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# karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter
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> A karma reporter that uses the latest istanbul 1.x APIs (with full sourcemap support) to report coverage.
<a href="">
<img src="" width="160">
## About
This is a reporter only and does not perform the actual instrumentation of your code. Babel users should use the [istanbul babel plugin]( to instrument your code and webpack + typescript users should use the [istanbul-instrumenter-loader]( and then use this karma reporter to do the actual reporting. See the [test config]( for an e2e example of how to combine them.
## Installation
npm install karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter --save-dev
## Configuration
// karma.conf.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = function(config) {
// ... rest of karma config
// anything named karma-* is normally auto included so you probably dont need this
plugins: ['karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter'],
reporters: ['coverage-istanbul'],
// any of these options are valid:
coverageIstanbulReporter: {
// reports can be any that are listed here:
reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary'],
// base output directory. If you include %browser% in the path it will be replaced with the karma browser name
dir: path.join(__dirname, 'coverage'),
// Combines coverage information from multiple browsers into one report rather than outputting a report
// for each browser.
combineBrowserReports: true,
// if using webpack and pre-loaders, work around webpack breaking the source path
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
// Omit files with no statements, no functions and no branches from the report
skipFilesWithNoCoverage: true,
// Most reporters accept additional config options. You can pass these through the `report-config` option
'report-config': {
// all options available at:
html: {
// outputs the report in ./coverage/html
subdir: 'html'
// enforce percentage thresholds
// anything under these percentages will cause karma to fail with an exit code of 1 if not running in watch mode
thresholds: {
emitWarning: false, // set to `true` to not fail the test command when thresholds are not met
// thresholds for all files
global: {
statements: 100,
lines: 100,
branches: 100,
functions: 100
// thresholds per file
each: {
statements: 100,
lines: 100,
branches: 100,
functions: 100,
overrides: {
'baz/component/**/*.js': {
statements: 98
verbose: true, // output config used by istanbul for debugging
// `instrumentation` is used to configure Istanbul API package.
instrumentation: {
// To include `node_modules` code in the report.
'default-excludes': false
### List of reporters and options
- [clover](
- [cobertura](
- [html](
- [json-summary](
- [json](
- lcov
- [lcovonly](
- none
- [teamcity](
- [text-lcov](
- [text-summary](
- [text](
## Credits
- [Original karma-coverage source](
- [Example of using the new reporter API](
- [Karma remap istanbul](
## License