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# W3C Browser Automation Specification Tests
This repository defines a set of conformance tests for the W3C web
browser automation specification known as WebDriver. The purpose is
for the different driver implementations to be tested to determine
whether they meet the recognized standard.
## How to run the tests
1. Go to the WebDriver tests: `cd _WEBDRIVER_TEST_ROOT_`
2. Run the tests: `python`
3. Run the test against a different config specified in webdriver.cfg:
`WD_BROWSER=chrome python`
To be run a specific test file you can just run `python`
Similarly you can specify a different browser to run against if in webdriver.cfg:
`WD_BROWSER=chrome python ecmascript/`
Note: that you will need likely need to start the driver's server before running.
## Updating configuration
The _webdriver.cfg_ file holds any configuration that the tests might
require. Change the value of browser to your needs. This will then
be picked up by WebDriverBaseTest when tests are run.
Be sure not to commit your _webdriver.cfg_ changes when your create or modify tests.
## How to write tests
1. Create a test file per section from the specification.
2. For each test there needs to be one or more corresponding HTML
files that will be used for testing. HTML files are not to be
reused between tests. HTML files and other support files
should be stored in a folder named 'res'.
3. Test name should explain the intention of the test e.g. `def