| # Server-Sent Events Test Collection |
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| Server-Sent Events [latest draft](http://dev.w3.org/html5/eventsource/). |
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| Following up work done during the TestTWF 2012 Paris event: |
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| Most tests comes from [Opera](http://tc.labs.opera.com/apis/EventSource/), are from august 2010 and probably only valid against [spec rev. ~1.139](http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/html5/eventsource/Overview.html?rev=1.139;content-type=text%2Fhtml). You can check the following diff : |
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| [diff between 1.139 (23 Jul 2010) and 1.229 (25 Oct. 2012) revisions](http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/eventsource/Overview.html.diff?r1=text&tr1=1.139&r2=text&tr2=1.229) |
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| to get an idea of what needs to get updated. |
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| ##DONE (updated against rev. 1.229): |
| - **eventsource-constructor-url-bogus.htm**: whatwg r6602: renamed SYNTAX_ERR to SyntaxError |
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| - **eventsource-constructor-stringify.htm**: still valid. bugfix. |
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| ##TODO (need to be updated against rev. 1.229): |
| - **eventsource-cross-origin.htm**, **eventsource-constructor-non-same-origin.htm**: whatwg 6255 6257: allow CORS |
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| ##TOCHECK (need to check if the test is still valid against rev.1.229): |
| eventsource-close.htm |
| eventsource-constructor-document-domain.htm |
| eventsource-constructor-url-multi-window.htm |
| eventsource-eventtarget.htm |
| eventsource-onmessage.htm |
| eventsource-onopen.htm |
| eventsource-prototype.htm |
| eventsource-reconnect.htm |
| eventsource-url.htm |
| format-bom-2.htm |
| format-bom.htm |
| format-comments.htm |
| format-field-data.htm |
| format-field-event-empty.htm |
| format-field-event.htm |
| format-field-id-2.htm |
| format-field-id.htm |
| format-field-parsing.htm |
| format-field-retry-bogus.htm |
| format-field-retry-empty.htm |
| format-field-retry.htm |
| format-field-unknown.htm |
| format-leading-space.htm |
| format-mime-bogus.htm |
| format-mime-trailing-semicolon.htm |
| format-mime-valid-bogus.htm |
| format-newlines.htm |
| format-utf-8.htm |
| request-accept.htm |
| request-cache-control.htm |
| request-credentials.htm |
| request-redirect.htm |
| request-status-error.htm |