The `kSbSystemPropertyOriginalDesignManufacturerName` value will represent |
| the corporate entity responsible for the manufacturing/assembly of the device |
| on behalf of the business entity owning the brand. |
| |
| ### Cross-platform helper Starboard definitions factored out of core interface. |
| |
| Cross-platform helper Starboard definitions refactored out of `/starboard/` |
| and into `/starboard/common/`. In order to more explicitly identify the core |
| Starboard API, multiple files, or parts of them, were moved into the static |
| library `/starboard/common/`. |
| |
| ### Log synchronization responsibility has been moved behind Starboard. |
| |
| The application is no longer responsible for synchronizing (e.g. via mutex) |
| calls to Starboard logging, this is now expected to be done by the Starboard |
| implementation. Logging functions, such as `SbLog` or `SbLogRaw`, must now have implementations that are thread-safe because they will be called from multiple |
| threads without external synchronization. |
| |
| Additionally, the minimum logging level is no longer set by the application, and |
| is instead set by grabbing the value as a command-line argument within |
| Starboard. |
| |
| ### Starboard now provides a EGL and GLES interface as a structure of pointers. |
| |
| To remove the direct inclusion of EGL and GLES system libraries throughout the |
| application, we need to move this dependency behind a Starboardized API. This |
| API can be found in `/starboard/egl.h` and `/starboard/gles.h`. |
| |
| ### Add interface for querying for CPU features, in `/starboard/cpu_features.h`. |
| |
| The new interface enables the platform to communicate to the application which |
| CPU features are available, which can enable the application to perform certain |
| CPU-specific optimizations (e.g. SIMD). |
| |
| |
| These macros must always be set to 1 for Starboard version 6 or later. They will |
| be removed in a future version. Any implementation that supports Starboard |
| version 6 or later should be modified to no longer depend on these macros, with |
| the assumption that their values are always 1. |
| |
| |
| ## Version 10 |
| |
| ### Introduce functions to query at runtime for media buffer settings |
| |
| In particular, the following methods are introduced: |
| - `SbMediaGetAudioBufferBudget` |
| - `SbMediaGetBufferAlignment` |
| - `SbMediaGetBufferAllocationUnit` |
| - `SbMediaGetBufferGarbageCollectionDurationThreshold` |
| - `SbMediaGetBufferPadding` |
| - `SbMediaGetBufferStorageType` |
| - `SbMediaGetInitialBufferCapacity` |
| - `SbMediaGetMaxBufferCapacity` |
| - `SbMediaGetProgressiveBufferBudget` |
| - `SbMediaGetVideoBufferBudget` |
| - `SbMediaIsBufferPoolAllocateOnDemand` |
| - `SbMediaIsBufferUsingMemoryPool` |
| |
| ### Add support for player_filter_tests |
| |
| Require compiling 'player_filter_tests' test target sources on all |
| platforms, including `audio_decoder_tests.cc` and `video_decoder_test.cc`. For |
| this Starboard API version and beyond, `SB_HAS(PLAYER_FILTER_TESTS)` is true. |
| |
| ### Deprecate SbMediaTime for SbTime |
| |
| SbMediaTime, which is 90khz based, was used to represent timestamps and |
| duration related to SbPlayer. As most of the platforms represent video |
| related times in milliseconds or microseconds, this causes a lot of |
| otherwise unnecessary conversion. Now all timestamps and duration related |
| to SbPlayer are represented by SbTime directly. |
| |
| ### Refine sample writing of SbPlayer |
| |
| Added two new functions `SbPlayerGetMaximumNumberOfSamplesPerWrite()` and |
| `SbPlayerWriteSample2()`. The former allows implementation to specify the |
| maximum numbers of samples that can be written using the latter at once. |
| As it takes multiple thread context switches to call `SbPlayerWriteSample2()` |
| once, it can optimize performance on low end platforms by reducing the |
| frequence of calling `SbPlayerWriteSample2()`. |
| |
| ### Add support for player error messages |
| |
| `SbPlayerCreate()` now accepts an additional parameter, `player_error_func`, |
| that can be called when an error occurs to propagate the error to the |
| application. |
| |
| ### Add support for system-level closed caption settings |
| |
| `SbAccessibilityGetCaptionSettings()` and `SbAccessibilitySetCaptionsEnabled()` |
| along with a number of supporting structure definitions have been added |
| to `accessibility.h`. Platforms will need to define SB_HAS_CAPTIONS to 1 in |
| order to enable the interface. |
| |
| ### Add support for audioless video playback |
| |
| SbPlayer can be created with only a video track, without any accompanying |
| audio track. The SbPlayer implementation must now be able to play back |
| a sole video track. |
| |
| ### Add support for audio only video playback |
| |
| SbPlayer can be created with only an audio track, without any accompanying |
| video track. The SbPlayer implementation must now be able to play back |
| a sole audio track. |
| |
| ### Require support for creating multiple SbPlayer instances |
| |
| Formerly, there were no tests ensuring that calling `SbPlayerCreate()` multiple |
| times (without calling `SbPlayerDestroy()` in between) would not crash, and |
| likewise no tests ensuring that calling `SbAudioSinkCreate()` multiple times |
| (without calling `SbAudioSinkDestroy()` in between) would not crash. |
| `SbPlayerCreate()` may return `kSbPlayerInvalid` if additional players are not |
| supported. `SbAudioSinkCreate()` may return `kSbAudionSinkInvalid` if additional |
| audio sinks are not supported. |
| |
| ### Require stricter error handling on calls some SbPlayer* calls |
| |
| Specifically, `SbPlayerCreate()`, `SbPlayerCreateWithUrl()` and |
| `SbDrmCreateSystem()` must result in invalid return values (e.g. |
| `kSbPlayerInvalid` or `kSbDrmSystemInvalid` appropriately). |
| |
| ### Refine the DRM API |
| |
| Specifically, the following changes have been made: |
| 1. Add a callback to SbDrmCreateSystem that allows a DRM system to |
| signal that a DRM session has closed from the Starboard layer. |
| Previously, DRM sessions could only be closed from the application |
| layer. |
| 2. Allow calling `SbDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc` and |
| `SbDrmSessionUpdatedFunc` with extra status and optional error message. |
| 3. Add request type parameter to `SbDrmSessionUpdateRequestFunc` to support |
| individualization, license renewal, and license release. |
| |
| ### Remove kSbSystemPathSourceDirectory |
| |
| Test code looking for its static input files should instead use the `test` |
| subdirectory in `kSbSystemPathContentDirectory`. |
| |
| ### Remove kSbSystemPropertyPlatformUuid |
| |
| This property was only ever used in platforms using `in_app_dial`. |
| The only usage of this system property was replaced with a |
| self-contained mechanism. |
| |
| ### Deprecate kSbMediaAudioSampleTypeInt16 |
| |
| `SB_HAS_QUIRK_SUPPORT_INT16_AUDIO_SAMPLES` has to be defined to continue |
| support int16 audio samples after this version. |
| |
| ### Add kSbPlayerErrorCapabilityChanged to SbPlayerError |
| |
| This allows the SbPlayer implementation to notify the app that its playback |
| capability has changed during a video playback. For example, the system may |
| support vp9 decoding with an external GPU. When the external GPU is detached, |
| this error code can signal the app to retry the playback, possibly with h264. |
| |
| ### Add support for SbSystemSupportsResume() |
| |
| Platforms doesn't need to resume after suspend can return false in |
| `SbSystemSupportsResume()` to free up the resource used by resume after |
| suspend. |
| Please see the comment in `system.h` for more details. |
| |
| ### Support the `kSbKeyMicrophone` keycode |
| |
| ### Add support for new decode target type, `kSbDecodeTargetFormat3Plane10BitYUVI420` |
| |
| Added `kSbDecodeTargetFormat3Plane10BitYUVI420` to the `SbDecodeTargetFormat` |
| enum in order to support 10-bit YUV textures. |
| |
| ### Optionally provide absolute timestamp to `SbAudioSinkConsumeFramesFunc()` |
| |
| `SbAudioSinkConsumeFramesFunc()` can now optionally accept an absolute |
| timestamp parameter that indicates when the frames are consumed. |
| Platforms that have the `frames_consumed` updated asynchronously can have |
| more accurate audio time reporting with this extra parameter. |
| Please see the comment in `audio_sink.h` for more details. |
| |
| ### Add support for the `SbAtomic8` type and memory access functions |
| |
| ### Introduce `SbMemoryProtect()` |
| |
| `SbMemoryProtect()` allows memory access permissions to be changed after they |
| have been mapped with `SbMemoryMap`. |
| |
| ### Add a `timestamp` field to `SbInputData` |
| |
| This allows platforms to provide more precise information on exactly when |
| an input event was generated. Note that if |
| `SbSystemHasCapability(kSbSystemCapabilitySetsInputTimestamp)` returns false, |
| the `timestamp` field of `SbInputData` should be ignored by applications. |
| |
| ### Introduces `kSbMemoryMapProtectReserved` flag. |
| |
| `kSbMemoryMapProtectReserved`, which is identical to `SbMemoryMapFlags(0)`, is |
| introduced. When `SbMemoryMap()` is called with `kSbMemoryMapProtectReserved`, |
| only virtual address space should be reserved for the mapped memory, and not |
| actual physical memory. |
| |
| ### Add support for multiple versions of ffmpeg |
| |
| An extra version agnostic ffmpeg dynamic dispatch layer is added in order to |
| support multiple different versions of ffmpeg as may appear on user systems. |
| |
| ### Make linux-x64x11 builds use GLX (via Angle) instead of EGL by default |
| |
| While common Cobalt code still targets EGL/GLES2, we now use Angle on |
| linux-x64x11 builds to translate those calls to GLX/GL calls. Thus, from |
| the perspective of the system, linux-x64x11 builds now appear to use |
| GLX/GL. This change was made because GLX/GL was generally found to have |
| better desktop support than EGL/GLES2. The logic for this is added in the |
| Starboard [enable_glx_via_angle.gypi](linux/x64x11/enable_glx_via_angle.gypi) |
| file. |
| |
| ### Split `base.gypi` into `cobalt_configuration.gypi` and `base_configuration.gypi` |
| |
| Up until now, both Cobalt-specific build configuration options as well as |
| application-independent Starboard build configuration options were mixed |
| together within base.gypi. They have now been split apart, and the application |
| independent options have been moved into Starboard under |
| [base_configuration.gypi](build/base_configuration.gypi). The Cobalt-specific |
| options have been left in Cobalt, though renamed to `cobalt_configuration.gypi`. |
| |
| ### Moved `tizen` to `contrib/tizen`. |
| |
| Please see [contrib/README.md](contrib/README.md) for description of |
| expectations for contents in this directory. |