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# Enabling Spherical Video in Cobalt
Cobalt supports playback of 360 spherical videos. Cobalt does not expose
this support to web applications through WebGL (which is currently
unimplemented in Cobalt), but rather through a custom `map-to-mesh` CSS
filter and custom [`window.camera3D` Web API](../dom/camera_3d.idl). Support
for spherical video in Cobalt requires a GLES rasterizer (i.e. it is not
supported for the Starboard Blitter API), and Starboard platform support for
the player
[decode-to-texture output mode](../../starboard/doc/
## Enabling spherical video support
Spherical video support requires `map-to-mesh` support, which must be
explicitly enabled in your Starboard platform's `gyp_configuration.gypi` file.
In particular, your platform's `gyp_configuration.gypi` file should contain the
'enable_map_to_mesh': 1,
When `enable_map_to_mesh` is set to 1, Cobalt will make the `map-to-mesh`
CSS filter parseable. The web app can then detect whether the browser,
Cobalt, supports spherical video by evaluating the following JavaScript:
function checkForMapToMeshSupport() {
return 'CSS' in window && 'supports' in window.CSS &&
'map-to-mesh(url(p.msh), 100deg 60deg,' +
'matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),' +
It is required that your platform provides
[decode-to-texture support](../../starboard/doc/
## Input
Cobalt currently supports input mappings from the following keys (defined in [starboard/key.h](../../starboard/key.h)):
- `kSbKeyLeft`
- `kSbKeyUp`
- `kSbKeyRight`
- `kSbKeyDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadDPadUp`
- `kSbKeyGamepadDPadDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadDPadLeft`
- `kSbKeyGamepadDPadRight`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickUp`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickLeft`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickRight`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickUp`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickLeft`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickRight`
Additionally, if your platform generates `kSbInputEventTypeMove` (from
[starboard/input.h](../../starboard/input.h)) events with
`SbInputData::position` set to values in the range `[-1, 1]`, for the following
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickUp`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickLeft`
- `kSbKeyGamepadLeftStickRight`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickUp`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickDown`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickLeft`
- `kSbKeyGamepadRightStickRight`
then they will be treated as analog inputs when controlling the camera.